All that Alabasta could see was desert. There was no life within hundreds of miles. In mid-air, the Death was flying towards the capital of Alabasta.

""Wow. Why is there a desert all over the place? What a desolate place." Nami shouted with curiosity.

Shaq on the side laughed and said,"This is not a natural phenomenon. It's man-made."

Shaq was about to touch Nami's head. As a result, Nami slapped his hand away and said with a grin,"Get out of here. Pervert Shaq. Don't touch me."

Shaq made a bitter face. Five days have passed since that night. Nami and Robin unanimously decided to punish Shaq. They didn't let Shaq touch them for several days. This made Shaq, who had already started to have sex, feel itchy. But he was helpless. He could only try to please the two women.

""Captain, are you saying that this endless desert is man-made?" Kulik asked in surprise. You know, this is a desert of hundreds of miles. Who has the ability to change the environment? Make it so that there is no grass growing within hundreds of miles?

"It's actually man-made? Who on earth has such ability?"Robin frowned secretly.

Shaq smiled and stretched out his hand to hug Robin."Pa" The result was as expected. Robin slapped his arm away again. Shaq said with a bitter face,"Okay. It takes more than one or two days to form such a large desert. But if the sand-sand fruit is used, sandstorms will often be triggered. Whenever it is about to rain, the moisture in the air and clouds will be sucked away. Wouldn't an endless desert be formed after a few years?"

"Sand-Sand Fruit? It's him." Robin said in surprise

"I see." Law also thought of who had done this. Kulik suddenly realized. He had also heard about who possessed the Sand-Sand Fruit. He figured it out all of a sudden.

Nami was curious. She was still young at the time and she landed on Sky Island shortly after going out to sea. So she didn't know much about the power of pirates."Sister Robin. Who is it? Can he actually change the natural environment?"

Robin said seriously.

"Nami, you are now a formal pirate.

Then you should also know about the major forces of pirates.

First is the king of pirates.

The Four Emperors who reign over the New World.

The world's strongest man, Edward Newgate, the Whitebeard.

The Whitebeard Pirates are the strongest force in the New World.

Then there is Kaido, the Beast of the Beast Pirates.

Known as the strongest creature in history.

And there is Red-Haired Shanks of the Red-Haired Pirates.

He is domineering and superb.

The last one is Big Mom, known as Big Mom.

She is also the only female among the Four Emperors.


Robin looked at Nami and said,"These four people control most of the territory of the New World. Even the navy dare not provoke them at will. Then there are the Seven Warlords of the Sea, which were established by the Navy to check and balance the Four Emperors. The Seven Warlords of the Sea were all former pirates. Each of them was extremely powerful. They could rob legally. As long as they handed over a portion of it to the Navy, that would be it."

"There are still pirates like this? Aren't these officials and bandits the same family?" Nami asked in surprise

"That's not the case. They are all using each other. Except for a tyrant, none of the Seven Warlords care about the navy."Shaq said calmly.

"The Seven Warlords of the Sea are composed of seven super pirates. They are the world's greatest swordsman, Jorakor. Mihawk. The tyrant Barosomi. Bear. Gekko Moriah. Pirate Queen Boa Hancock. Sea Knight Jinbei. Don Quixote. Doflamingo. And Crocodile."Robin continued

"And among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile is the user of the natural fruit, the Sand-Sand Fruit. This desert is also the masterpiece of that sand crocodile."Shaq said lightly

"Crocodile? He is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea like the Joker. I wonder how strong he is?"When Law heard that Crocodile was here, his fighting spirit was aroused. He wanted to try Crocodile first.

"Captain, we are almost in Albania. Where shall we land?" Kulik came over and asked.

"Let's find a place with few people outside the city to land."Shaq didn't worry at all that the other party would attack him. With the current fame and strength of the Death Pirates, Cobra would not be stupid enough to fight with the Death Pirates.

"Wow. There's a pirate ship." The soldier patrolling on the city wall suddenly looked up at the sky and shouted

"Quick. Sound the alarm."

"Oh my god. It's the Death Pirates. Oh no, the Death is coming." A captain of soldiers holding a telescope exclaimed

"Go and inform the king." Suddenly, the whole of Albana was in chaos. When the citizens heard that a pirate group was invading, they all hid. The soldiers of the royal army were also ready to go.

Inside the palace, King Cobra also looked solemn after hearing the report from the soldiers."What is the purpose of the Death Pirates coming to our Arabastan?"

Captain Ikarem of the Kingdom Guard said,"King. No matter what the purpose of the Death Pirates is. We must be prepared. Why don't we inform Lord Crocodile." (At this time, they had not discovered Crocodile's conspiracy. They still regarded him as a guardian.)

When Crocodile was mentioned, Cobra's eyes lit up and nodded,"Yes. Immediately notify Crocodile to come and help. Let's go negotiate with the Death Pirates first."

""Dad, I want to go too. Weiwei wants to defeat the evil pirates." Princess Weiwei, who is only 12 years old, looks righteous. Weiwei is still a little girl now. She only knows that pirates are bad guys. So she has an instinctive aversion to the Death Pirates.

"No. You stay in the palace. It's too dangerous outside. Ikareem, keep an eye on Weiwei. Don't let her run outside." Cobra refused without hesitation. After that, Cobra led the soldiers of the guard team out.

At the same time, Crocodile, who received the arrival of the Death Pirates, was excited. Because he wanted someone who could decipher ancient characters. Nico Robin of the Death Pirates was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. As the only survivor of O'Hara, Robin, who was awarded the title of scholar at the age of eight, Crocodile had been secretly looking for her for a long time.

"mr1.mr2mr3Everyone follow me to Albana. We must capture Nico Robin at all costs." Crocodile had a ferocious expression on his face. For his dream of dominating, it didn't matter if all his men died. As long as he could get that weapon.

All of the Baroque Studios members were in action at once. They all headed towards Albana. Crocodile, however, set out alone. Because at this time, the people of Alabasta didn't know that he was actually the owner of the Baroque Studios. So Crocodile planned to use his other identity first. The

Death Ship had landed not far from the capital Albana. Shaq and his group left only Kulik and a few crew members behind. The others all headed towards the capital.

""Here they come. The Death Pirates are coming." Seeing Shaq and his group approaching, the soldiers of the Kingdom Army shouted.

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