""One-sword style. Draw the sword and cut." Shak silently chanted to the huge sea king in front of him. A half-moon blade flashed by. The sea king, which was twice the size of the Death God, was immediately split in half from the middle of the forehead.

""Boom!" The huge corpse fell on the sea, stirring up countless waves. It also dyed the nearby sea water red.

"ohWe'll have an extra meal tonight. Long live the captain."The crew members on the Death cheered. In the past half month, the Death has been heading towards the Calm Belt. On the way, they encountered seven pirate groups, all of which were used as sharpening stones by Shark. They were all annihilated. As the battle continued, everyone's actual combat ability has improved a lot.

"Captain, the calm belt is ahead. I heard that the calm belt is the nest of sea kings. Should we go through it from the air?"Kulik walked to Shak and asked.

Shak smiled confidently and said,"Go directly from the sea. It's just a nest of sea kings. We are the gods of death. Kulik"


The captain is getting more and more domineering.

But I like it, hahaha.

Everybody move forward.

" Kulik laughed.

Shak is getting stronger and more domineering.

Kulik and others are very excited.

They feel honored to follow such a captain.

Two years ago, they were just unknown people.

Two years later, as long as they stand out, they will immediately cause a sensation.

Even if it is just a crew member, ordinary forces dare not provoke them.

They have this honor because of Shak's existence.

As the Death entered the doldrums. There is not a trace of wind here. If a ship is powered by wind, it will never get out of here in its lifetime. Of course, the Death is powered by electricity, so there will be no such accident. In addition to the lack of wind, the doldrums are more famous for the countless sea kings here.

Look. The Death has just entered the doldrums not long ago."Huahuahua"Countless huge heads emerged from the water. Sea kings that were even bigger than the Death were endless. The Death was like an ant among elephants among these sea kings. Giant red eyes stared at the Death. There was only one message in their eyes. That was food.

""Wow. There are so many sea kings. Abnormal Shaq. If we sell them, won't we get rich?" Nami was not afraid at all. Instead, she wanted to kill these sea kings and sell them. Although she already had a lot of treasures, Nami didn't have much spare money. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no space in the sky island, I'm afraid the whole gold mountain would have been emptied by Nami.

"Death is in charge. There are quite a lot of them. Kill them all?" Luo's long sword was slightly unsheathed. With a murderous look on his face, he didn't take these sea kings seriously at all.

"Hahaha. Teacher. How about grilling these small fishes?"Enelu looked at the sea kings with excitement. He wanted to try out the new moves that Shaq taught him. You know, although the sea kings in the sea are large and numerous, they are nothing in front of lightning. Seawater conducts electricity. No matter how many sea kings there are, they are just food.

"No need. This is too troublesome. And these are just small fish. There are also overlord-level sea beasts under the deep sea. If the smell of blood attracts too many overlord-level sea beasts, it will be annoying."Shaq said lightly

"What should we do then?"Robin looked at the sea kings with red eyes and said,"These friends are thirsty and hungry."

"Roar"I don't know which sea king roared first and attacked the Death. At that moment, countless sea kings rushed to the Death. They wanted to enjoy this delicious food.’

"Hahaha. What a spectacle."Enel laughed. Lightning and thunder flashed all over his body. As long as Shaq gave the order, he would immediately launch an attack.

""Hmph. Overlord color." Shak's eyes glared. Suddenly, an extremely overbearing momentum swept the whole place. The sea kings within a few thousand meters rolled their eyes. All of them floated on the sea surface like corpses, motionless. Even the sea kings who wanted to approach from the bottom of the sea were not spared. Thousands of sea kings turned their bellies upside down. This was a rare and spectacular sight.

"Awesome! He knocked them all down in one go. You are worthy of being the captain."

"The captain's domineering color has improved again"

"What sea kings are all garbage in front of the captain"

The other side of the Calm Belt is the Amazon Lily. In the palace of the Kingdom of Women, Hancock lazily lay on the throne. Suddenly, a cold light flashed across her eyes. She clearly felt the domineering aura of the king in the distance. And this aura was coming towards the direction of their Kingdom of Women.

Hancock sat up. There was a trace of solemnity on her charming face. Judging from this domineering aura, the person who came was definitely a master."Sonia, notify the National Guard that a strong enemy is coming. Gather at the port." The heavenly voice was filled with an irresistible majesty. This was Hancock's voice.

"Yes. Your Majesty." Two tall women stood at the entrance of the hall. The green-haired Boa Sandersonia responded and went to convey the order.

In a simple room in the palace, a short old woman had a gleam in her eyes."Such a strong domineering aura. Is it an enemy or a friend?" The old woman jumped up quickly and rushed out of the room. She didn't look like an old man at all.

"Dangdangdang"The alarm bells kept ringing in the city. Women with weapons were running in the streets. They gathered in the city square. The people of Amazon Lily were all warriors. Most of them were proficient in domineering. Even the navy was afraid of this force.

On the huge platform in the middle of the square. Boya Sandersonia looked at the densely packed warriors and waved her hand."Your Majesty ordered all the warriors of the National Guard to gather at the port. Prepare to fight against the enemy."

"For His Majesty"Tens of thousands of women shouted loudly.

The Death was sailing smoothly in the doldrums. An hour later, they finally saw an island. That was their destination this time. Amazon lily. Shaq and others stood on the bow and looked at the island from afar. They were getting closer and closer. The scene at the port was already visible.

"Wow, they are all women."Enel exclaimed,"It really is a land of women. It's really spectacular."

"Hehe. So many beauties. Look. Isn't that the world's most beautiful girl, Boa Hancock? So beautiful." Kulik pointed at the beautiful figure at the front of the port and shouted

"What a nice view"Everyone was overwhelmed by the beauty of Boa Hancock. What a beauty. Fair skin. Slender figure. Tall and charming devil figure. Peerless and charming face. Arrogant temperament. Eyes that look down on everything. Full of attraction. Any action can fascinate people. Beautiful. Worthy of being the world's most beautiful woman.

"Stupid and despicable man. Who allowed you to set foot in my kingdom? Kneel down and beg for my forgiveness."Hancock pointed at Shak and others with one hand. He raised his head proudly to the sky. This action immediately made the people of the Kingdom of Women cheer.

"Appeared. His Majesty's defiance. Simply perfect"

"Long live your majesty. I love you, your majesty."

"It's so beautiful. Your Majesty is truly the most perfect in the world."

Even the crew members on the Death were deeply fascinated. Shaq looked at Boa Hancock, the goddess of his dreams in past and present lives. He stood at the bow and shouted,"Hancock, let's get married."

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