Navy Headquarters.

Inside the General Staff Office

"Take a look at the latest wanted list of the Sabaody Archipelago"

"Focus on the pirates who have over 100 million, and you may encounter them in the New World in the future."

"You are the leading force in this plan to eliminate the powerless pirates in the New World."

The Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters, Tsuru!

Together with the Navy Marshal Sengoku and the Navy Hero Garp, they have become the three giants of the Navy Headquarters.

Regardless of their combat effectiveness, their influence in the headquarters is unmatched by ordinary people.

When it comes to major plans and actions around the world,

Tsuru is the core figure in guiding and launching them.

At this time,

Tsuru looked at the woman in pink in front of him.

She was explaining the next New World plan.

This person was none other than Vice

Admiral Momosagi, who would soon lead the team across the Red Earth Continent to the New World.

"I have seen this nasty face many times."

"Is he in the Sabaody Archipelago now?"


Taotu pulled out the wanted warrant for Cavendish and put it on the table.

""Don't you like handsome men?"

He said half-jokingly.

In the headquarters, there were not many people who could joke with her.

Taotu, who was regarded as her own sister, was one of them.

"A guy who has no manliness at all, looks like a child wherever he goes"

"Do you think I like children? Sister Crane!"

Taotu couldn't help but sarcastically said.

In Taotu's eyes,

Cavendish's so-called"beautiful swordsmanship" was completely flashy and impractical.

Until now, she had hardly encountered it.

Otherwise, she would definitely tell him what the real swordsmanship was.

Chief of Staff Crane smiled and said,"Speaking of which, the female subordinate you recently recruited is also in the Sabaody Archipelago, right?"

"As a fellow swordsman, if you happen to meet her, wouldn't you worry about her safety?"

Let's not talk about Cavendish's character.

In terms of strength, ordinary lieutenant generals may not be able to deal with him easily.

Two hundred and eighty million Baileys!

It's not just talk.

Who knew that Taotu shook her head easily after hearing this.

"Don't worry at all... Our great Chief of Staff, when Dasiqi comes back, I really want you to meet her!"

"Oh? It's been many years since I've seen you praise someone like this."

Regarding Taotu's reaction,

He was really interested.

"Sister, do you know"

"When Dashiqi first followed me, she couldn't even block the three random swords I threw at her."

"After about a week, I realized that even if I got serious, it would take some effort to win her over."

"At this point, if I don’t take it seriously, this girl might leave a cut on me!"

""Dashiki... is evolving faster every day!"

Taotu's eyes sparkled when she said this.

What she cared about was not some capable general, but the fact that she could see with her own eyes the rise of a young swordsman from ordinary to strong.

Every time they met, both Dashiki herself and her sword"Shadow" seemed to be undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Hearing this, Chief of Staff Crane was quite shocked. Taotu knew her character best.

Without real strength, it was impossible for her to see him.

"When you come back from the Sabaody Archipelago, bring her to see me."

"If he is really as capable as you say, it is possible for him to be promoted exceptionally."

Staff Officer He replied.

"It’s a deal!"

Taotu tapped the table and said. It was not until she said it that she realized.

Could it be that Taotu came here today just for Dashiqi's promotion?

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