One Piece Business Empire

Chapter 53: Mr. Ye's Dafa of Finding Dragons and Pointing Points! 【Customize!】

Now! The project has reached the final step. Thirty Water Style ninjas are standing around the pit with expressionless faces, and their hands are ready to seal the seal!

Ye Quan stood on the dining table on one side like the foreman, looking at everyone with a solemn expression, and finally his eyes fell on Zai Buchan who was carrying the big knife, and said coldly:

"If you don't kill the team leader, lead your Nongfu Spring team to fill me with water. 35

He only saw the bandaged look with a stern look, and then did not cut off the bandage on his face with one hand, revealing his cheeks that were as sharp as a knife, and the teeth in his mouth were inhumanly sharp. Style Jōnin also quickly formed the seal, and the hands kept changing. In the end, the thirty people said in unison:

"B-rank ninjutsu! Water Style·Bakushuo!


I saw 30 Water Style ninjas cast at the same time, 30 huge water columns with soaring power spit out from their respective mouths, a large amount of water vapor of Bai Huahua instantly swept the entire store, and the torrents collided together and finally fell into a 100-meter-deep pit. In an instant, a magnificent flowing waterfall was formed!

Ye Quan looked at it with satisfaction, nodded, glanced at the empty shelf behind him, waved his hand, and it was immediately filled with Red Bull, Snowflake, Pulse, Snickers and other products to restore physical strength.

"Strive to finish it before dawn, if anyone's Chakra is not enough, then 757 will get a drink by yourself!

Ye Quan looked at the Nongfu Spring team who was working for him with relief, and said very proudly.

Time passed little by little, and the desert temperature in the middle of the night dropped directly to tens of degrees below zero, which was very cold. The time slowly came to the early morning. The sun illuminated the interior of the store through the crack of the door, and the street outside the store also emitted liveliness. the din of hustle and bustle.

The endless stream of businessmen and local pedestrians on the street will whisper softly, or stop and watch when they pass the gate of heaven and earth!

"I don't know how Boss Ye is going to help Alabasta relieve the natural disaster!?

"It's almost noon, why doesn't Boss Ye open the door yet?"

"Boss Ye is such a good person! If he hadn't given free water yesterday, my children and I might not have survived yesterday! I must thank him in person today! 99

"Yeah yeah~!"

In a short time, dozens of poor people who came to thank Ye Quan for Ye Quan's kindness had gathered in the shade of the street outside the store entrance.

"Boss, it's done."

Inside the store, Ye Quan was lying on the bar and fell asleep. He was suddenly awakened by Zai Buzhu's low voice, and glanced blankly at the scene behind him.

All the Water Style ninjas are scattered around with a large number of bottles and jars, but the clear water in the middle, like a mirror, instantly attracted Ye Quan's eyes, I saw Ye Quan came to the water, his hands He poured some into his mouth, his face closed slightly, and he savored it carefully.

Thirty ninjas and birds around looked at Ye Quan and seemed to be nervously waiting for Ye Quan to say the result.

"a bit sweet.

Ye Quan smacked his mouth, said lightly, then got up, and walked towards the door in high spirits. As soon as the door opened, dozens of yellow-faced, skinny and weather-beaten poor people rushed over from across the street, Ye Quan's face was a little dazed.

"Boss Ye is such a good person! We are here to thank you, Boss Ye! 99

"Thanks to your water, Boss Ye! Saved the lives of our whole family!

Suddenly, Ye Quan laughed embarrassingly in the words of thanks from these people, and the streets of the downtown were once again blocked. thumb.

"This guy is really good! I don't know if he is married.

"Look, Boss Ye is so humble and polite even in the face of these poor and poor people at such a young age, this old man is ashamed!"

"Yeah! Whether or not he was sent by God to rescue Alabasta, it's good to give everyone a sustenance in their hearts! Much better than that incompetent king.

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense about this!

The streets were very lively, and some big yellow-flowered girls heard that heaven and earth had opened, and they rushed over from their homes in groups of three or five to watch Ye Quan secretly.

Ye Quan watched as more and more crowds gathered, which happened to be in his plan.

Crocodile has already erected a righteous image in the hearts of these people, and his current purpose is to erect a positive image far beyond Alokdal in the eyes of the people of Alabasta!

"Everyone be quiet!"

Ye Quan, who was standing at the door of the shop, raised his hands and shouted loudly. The crowd's voices began to decrease. Countless pairs of expectant eyes turned to Ye Quan. Ye Quan's expression suddenly became solemn. The atmosphere of the street It seems that Ye Quan's mood changes have also become a bit dignified.

"Know why I chose to buy this storefront here?"

Ye Quan said with a serious face, his eyes burning as if he was interrogating everyone, and the countless Alabasta people in long robes in front of them suddenly showed doubtful expressions and whispered to each other. said:

"To be honest, in fact, I have long heard that the drought in Alabasta has caused the people to live in poverty. As soon as I stepped into this area yesterday, I found that the drought in your country was not caused by God at all!

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience, and the discussions became a lot more lively. On the top floor of the commercial store opposite Ye Quan, a graceful white figure leaned against the building, looking at the building with an indifferent smile. below.

"Sure enough, even Boss Ye saw that the drought was caused by the king's use of [Dancing Powder]!"

"This... this can't be said nonsense! I believe everyone should be clear about the king's behavior, that incident must have been framed by someone!"

"But even Boss Ye said that it was not God's doing, but man-made! Besides the king, who else has such great ability!"

Immediately, the people on the street were divided into two factions, arguing with each other, and Ye Quan knew very well that Crocodile planned to frame the king's use of dancing powder, and the king was infamous for no reason, but Ye Quan did not. So stupid, tell the truth directly to these people, because Crocodile also has a noble position in their hearts.

Ye Quan waved his hand, and everyone became a little quieter.

"Don't mess around, listen to me, in fact, I will not only make money, but also a Grandmaster to find dragons and acupoints! As soon as I stepped into the Alabasta realm, I faintly noticed that the underground dragon veins of Alabasta were not right! The underground water veins are deeply locked, so I It caused a drought! And there is a water vein just below this store, Pindao...Bah! I just bought this place."

Ye Quan's serious nonsense immediately stunned the audience. Everyone's faces were filled with the word surprise, and they were chatting with each other:

"What is the Dafa of Searching for Dragons and Pointing Acupuncture Points?"

"I don't know? What Boss Xiangbiye has learned must be beyond ordinary people! But what is the underground dragon vein?"

"Hi~! This old man has lived for more than 80 years, but he has never heard of a thing called dragon veins in the underground of Alabasta. Sorry for the shallowness of my knowledge.

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