One Piece Food System

Chapter 166 Beans

However, the reactions of the three people made Leifa somewhat unexpected.

He thought that as soon as he said this, Kui Fu and the other three would be shocked, not to say frightened, or at least pale in shock. After all, what he just said was completely treasonous.

What kind of existence are the ‘Dragon People’?

They are known as the nobles of the world!

They are descendants of the twenty kings who founded the world government!

It can be said that they are the masters of the World Government, and the Navy is just a subordinate of the World Government. Strictly speaking, they are only working for the 'Dragon People'.

Offending the 'Celestial Dragons' is already tantamount to doing something right with the World Government, and may even face a crusade from the admiral. This is not something that can be joked about casually. What's more, Lei Fa just expressed his unabashed intention to kill the 'Celestial Dragons'. This is no longer as simple as an offense.

However, Kuif and the other three didn't show any signs of panic?

This is unscientific.

"Are you scared out of your wits? Please give me a reaction." Lefa said helplessly.

"To tell you the truth, boss, in fact, we all have some premonitions about the arrival of this day. Although we did not guess that you would be so direct, boss, judging from your past actions and the way you deal with things, , We can all feel the injustice deep in your heart, boss." Tiffany rarely spoke in a playful tone.

"Everything we have is given by you, boss. If it weren't for you, boss, we might have been buried somewhere in the sea. I, Kuif, am a rough man and can't say nice things, but I can distinguish the important from the important." The husband said eloquently, "I decided to become a navy because I wanted to uphold justice and pursue justice... However, it was only during the past few years that I followed you, boss, that I truly experienced the feeling of justice, rather than being a dog to anyone. "

"I believe in your character, boss, and everything you have done, and I am willing to follow you, boss, forever. Even if I become the enemy of the world for this, I don't care." Kuif said firmly.

"Me too," Tiffany agreed.

"Same as above." Logut's words were the shortest.

"Thank you for your trust. To be honest, I really didn't expect you to be so decisive." Refa shook his head and smiled, "But it's too early to say this now. What I want to do is to make a complete change, not It’s just a matter of gratification.”

"But boss, you still haven't said why you gave that devil fruit to that guy." Kuif asked again.

"In this world, there are some people who can feel the trajectory of destiny, and I am one of them." Refa said, "With that golden fruit, Tezzolo is destined to soar into the sky and become a great person in the future. A very important support.”

"That's it." Kuif seemed to understand.

"Come on, you're already here. By the way, come with me to meet some old acquaintances."

Refa turned around and moved on.

Holy Land Marie Joa, somewhere in an office building of the World Government.

"What did you say? Say it again?!" An angry roar sounded.

"Lord Yale... unfortunately died in battle." A slightly trembling voice said.

"Yale is dead? How is this possible... Yale's strength is comparable to that of a great pirate. Even if he encounters Tiger, even if he loses, he cannot be killed. How could he die?" The angry voice from before said.

"But when we arrived, Mr. Yale had indeed been killed by Fisher Tiger, and after killing Mr. Yale, Fisher Tiger immediately took a group of fishmen and escaped [Fishman] Island] and formed a pirate group," the trembling voice continued.

"This is unreasonable! Notify Marinefando immediately and let them pursue Tiger with all their strength!"


Walking into the familiar tavern, Refa looked into the bar.

The strange thing is that the short old man 'fisherman' who once eluded him was not at the bar at this time.

Lei Fa came here specifically to thank the 'Fisherman', because he learned from Lieutenant General 'Black Bat' that after something happened to him because of the 'Dragon Man', the 'Fisherman' immediately came forward to ask for help. Save him, even though it was his origin that really saved him in the end, I still deserve a word of thanks.

Unexpectedly, the 'fisherman' is not here.

At the bar was a young man with a crew cut who looked very sunny. When Refa came in, he was carefully wiping the wine glasses.

"Hello, is the 'fisherman' here?" Refa asked.

"Huh? Do you know the master?" The young man with a flat head raised his head.

"That's right. Senior Fisherman was once kind to me. I just happened to come to Shampoo Land this time, so I planned to express my gratitude. Is he here?" Lefa nodded.

"May I ask what you call it?" the flat-headed young man asked.


"Are you 'Mr.V'?" The flat-headed young man was surprised.

"It seems that Senior Fisherman mentioned me to you..."

"Not only have I mentioned it, my ears are almost scratched." The flat-headed young man looked at Lei Fa with a very resentful look, "Master, he often uses you as an example to train me. I have admired your name for a long time."


Refa couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he heard this. To the crew-cut young man, he was undoubtedly the most hated character in the legend, 'other people's children'.

"Okay, okay, I won't kid you anymore." The flat-headed young man suddenly said with a playful smile, "Master, he went to visit a friend. If you want to find him, you can go to 'Xia Qi's rip-off bar' on Island 13. He should be here now Just drinking there.”

"But that Xia Qi from 'Xia Qi Studio'?" Refa said in surprise.

"Yes, it's that Xia Qi." The flat-headed young man had no intention of hiding it.

"But if I remember correctly, the guild and 'Xia Qi Studio' should be competitors. How could senior 'Fisherman'..." Refa stopped short of what he said, but he believed that the flat-headed young man should understand. his meaning.

"I'm not completely clear about the specific situation, but one thing the master once mentioned to me is that the boss Xia Qi was once a member of the guild, but he just set up another guild for some reasons. The master has always had a personal relationship with her. They're all good..." The flat-headed young man hesitated and said.

"I see, then I'll just go there like this, is it appropriate?" Refa asked.

"There's nothing inappropriate. Master doesn't treat you like an outsider. Go ahead."

"Well, I'll say goodbye for now. By the way, haven't you asked me for advice yet?"

"My name is Barney, but my friends all call me 'Douzi'. If you don't mind, you can call me that too." The crew-cut young man said with a playful smile.

"Okay, then I'll finish meeting with Senior Fisherman first, and then I'll come over to you for a drink." Refa said with a smile.

I have to say that this guy named 'Douzi' is quite to his liking and he can make friends with him.

After chatting for a few words, Refa left the tavern and headed towards the island 'No. 13'. (To be continued.)

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