Outside the fish men island, Jinbei stands next to Tom.

"Although it's a bit presumptuous... I still want to ask, why did you take action against Fanda Duncan?"

"I don't know, but I believe that man will not give orders to me without reason, and... even if it is an order without reason, I will carry it out!"

Tom clenched his fists, and there was a huge black shadow swimming towards The Fish Men Island in front of him.

"It's Mian Jinmi. He... He's just a child who isn't very sensible. Please give me some time to persuade him to leave Fanda Duncan's command."

"Hurry up, you just heard that the man doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

Jinbei nodded and walked in front of Tom: "Hey, see you in Mianjin."

"Oh? It's Boss Jinbei, what's the matter?" Mianzumi's child-like voice sounded, which looked extremely weird and funny when paired with his full beard and chest hair.

"Fanda Duncan is not worthy of your following, and he is about to be arrested, you..."

"What!!! Want...to arrest the captain!!!"

Before Jinbei could finish speaking, Mianjin exclaimed: "Unforgivable!!!"

Matsumi was dragging a huge and dilapidated ship behind him, like a legendary ghost ship.

On the boat, the four-legged Fanda Duncan laughed strangely when he heard Mian Jinbei's voice: "Hehehehe, come and catch me? Jinbei?"

"See you in Mianjin! Kill him!"

"Yes! Captain!"

After receiving the order from Fanda Duncan, Mitsumi raised his fist and smashed it towards Jinbei: "Those who want to do harm to the captain should be buried in the sea!"

Jinbei's face darkened, his right foot retreated slightly, and his right fist was raised.

"The secret of fish-man karate: Buraikan!"

The huge water ball spun in front of Jinbei's palm and then penetrated Mitsumi's body.

"Wow...it hurts, it hurts!"

Under the high pressure of the deep sea, the power of Jinbei's Burai Gun is greatly reduced. He only beat Mianjin until he vomited blood, but he did not lose his fighting ability.

"Damn...deterrence! Millions of bald heads!!"

Mian Jinjian opened his big mouth, and the air and seawater from the seabed poured into his body.

The already huge body inflated like a balloon, approaching Jinbei and Tom.

"Fishman..." Jinbei took a slight breath and prepared to take action again.


"Let the farce end here!" Tom walked to Jinbei and raised his hand to stop Jinbei.

Then Jinbei saw Tom assuming the same pose.


Jinbei was stunned. There seemed to be a big difference in how Tom and other fishmen used the same moves. Isn't even Takerui Kan different?

On Tom's fist, the water ball was rotating at a super high speed, and the density of the water ball was compressed to an extremely terrifying level.

"The secret of fish-man karate, Wurai, Star Pass!"

boom! !

The high-pressure impact, which exceeded Buraikan's several times, enveloped Matsumi's huge body, and the huge shock wave even shattered the ghost ship behind it.


Mianjin rolled his eyes and fell down.

The ghost ship was also torn apart.

The huge shock wave did not stagnate at all after penetrating Mianjinmi and the ghost ship, and still rushed towards the deep sea.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a comet.

Tom stamped his foot and launched his huge body like a torpedo.

Fanda Duncan was found among the fragments of the ghost ship, having his swimming coating shattered by Bulaikan.

Fanda Duncan, the target fruit user, had already rolled his eyes at this moment.

Jinbei came to Tom's side shortly after.

"He attacked Princess Shirahoshi many times, it's not as good as..." Although he was shocked by Tom's use of Buraizuki just now, Jinbei still did not forget his duty.

"With your strength, couldn't you catch him early on? Jinbei?"

Jinbei was also stunned for a moment.

yes! If he had taken action against someone like Fanda Duncan, he would have solved it long ago, right?

"Although I don't know why that man hates him so much, I believe this guy must have a reason to die."

Tom held Vanda Duncan's head with one hand and raised it high.

"I think that man's words are very reasonable: 'Kindness to your enemies is cruelty to your friends.'"

Tom's hand flashed with water: "Shark!"

Like Hody Jones, Vander Duncan's head was shattered and his limbs hung limply.

After throwing Fanda Duncan's body aside, Tom said to Jinbei: "I have heard your story and admire what you have done for The fish men island, but..."

"You, who are so indecisive and womanly, are you trying to protect The Fish Men Island!? Jinbei!?"


"HO~~? Did you say that to Fatty Blue?" Dylan looked at the somewhat uneasy Tom in front of him thoughtfully.

"Ah...that...that's it. I feel that a man like that shouldn't be like this."

"Is that so..." Dylan nodded indifferently: "What about you? What do you think about this trip?"

Tom raised his furry palm and scratched his head: "Not really..."

Dylan laughed: "How strong is Jinbei, one of the Shichibukai?"

Tom showed a trace of doubt: "Dangdang, I am also a little confused. Isn't the 'Seven Warlords of the Sea' a big pirate? Why..."

Dylan raised his feet and said leisurely: "It's not that he is weak, but that you are strong enough now, Tom. Of course, it has not reached the strength I expected. So, it's not time to relax yet, wait for you, Shiryu, When Bell-mère and others are strong enough, we will work together to end this era of chaos and restore peace to the sea. You can also return to the Water City, and I will help you spread sea trains all over the sea. An ocean.”

Tom showed a longing look: "I'm really looking forward to that day..."

Then Tom seemed to remember something, lowered his head and asked again: "That... the fishman karate I use seems to be different from others?"

"Of course," Dylan lit up his cigarette. "What you practice is what the world government has compiled and perfected over the past 800 years. What they practice is just what has been passed down from generation to generation. Maybe theirs is more authentic, but yours is definitely more powerful."

"Understood." Tom nodded, showing a questioning look.

Dylan shook his head and signaled he could go out.

Seeing Tom's back, Dylan smiled.

This guy is truly a treasure.

Although his talent is different from that of King Luffy, and he cannot master Conqueror's Winding in three hours, he is definitely at the monster level.

When he masters the use of all armed colors and increases the intensity of the armed colors to another level...

There are only a handful of people in this sea who can fight him hand-to-hand.

If it were in the ocean, he would be invincible.

Bahru bahru, bahru bahru.

The blue phone bug rang, and Dylan was a little surprised.

Five Elders took the initiative to call themselves?


"Adams Dylan. We received news from the Dragon Palace Kingdom, and your subordinates clarified the misunderstanding between humans and fishmen."

"HO~ Neptune, this salted fish, is quite sensible." Facing the Five Elders, Dylan did not show too much obsequiousness.


The Five Elders seemed a little surprised by his attitude, but then they were relieved.

"As one of the representatives of the alien race, the attitude of the fishman also plays a very important role in the stability of the world government. This time you have made great contributions. How should you be rewarded?"

Actively explode equipment?

Dylan rubbed his fingers.

Something's not right. Five Elders are so easy to talk to? Don't you just smile on the face and prepare to kill Laozi in your heart?

But it’s hard to ask this question directly...

"Uh..." Dylan opened his mouth: "It should be done, but I happen to have something to ask you for help with, so why not consider it as this reward?"

"Oh? Tell me about it?"

Dylan looked at the "Fortune Fruit" placed on the bookcase next to him: "I heard that Vegapunk has done a lot of research on Devil Fruit and has made preliminary progress in object fusion. I want him to help me fuse a fruit. "

"Is that all? We agreed, and CP members will go to you later to understand your detailed needs. If there are orders, we will convey them directly to Vegapunk."

After saying that, Five Elders hung up the phone.

Looking at the extinguished phone bug, Dylan frowned slightly.

What was the reason for Five Elders to contact me?

The mere incident of the fishmen is definitely not enough to cause such a huge change in the attitude of the Five Elders.

Could it be that person...

Dylan thought of Mariejois' "Throne of the Void."

The only thing that can have such a huge impact on the Five Elders is it - "Im".

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