
At the moment when Marco was distracted in the air and focused on Whitebeard,

Dashiki held the shadow sword with both hands.

The shadow of the sword soul Ashura on her body flashed.

In the next breath, she was already standing behind Marco!


"How can it be so fast?"

The cold killing intent behind him made Marco sober up suddenly. It was impossible for him to dodge by relying on his flying speed. However, although Marco was not a natural type, he had the ability to transform from Qingyan to bird and beast. As long as it was Qingyan who was hit, not his body, he would not suffer much damage. Unless it was a more terrifying destructive force beyond the level of the admiral, there would be no exception! This is why"Phoenix Marco" is so famous in the New World.


Looking at the blue flames rising and falling,

Borsalino, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but shake his head.

"What a good opportunity. It's useless to attack like this."

"Surrounded by the Blue Flame of Resurrection, my Yasakani no Magatama is useless"

"Tsk tsk, this female swordsman is still too young"

"Didn't you understand the opponent's strength?"

Borsalino shook his head.

If he was fighting against Marco, he would not choose to use a move with extremely strong single-point attack power.

Even the attack of the general level could be invalidated.

What about the rookie female swordsman?

""Silver Moon·Evil Light Slash!"

Dashiqi would not think so much.

As long as there was a chance to attack, she would show her best condition.

This was the greatest respect and respect for the opponent.

In an instant, the silver burning silver moon sword wave, combined with the improved and upgraded dark flame, suddenly slashed out from the shadow of the sword spirit behind her.

"Withered Dark Flame!"

Lu Feng launched the strongest attack.

He used all the newly developed attributes.

He tried new skills!

There is no more suitable and powerful opponent than Marco.


"hiss hiss……"

At the moment when the Withered Dark Flame was released from the Sword Soul Sword Move, a strange sound came from Marco's back.

"What? What kind of flame is this!"

When Marco felt it, his heart skipped a beat.

After the withered dark flame came into contact with the resurrection blue flame, the blue flame seemed to have met its nemesis. It quickly dissipated and dissolved, returning to Marco's body.

Some of the blue flames that did not dissipate were dyed dark green by the withered dark flame, which looked particularly strange.

Breaking through the encirclement of the resurrection blue flame?

Relying on the strange flame released from the demon sword?

How could such a thing be done! It is completely incomprehensible with common sense!

Lu Feng was even more impressed by the effect of the skill.

"The real body of the Phoenix has been caught!"

"Let's see whether you can survive this time!"

Lu Feng was extremely excited.

He didn't expect that the withered dark flame could also restrain the phoenix.



The blow after breaking through the blue flame hit Marco's back.

The blue flame was instantly shattered.

Marco, who should have been safe, was like a human cannonball, smashing heavily on the stone pier in the square.

This was not the end.

The sword soul Ashura's evil light slash continued to spread its power.

A strong shock storm formed in the mid-air state.

In the blink of an eye, it swept the pirates near the square!

"What a strong storm! Who is behind this?"

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Damn it! I can't see anything at all. Did the admiral of the navy take action?"

"The heart-pounding breath is so terrifying!"


Many pirates who were not strong enough were blown away by the storm for more than ten meters.

The pirates who withstood the storm also had their vision greatly obstructed. They barely managed to stay where they were, unable to move forward. On the execution platform,

Ace's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He looked at the place more than twenty meters in front of the Moby Dick with an exaggerated expression.

"Brother Marco, he was actually... actually injured?"

"How could it be? How did they do it?"

Ace murmured in disbelief.

Ace was in the same pirate group with Marco.

They had fought privately many times.

Ace knew very well what kind of terrible ability Marco had.

In addition to the admiral, was there anyone in the Navy Headquarters who could hurt him?

Ace couldn't believe what he saw!

Sengoku held the Den Den Mushi in his hand, who was responsible for commanding the scene.

He stared at the scene in the air with deep eyes.

He accidentally arranged Dashigi to the front line.

Now it seems to be a lucky decision!

In a short confrontation , he was able to beat the Phoenix Marco!

Sengoku watched from afar and could feel the power of Dashigi.



These are all natural things after the war.

When everyone was shocked by Dashigi's attack,

Dashigi herself was not affected.

At the same time when Marco was knocked down, she quickly followed the impact!

Just injuring him is far from enough!

Marco is the Phoenix.

As long as he is given time, he can recover as before.

When fighting him, the most important thing is to seize the time when he is injured and attack continuously!



The strong vibration in the air continued to spread.

Akainu's move was blocked by Whitebeard.


Whitebeard, who was tripped by Akainu, had no energy to support Marco.

After sensing Dashigi's strangeness, he could only attack repeatedly.

"Sword Soul·One Hundred and Twenty Cuts!"

"Boom boom boom……"

"Boom boom boom……"

The dense shadows of the Dark Flame were released in a split second. The overwhelming sword energy attack was concentrated on the point where Marco landed.

When the withered Dark Flame was released,

Marco could not recover at all. He could only endure the blow.

The fierce and destructive attack made people feel cold in their hearts.

Not far away


Flower Swordsman Bista frowned.

Now he understood why Marco didn't let others interfere with his fight.

Even Marco was beaten so badly.

If anyone else went up, they would definitely be killed.


The sword shadow surrounded by the silver moon halo attacked Vista fiercely.

Vista did not dare to be distracted any more.

The one fighting in front of him was the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye!

Similarly, when Dashigi knocked Marco away,

Hawkeye Mihawk also observed this scene.

It was not just a simple matter of being able to use the silver moon sword wave.

Dashigi also had a unique swordsmanship!

This made Hawkeye more eager to fight after the war.


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