One Piece Food System

Chapter 169 Information about ‘Poison Q’

Leifa didn't want to talk any more on this topic. He was honest with Lei Li. Firstly, he was sure that he was too lazy to pretend to be stupid. Secondly, he also wanted to solve the problem that he had always wanted to figure out——

Why did Roger not choose a dignified death, but chose to surrender to the navy, and started the "Great Pirate Age" with a paragraph before his death?

Regarding this point, Leifa actually had an answer in his mind, and Rayleigh's answer only further confirmed his idea.

As for the same type of people that Rayleigh mentioned, this is a matter of opinion.

Seeing that Lei Fa didn't want to talk any more about this, Lei Li didn't force it, so they just drank and talked about the recent changes in the sea.

Although Rayleigh chose to live in seclusion, among the people present were the boss of 'Xia Qi Studio', the top brass of the 'Bounty Hunter Guild', and Leifa, a rising star in the navy. If they combined the intelligence channels they had, It can be said that almost anything worthy of attention that happens on this great route cannot escape their intelligence network.

Therefore, this chat was completely wandering around the world, from the 'New World' to the entire Grand Line, and from the entire Grand Line to the four seas, and even some things that happened in the holy land of Malinfando, several people had their own opinions. All you know.

So let’s not talk about it, the conversation was really enjoyable.

Halfway through the conversation, Lei Fa suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, I wonder if you know that there is a person called 'Poison Q' in the sea. His strength is at least above that of a big pirate, but I couldn't find any information about him through the Navy's intelligence network."

"No impression." The 'fisherman' shook his head first.

Lei Fa looked at Xia Qi again, who also shook his head, indicating that he had never heard of it.

Reilly said at this time, "I have never heard of this name... but a person with the kind of strength you mentioned should not be ignored at all. Please tell me his appearance and characteristics. , let’s reminisce about the couple.”

Lei Fa nodded when he heard the words, and roughly told a few people about the situation of 'Poisonous Q'.

However, the 'fisherman' and Xia Qi still shook their heads, saying that they had no impression. After thinking for a while, Rayleigh finally shook his head.

Refa was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that even these people had never seen or heard of that guy's name. Was that guy really invisible?

"If your description is correct, I think I should have seen him..." Just when Refa was disappointed, the former queen of Amazon Lily, Groliosa, suddenly said.


Not only Leifa, but also the others looked at Guluoliosa.

After Lei Fa's description, it was a very strange thing that a guy with such a strange and eye-catching appearance and a great pirate-level combat power had no reputation at all on the sea. This made them also have a deep understanding of 'Poison Q' 'A little curious.

If everyone didn't know, this matter would have passed. Although they would be curious, they would definitely not continue to track down his identity like Refa.

But Guluoliosa suddenly said that she had seen the "Poison Q", which immediately aroused the curiosity of several people.

"Have you met him?" Lei Fa used the honorific.

Because Guluoliosa is undoubtedly the eldest here, even the short old man "Fisherman" does not look older than her. It is the minimum courtesy to use honorifics for the elders.

"Yes, although I didn't know that he was called 'Poisonous Q', I'm pretty sure I've seen him." The little old lady Guluoliosa nodded with certainty, "Because, the reason why I came here [Shampoo The Earthly Islands] came under his guidance..."

"You haven't mentioned this to us before." The 'fisherman' said in surprise.

"Because even I was not sure whether this was a wrong decision before." Guluoliosa said, "A few years ago, I met him when I was purchasing supplies for Amazon lilies on an island. At first, I thought he was a psycho or a liar, after all, he didn’t dress or look like a normal person..."

"But then he suddenly told me that fate had arranged Amazon Lily's future in the [Champaign Islands], and asked me to seize the opportunity."

"Then you came?" The 'fisherman''s tone was a bit dubious.

Because this thing sounds really inexplicable.

"I don't know why. Although my reason told him that what he said was probably nonsense, I had a vague feeling deep in my heart that what he said was true. So, later I chose to come to [ [Xianbodi Islands] has temporarily settled, but I have never found or figured out what he meant by the future of Amazon Lily."

"Until these few days-"

When Groliosa said this, she suddenly looked at the three girls standing timidly aside.

The leader is a black-haired girl with very delicate facial features. Probably because of her age, her hair has not yet grown, but she is already considered stunning!

Even though she is dressed inconspicuously, her charm cannot be concealed.

However, the two girls behind her looked a little strange.

"You mean, he has foreseen this day a long time ago? How is this possible?" Reilly said in disbelief.

He is also one of the legendary figures on the sea, possessing top-notch combat power, but Gu Luoliosa's previous words still somewhat subverted his understanding.

"It seems that you have indeed seen him..." Refa said solemnly.

What happened to Guluoliosa made Refa completely believe that she had really seen the 'Poisonous Q'.

Because this strange but miraculous prediction behavior is completely consistent with his understanding of 'Poison Q'. Although it is not clear why 'Poison Q' helps Gu Luoliosa predict the future of Amazon Lily, it can be so accurate. People who can predict the future are not found everywhere.

"Could it be that the person you are talking about can really predict the future?" Rayleigh boldly speculated after hearing Refa's confirmation and combining it with the personal experience described by Gu Luoliosa before.

"Judging from the information I have now, it seems that this is indeed the case." Refa nodded.

"How is this possible..." Rayleigh still couldn't accept this.

"Reilly, you may find it difficult to accept this, but I actually believe it." 'The Fisherman' suddenly said at this time, "I once learned a piece of gossip from the guild's secret intelligence network. Under the World Government, there are There are people who can predict the future..."

"It's just that I had a certain amount of skepticism at the time. Although that information came from within the World Government, it was too unbelievable and hard to accept." 'The Fisherman' shook his head and said, "However, it seems that now , maybe it’s not groundless.”

As a senior member of the "Bounty Hunters Guild", the 'Fisherman' may indeed have the most information among everyone present in terms of information.

Even if Rayleigh was once the 'Pirate King's right hand', he still couldn't make up for the gap in background. (To be continued.)

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