As Jiang Bei absorbed the energy frantically, cracks gradually appeared on Lei Ying. With every passing minute, more cracks appeared. The Thunder Fruit ability in his body expanded to its limit, and Jiang Bei transformed into a giant in the state of 200 million volts Thunder God inside Lei Ying, greedily eroding the few remaining lightning bolts in Lei Ying.

"Boom!"A few minutes later, under Jiang Bei's crazy absorption, Lei Ying finally shattered into pieces.

"Wow!"Without Lei Ying, the sky returned to its original state.

"Look at the sky...It's sunny...."

"Jiang Bei is there, great, he's fine!"Nami looked up at the sky nervously, and after seeing Jiang Bei's figure, she couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat that was flowing down because of nervousness, and the whole person relaxed.

"It seems that not only is he fine, the lightning on his body...It's really interesting..."Robin smiled slightly and looked at Jiang Bei carefully. Robin's curiosity could no longer be concealed.

"Really? God does exist in this world...."At this time, Gan Fuer was also in tears, looking at the lightning figure in the sky, muttering to himself.....

Meanwhile, on Angel Island

"Great, we don't have to leave Angel Island"

"I was so scared. I thought we were going to Qinghai for refuge."

"What was that just now? How could such a scary thing disappear?"

"It is said that there is a god who protects us."

"Is it God Enelu?"

"No...No, everyone listen to me, Enelu is actually the culprit....."The priests and the White Berets who escaped from the Island of Gods stood up and told the residents of Angel Island everything that Enelu had done on Sky Island. Although they didn't know who had saved them, saved the Sky Island, and saved this disaster, they would always remember in their hearts that God was real and would protect all the creatures on Sky Island........

"Phew, the matter is finally resolved. Then, it is time to see the treasure left by the legendary golden city of Shandora, the golden bell."Jiang Bei stepped on the moon step and searched for the location of the golden bell in the air.

The next moment, a huge golden bell appeared in front of him, covered with vines. Even after hundreds of years, the corrosion of the years has not made the color of the golden bell dim. If it is cleaned a little, it will surely shine with golden light.

"This one shouldn't be broken with one punch, right?" Jiang Bei circled the golden bell a few times, muttering to himself.

"Uncle Kulikai, I hope you can hear that the Golden Bell is real!"

Then, Jiang Bei punched the Golden Bell without hesitation, and the force was strong enough, otherwise how could the Golden Bell's singing be heard in Qinghai below?

"Ding!....Ding...Ding...."The sound of the golden bell rang again and again, reaching Angel Island. Everyone was intoxicated by the song and could not calm down for a long time.

When it reached the guerrilla tribe, the armed Shandora warriors put down their weapons one after another and stood there in a daze. Weber burst into tears and cried loudly. Yes, he was not dead. In the previous battle, he almost lost his breath, but he was secretly rescued by his companions. His tenacious belief kept him alive. Is the battle of hundreds of years finally coming to an end?

"It must be him, the one who rang the song of the holy land. Great! Peace is finally coming...."Ganfor returned to his residence and heard the sound of the golden bell. He was also startled, and then he smiled happily..........

At this time, in Qinghai below, Mont Blanc Kulik's residence

"Boss...Did you hear it?"

"That is...The sound of the golden bell...What a beautiful sound....."Kulikai was already in tears. His dream for so many years had finally come true. The Golden Bell really existed!

"Those guys really succeeded. I knew I was right about them. That's great."

"So, let's celebrate tonight!"

"I really hope to see those guys again...."

"If we meet them again, we must ask them to tell us about their experience on Sky Island....."........

"Could it be...This is the sound of the Golden Bell!"At this time, Nami and the others also heard the sound of the Golden Bell. At first, they didn't understand why, until they remembered what Kulikai said, and then they realized that Jiang Bei was going to ring the Golden Bell.

"It really does make sense...."Jiang Bei took one last look at the golden bell and left. As for the golden bell, let it stay in the air, so that they don’t have to fight for it.

Presumably, if Sky Island continues to fight with the guerrillas, then the original god Ganfor will still stand up and continue to be the god of Sky Island and stop the war between them. The guerrillas controlled by Weber should not want to start a war now after hearing the sound of the golden bell.

Things were finally resolved perfectly. Jiang Bei sighed. This time he finally escaped death and got rich in danger. Should he say it was good luck or the halo of the protagonist? I'm afraid Enel never expected from the beginning to the end that Jiang Bei could actually seize his ability of the Thunder Fruit and resolve this huge crisis. If he knew, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood and died.

"Hi, Nami, Robin, Maoji, I'm back! Is everyone okay?"Jiang Bei landed smoothly on the ground and greeted his friends with a smile.

"Great, you actually came back alive! I just thought...I thought everyone was almost dead." Nami rushed forward, turned into a fragrant breeze and threw herself into his arms, holding his sleeves tightly with her hands, and her tears soaked his clothes.

The atmosphere at this time was a little unclear, making the scene a little awkward. Robin looked at the two of them with a smile on his face.

"cough cough...That's about it...."Maoji looked at the two helplessly and couldn't help but joked.

When Nami heard this, a fiery look suddenly appeared on her fair face, and she quickly ran away like a rabbit.

Did you kill that god Enelus?" Maoji asked cautiously

"Um...Although it's a bit tricky, it's not a big problem."Jiang Bei smiled calmly and replied

"No way, how did you defeat him with the power of thunder and lightning?"Mao Ji felt as if his heart had been greatly hit. Thinking of his defeat, he felt annoyed. It seems that he needs to practice more in the future.

"By the way, Robin, have you finished reading the historical text hidden here?"Jiang Bei asked as if he suddenly remembered something. Although Jiang Bei didn't know what the historical text here said, he thought that as long as it was a historical text, it would be very important to Robin. Don't destroy the historical text in the battle with Enel.

"No problem, I have written down the content."Robin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and replied. But at this moment, Robin's heart was in turmoil, because even she herself discovered this historical text by accident, and she didn't know it in advance. But Jiangbei had just been fighting with Enel from beginning to end, how did he know about this? Although Robin was very curious, it was not a good time to ask. Maybe she could ask again when she had the chance.

"This matter has finally come to a successful conclusion, so it's time for us to say goodbye to this empty island.

Let's go back to Angel Island and get ready to set off!

" Jiang Bei stretched his body, and after a moment of laziness, a sharp look flashed across his face, and a stern aura burst out.

If you stand next to Jiang Bei, you can vaguely feel a dangerous atmosphere, and an invisible sense of oppression is rising in the hearts of several people, making them feel a little weak and sweating.

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