Navy Headquarters.

Half an hour before the world live broadcast begins

"The gunners in Zone E have completed the inventory and confirmed the number of shells!"

"The Gunners team in Zone B has assembled and the number of team members has been determined!"

"The N zone reception team is ready and tested to be correct!"


For today's battle, every department of the navy was fully prepared.

No one was allowed to make mistakes.

Twelve hours before the world live broadcast began, teams had been arranging today's tasks one after another.

Fighting against the overlord of the new world!

The strongest pirate on the sea! How will this battle turn out? All the marines knew nothing.

"Look, it's the Shichibukai! They're coming!"

"How impressive! Being a pirate to this extent is quite powerful!"

"One, two... five? Why only five? Aren't they the Shichibukai?"

"You haven't heard of this? The former Shichibukai Crocodile and Kaikyo Jinbei have committed a crime and have been imprisoned in the Deep Sea Prison."

"Forget about five of them, any one of them can be worth a hundred!"

"The leader is Brigadier General Dashiqi, right? She is so pretty and impressive!"

"That’s right, the best of the new generation of the navy are no worse than the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"


As soon as Dashigi led the team through the scene, they immediately became the focus of all the groups.

The people's heated discussions were getting louder and louder.

Not many people were really discussing the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Most of them were discussing Dashigi.

Dashigi herself didn't think it was a big deal. It was her own mission to guide the Seven Warlords.


Not long


"I see"

"It's all ready here."

"That's it."


Zhan Guo held the Den Den Mushi and had the final communication with the Five Elders.

Such a big event had not happened for many years.

Zhan Guo was nervous.

Then, he walked to the high execution platform. He held up the telephone line worm connected to the square loudspeaker worm.

He said in a loud voice:"Turn on the recording Den Den Mushi and start the world live broadcast!"






The command was delivered.

All the camera recorders of the Navy Headquarters were activated.

Clear pictures appeared on the connected big screen.

People all over the world received the signal at the first time.

The moment that all the people had been waiting for finally arrived!

"Oh!! Look above!"

"They are all here! It's incredible!"

"The news didn’t lie, this was the first time we saw all three of them together!"

"Something big is going to happen. This time it’s really going to happen!"

"Where is Whitebeard? Didn't they say Whitebeard would come? Where is he?"

"They are all navy soldiers! There are so many people, it is really spectacular!"

"The Marine Headquarters is really powerful. If I were Whitebeard, I wouldn’t dare to go there!"


As soon as the signal of the world live broadcast was turned on, people from all over the country immediately started to discuss it. What made them shout the most was the appearance of the three admirals of the navy.

Not to mention them, even Dashigi couldn't help but look back.

Akainu, Sakaski!

Kizaru, Borsalino!

Aokiji, Kuzan!

Three powerful natural devil fruit ability users.

They are also the three pillars of the current navy!

The three of them gathered together today, which has already shown the determination of the navy to confront Whitebeard.

It depends on whether Whitebeard dares to show up.

Afterwards, under the impassioned speech of Marshal Sengoku,

Fire Fist Ace was brought to the execution platform with seastone handcuffs and leg shackles.

Dozens of nautical miles around the Navy Headquarters, patrol boats were investigating again and again, and repeatedly reporting the situation to Staff Officer Xiang He.

Once the figure of the Whitebeard fleet was found, it would be immediately transmitted to Sengoku's ears.

The major artillery batteries prepared in the headquarters will occupy a great advantage in terms of geographical location.

Whether it is watching the live broadcast or the naval lineup on the scene.

Everyone's attention was drawn to Zhan Guo's speech.

Lu Feng himself didn't care at all.

His mental power spread linearly, repeatedly detecting the movements on the seabed.

"It should be about time, right?"

"Could the Whitebeard helmsman be lost?"

Waiting is the most anxious thing, and it is a very exhausting experience.

Especially when you know that something big is about to happen, but you are not sure of the exact time.

This is the most unsettling thing!

After speaking for nearly 20 minutes,

Zhan Guo's speech came to the point.

"Today, we are going to execute prisoners, everyone should know"

"The captain of the great villain Whitebeard, Ace the Fire Fist!"

"In fact, he has another identity."

"We have no choice but to publicly execute him."

When Zhan Guo shouted, his eyes were red and his hands were twitching slightly.

It was obvious that he was nervous when he talked about this matter.

Garp, who was sitting in the middle seat, clenched his teeth and looked solemn.

A secret.

He kept it for so many years.

But he didn't expect that today, everything would be in vain!

"Is there another identity? Isn't it just Ace the Fire Fist?"

"I don't understand either. What did Marshal Zhan Guo mean?"

"Is there something else going on? Must you tell me now?"

"Be quiet and listen carefully!"


Zhan Guo kept it a secret, but it caused a lot of speculation.

Everyone perked up.

They were afraid of missing the big news Zhan Guo said.

Ace, who was on the execution platform, lowered his head.

He looked angry, but helpless.

From the moment he was controlled by others

, he was completely defeated. He had no complaints or nonsense to say.

Zhan Guo held up the loudspeaker Den Den Mushi, took a deep breath and continued:

"The true identity of Fire Fist Ace is the posthumous son of the former Pirate King Goldo Roger!"

""Goldo Ace!"

As soon as he shouted, the scene became quiet in an instant.

Not to mention the ordinary officers and soldiers.

Even the Seven Warlords of the Sea were kept in the dark.

Their expressions were very interesting.

After Ace had another identity, the meaning of this operation was completely changed!

"He is actually the son of One Piece?"

"It's really hard to imagine!"

Dashiqi stood in her position, stunned and said.


"Here they come!"

Lu Feng, who had been exploring non-stop, finally found a huge ship on the seabed.

It must be said that choosing such a way to break in is really unthinkable for ordinary people.

With courage and strategy, it is no wonder that Whitebeard has been able to stand in the New World for so many years.

"Gulp Gulp……"

"Gulp Gulp……"

Soon, bubbles appeared at the bottom of the central lake.

The vigilance in Lu Feng's sword spirit suddenly released, reminding Dashiqi at the scene.


"What's going on with this lake?"

"Is this true? No way!"

Dashiqi thought about it and thought of something terrible.

The next second, a huge shadow appeared in the lake.

She was not the only one who saw it.

"Enemy attack!"

"At the bottom of the lake!"

Dashiqi shouted loudly, alerting everyone


""Bang! Bang!"

A violent sound suddenly spread.

Zhan Guo's face turned pale.

He thought of various situations. He didn't expect Whitebeard to be coated and dive from underwater.

The huge hull of the Moby Dick emerged in the central lake.

The tight defense outside seemed like paper in their eyes.

This is the combat level of the Four Emperors!

Wanting to distance themselves from them, but invisibly creating better conditions for them.

"Ace! Here we come!"

"This brat looks very energetic!"

"Wait for us, we will come to rescue you right away!"

"Hahaha, is this the Navy Headquarters? It looks great!"

"Flatten this place and rescue Brother Ace! I'll take care of the camp on the left."

"You are right! Here comes the one on the right!"


At the front of the Moby Dick deck, the captains of the squads shouted loudly.

Even before their father showed up, they had already started to divide their opponents.

Marco, who was standing at the front, took a deep breath.

The first thing he saw was Dashigi!

"It's really bad that we met here."

"I tell you guys to be careful, I'll deal with the female swordsman in the middle!"

""Remember my words, no one can interfere!"

Marco said seriously.

It's not that Marco doesn't want others to help him.

But after watching Tashigi's battle in the New World, he knew that fighting her was not a matter of numbers. If people around him got involved, it might bring greater danger!

"Have you set your sights on this?"

"Captain One, Phoenix Marco!"

"Hahaha, he's not bad as an opponent!"

Lu Feng felt Marco's hostility and couldn't help laughing.


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