Looking at the giant tiger in front of him, Shak smiled. In the past year, Shak's combat experience has increased rapidly. He has also mastered five basic sword skills. His strength has reached ninety-five points. That is to say, Shak can now punch out with a force of nine thousand five hundred kilograms. If it were on Earth, he would be a little Superman. He can lift a car easily.

At this moment, he can use ordinary sword skills ten times in a row. However, his physical strength has not reached the standard of a high-level swordsman. Despite this, Shak's strength is not worse than those who have just broken through to the high-level swordsman. After all, the sword skills he has mastered are learned through space, and are more sophisticated than those of ordinary swordsmen.

Pull out the long sword from the giant tiger's eyes. Lift up one of the thousands of kilograms of the giant tiger's foot. Shak pulls the giant tiger's body out of the forest.

""Shaq, you are a monster." Jason opened his mouth and pointed at the giant tiger and shouted,"You can kill such a big tiger? Have you already broken through to the advanced swordsman level?""

"" Boom!" Shaq put the giant tiger down. The whole ground shook. He clapped his hands and said,"It hasn't broken through yet. But it will be soon. Jason, how are you?"

Jason immediately said with a bitter face,"Woo wooI'm still far from it. I only have 43 points of Dao power. I can only use my sword skills three times. I'm really pissed off. Ahhhhh."

Shaq patted Jason on the shoulder and said,"Why don't you come with me into the forest? That's where you can improve your strength.""

""But, but, my mother won't let me go." Jason said with a sad face. Originally, he wanted to fight in the forest like Shaq. But Jason's parents insisted on not agreeing. Because it was too dangerous. Helpless, Jason gave up. After all, he never thought about becoming a powerful man.

Shaq was different. His dream was to become the strongest. Only the strong are qualified to pursue their dreams and have the goddess in their hearts, so Shaq has been working tirelessly.

"You're back? Not bad. This giant tiger has the strength of a high-level swordsman. You were able to kill it without any injuries. It seems that you are about to break through."Ichiro Mimura came to the two of them at some point. He encouraged Shaq.

"Master." Shak said respectfully,"I can now use ten sword skills. My Dao power is also 95 points. I believe I can break through to the advanced swordsman in the next few days."

Sancunyilang smiled with satisfaction and said,"Don't go to the forest in the next two days. Focus on physical training."


Three days later, Shaq ran around Meisha Island with a 500-jin iron block on his back.

After one lap, Shaq's breathing was steady and he didn't feel tired.

After two laps, Shaq was sweating but his speed didn't slow down.

After three laps, Shaq's breathing was already disordered.

He still gritted his teeth and persisted.

After four laps, Shaq felt his feet were numb.

Finally, a warm current burst out from his body.

Shaq, who was already struggling, was immediately full of strength.

He ran a lap quickly.

"Finally. Finally I broke through."Shaq felt full of strength. He clenched his fist and punched the rock on the seashore."Bang!" A two-meter-high rock exploded."This is power. Finally I broke through."

"Is it time already?"That day Shaq started running with a weight in the afternoon. He actually ran all the way to the starry sky. It took eight or nine hours.

Back in the dormitory, Shaq took a shower and lay on the bed. He held a bounty in his hand and looked at it obsessively. There was an extremely beautiful woman on the bounty. Long black hair. Proud eyes. An obsessive figure. Boa Hancock, bounty of 80 million Baileys. This was the bounty from two months ago. At this time, Hancock was already one of the world-famous Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Hancock. Wait for me."Shaq said silently in his heart. He put the bounty in his arms and fell asleep.

The next day. Shaq found Ichiro Mimura and said,"Master. I have broken through the advanced swordsman."

"Really?" Ichiro Mimura excitedly grabbed Shak's hand and walked towards his own training ground in the backyard."Show it to me first."

Shak came to a machine that measured force. He raised his fist and punched the machine with all his strength."Bang" Ding Ding Ding. The number 104 immediately appeared on the machine. This is a machine invented by the World Government to test the force. Of course, this is just an ordinary machine. It can test a maximum of one thousand force. If it exceeds one thousand force, it will be broken.

""Good." Seeing Shak's test results, Ichiro Mimura clapped excitedly. He said,"My son Kojiro Mimura broke through to the advanced swordsman level at the age of eighteen. You are four years ahead of him. Shak. I will now teach you my unique skills. Killing God with One Sword. And Nine Dragons Ascension."

Shak was stunned. He was immediately excited. Unique skills. That is not comparable to ordinary sword skills. Generally, advanced swordsmen cannot use sword energy. But advanced swordsmen who master unique skills can use sword energy. So unique skills are an irresistible temptation for advanced swordsmen.

""Thank you, Master. I will make your unique skills famous all over the world. Let the whole world know the name of our Sanmura Dojo." Shak swore solemnly.

Sanmura Ichiro nodded with satisfaction. He picked up a wooden sword and focused on the front. Suddenly Sanmura Ichiro moved. He swung his hands holding the wooden sword instantly."Whoosh, hoosh, hoosh" Shak only felt a hurricane sweeping over. Several scarecrows more than ten meters away from Sanmura Ichiro's wall were immediately cut off by a sword energy. However, when the sword energy was about to touch the wall, it dissipated again. This is the control of the swordsman.

Shak closed his eyes.

He carefully recalled Sanmura Ichiro's slash just now.

In the practice space in his mind, an illusory version of Shak kept practicing Sanmura Ichiro's movements.

Shak closed his eyes and felt it.

Suddenly, the space The figure's movements changed.

The hand swinging the sword shook from time to time.

The trajectory of the sword also became irregular.

"Swish", the sword was chopped out.

Shak was surprised to find that this sword was twice as strong as the one chopped by Ichiro Mimura with the same strength.

Shak was very excited. He found that every time his strength improved, this space would have new changes. The space that was originally only used to help practice now has the function of perfecting skills. Shak forced himself to open his eyes with excitement.

Ichiro Mimura naturally couldn't discover Shak's secret. When he saw Shak open his eyes, he thought Shak opened his eyes because he had completed his comprehension. Ichiro Mimura held the wooden sword again and said,"Look, this is Nine Dragons Ascension."

After saying this, the long sword in Ichiro Sanmura's hand began to swing.

Flying up and down.

Finally, nine dragon-shaped sword qi blasted out.

"Boom" a big hole was blasted out in the whole wall.

But the strange thing is that there were no fragments of stone or wood.

Instead, there was dust all over the ground.

The hole in the wall was neat and smooth.

It was like it was cut with a cutting machine.

In an instant, the wall in front was crushed into dust.

This is the power of Nine Dragons Ascending to Heaven.

This is the result of Ichiro Sanmura's suppression of strength.

Otherwise, the whole gym would be turned into dust.

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