The embarrassed Golden Lion looked at Shaq with eyes nearly blazing with anger. He gritted his teeth and said,"Good. Very good. I haven't suffered a loss for a long time. You should be proud of my strength at such a young age. However, it will be your greatest sorrow to offend me. Ha." The

Golden Lion snorted coldly. An extremely powerful aura rose from his body. The Golden Lion's hair stood up."Kakakaka!""The ground on the ground rose with the momentum of the golden lion. A large amount of land cracked and sank. An air vortex formed in the sky. The sky changed. The golden lion's full-strength attack actually changed the surrounding sky.

"Tsk. The old man is going crazy. His strength is no worse than Garp. It seems that if I don't fight hard today, I will really be in trouble. Lightning Secret Technique. Lightning Stimulation. Armament Color" The next moment Shaq also turned into a black man and was wrapped in lightning. His strength and speed increased by two times.

"Lion Power - Earth Roll" The golden lion swung the two swords on its feet directly at Shaq. The power of this trick was much stronger than before. The entire ground was rolled up for hundreds of meters. Hundreds of lions appeared and swept towards Shaq.

"Damn it. This is ten times more powerful than before. And this old guy is so cold-blooded."Shaq found that a few hundred meters behind him was the place where the Death Pirates, the Kingdom of Women and the Golden Lion were fighting. If Shaq dodges this move, most of the dozens of people fighting behind him will be wiped out by the Golden Lion's move.

"I can only take it head-on." Shak held the hilt of the thunder knife. At the same time, he shouted to the back,"You guys behind, get out of here quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me if you get killed."

The dozens of people fighting behind Shak turned their heads and saw a sky full of giant rock lions sweeping in like a tsunami.

They were immediately scared and fled everywhere.

Shak's face was solemn and he pulled out the thunder knife and raised it high.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

He shouted"One knife to split the mountain".

As Shak chopped down with the knife, a huge sword energy 30 meters high quickly slashed towards the group of rock lions.

"Boom" the sword energy cut the rock lion group in the middle.

But the countless sword energy contained in the lions also scattered.

Shak held the thunder knife horizontally in front of him.

"Ding Ding"The blade energy hit the lightning blade.

Shak's body quickly retreated with the force of the impact.

The entire ground was plowed into long trenches.

A full hundred meters.

More than half of Shak's legs were deeply embedded in the ground.

There were dozens of bloody scars on his body.

"So strong.


The surrounding pirates couldn't help but stop fighting. They looked at the destruction caused by the Golden Lion's move in horror. Except for the area near Shak in the middle. Both sides were completely destroyed by this move, and thousands of meters within turned into ruins. Many people who were still fighting were wiped out by this move.

Shak saw that there were three women's country warriors among them. One of his crew members died in this move. Shak's face became even uglier. This was the first time that someone in his pirate group died in battle. Shak's eyes turned red. He casually collected the bodies of dozens of Golden Lion's men into the devouring space. The scars on his body gradually disappeared. His physical strength was also restored a lot.

"Little brat, you can actually block this move of mine. But you will die in the next move. Lion's Might - Goshoji Scroll" The Golden Lion was surprised to see that Shak could actually block his move. He was even more determined to kill Shak. Since he couldn't use him for his own benefit, and he had unlimited potential and might threaten him at any time, it would definitely be an obstacle to his dominance. The Golden Lion used all his strength.

With this move, six huge tornadoes were formed. It made people feel like a natural disaster. For a moment, the entire Feikong Island was shocked by this move. Those ordinary residents fled in horror. The giant tornado swept past. Countless flowers, trees, huge stones and houses. Many pirates and indigenous people were caught in the tornado and cut into pieces by the sword energy contained in it.

"Damn it. No wonder half of Malinfando was destroyed. This move is enough to destroy half of the island. Damn it. Let's fight. Compress the Thunder Beast Cannon for me." Shaq fought hard. A huge thunder ball of hundreds of meters gathered on his right hand. Compressed and compressed again. Until the thunder ball turned black and compressed to about two meters.

Shaq pushed with his right hand. The thunder ball quickly rushed towards the golden lion's tornado."Boom!""Crack!" The space was shattered like glass by the collision. A huge mushroom cloud rose up. The extremely powerful energy aftermath spread out in all directions. All objects that came into contact with the aftermath were shattered. Huge cracks appeared on the ground.、

"Wow wow wow"The ground at the edge of the island collapsed completely. Thousands of meters of ground broke apart and fell into the sea. This move destroyed one-fifth of the island. A large number of natives were crushed by the tornado. More than half of the houses and trees were razed to the ground. The pirates near the area where Shark and Golden Lion fought were wiped out.

"Damn it. I don't know what happened to Hancock and the others."Shaq stood in the air with blood all over his body. His body was exhausted. There were even several wounds deep enough to see the bones. It was obvious that he had done his best to block the aftermath of this attack. He looked around and found that the golden lion was not nearby.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shaq kept chewing in his mouth, and a large amount of food was taken out of the space. Shaq ate it. Soon Shaq's stomach was bulging.

"Six styles of secrets. Life returned."After Shak used the six styles of secrets, his injuries recovered by 60% to 70%. Then he carefully looked at the situation on the island.

"Miserable. It's too miserable. Damn Golden Lion. He didn't even care about the lives of his own men." Shaq flew towards the island. He saw a lot of corpses along the way. But more than half of them were natives. There were also a lot of corpses of pirates under Golden Lion. As for the corpses of the Death God Pirates, Shaq also saw two. They were just ordinary crew members. This made Shaq angry and relieved. Shaq collected all the corpses of Golden Lion's men into the devouring space.

A lot of energy was fed back into Shaq's body by the space. Soon Shaq's injuries recovered. His strength was also increased by several percent. It can be said that Shaq is now back to his peak state. With the devouring space, Shaq is simply an immortal cockroach.

"Hancock Robin"Shaq called out loudly while carefully searching for Hancock and the others.

""Bang!" At this moment, the ground suddenly exploded. A figure pulled two people out from the ground. Shaq saw that it was Luo. He grabbed Nami with one hand and Bepo with the other and jumped to the ground. The three of them were in a mess.

"WhooshI almost died."As soon as Nami landed, she rushed towards Shaq. Shaq also landed on the ground and hugged Nami.

Luo and Bepo sat on the ground and breathed heavily. There were many wounds on their bodies. Fortunately, they were not too serious. Luo looked at Shaq and said,"After the tornado came, I opened a hole in the ground and hid underground with Bepo and Nami. But the others don't know."

"Bang."There was another explosion. Several figures emerged from the ground again. It turned out to be Kulik and Tina. Alice and a few crew members. They also hid underground like Luo to avoid the tornado. But they were much more miserable than Luo and his two companions. There were dozens of wounds on their bodies. One of the crew members even had his intestines exposed. It was extremely miserable.

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