One Piece Food System

Guys, please take a look!

I feel it is necessary to say something. 【△网w ww.Ai Qu xs.】

I'm actually quite a glass-hearted person, so sometimes I really don't dare to read the book review section. After reading it, I have to cut it off after about half of it. This is due to my lack of mental endurance, and I have no choice but to do so.

And I am actually very aware of my own problems. For example, sometimes the plot becomes a little boring because my writing state has entered a low period. I really know this. Because sometimes when I am in a bad state, what I write feels boring. How can readers not feel boring?

But that’s what online writing is like. Regardless of whether your author is in good or bad shape, discontinuing updates is not allowed. It affects the perception of the writing, so sometimes there’s really no way around it. You have to write even if you can’t write it out.

Last month, I happened to be on a business trip, and unfortunately I contracted acute gastroenteritis. Everything happened at once, and I felt panicked.

I really want to finish this book well, and I don’t want it to be ruined by discontinuation of updates.

Yesterday, I read the book reviews again, and found that some of the big guys said that the writing was broken and that I was arrogant. I felt really wronged about this...

First of all, the people I have now, these power structures, and my settings for the ‘Five Old Stars’ and ‘Dragon People’ were all set very early on. It’s impossible for anyone who’s followed along to see this not to know this. I’m really not just making this up.

I made my own settings and a complete story, so I couldn’t just stop writing it, right?

Many of them are things I have buried before. I have to finish telling the story, right?

Moreover, I won’t write any comprehensive comics for this book. What I want to write is just One Piece Shijie. When this story is completely over, the whole book will be over.

We are actually at the end of it now. According to my current plan, I should finish the book by the end of April to the beginning of May at the latest. In other words, this month to next month are the last two months.

I'm not convinced that I'm tampering with the plot, because this is a complete story set by me. When I write fan fiction, I don't like to follow the main plot line like many books, so I always keep it within the scope of not being too outrageous. Plot innovation.

I have to present my original idea completely, even if I will be slapped in the face by the original work in the future, but this is also part of the fun of writing fan fiction, isn't it? Use your own ideas to imagine things that have not yet been revealed in advance. It doesn’t matter if you are wrong.

I will still try my best to write this last part of the plot in a more exciting way, and I hope to bring this book to an end that is not too much of a failure.

I also ask you all to patiently accompany me through the last two months. I will redouble my efforts to tell this story well.

Finally, I would like to ask for some monthly tickets. In the last two months, I want to have a nice trip... woo woo woo.

Sincerely, take a bow!

Tingtao pays tribute in the early morning! .


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