With just one palm, Shennong easily eliminated Kui Niu.

Immediately, he pointed his fingers together like a knife, his mana was attached to his fingers, and he swiped at Kui Niu's body. When the profound energy surged, the thick skin of Kui Niu was completely peeled off.

Looking at this huge piece of Kui cowhide, Shennong nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, so much Kuihhide is enough to make a batch of Kuihide war drums."

Then he flipped the palm of his hand, and a flame was born from the palm of his hand, burning raging, releasing a surging heat, surging endlessly.

After calling out this flame, he pointed his sword again, and the power of the Earth Emperor merged into it, making the flame instantly thicker.

Putting the huge Kui cowhide on the flame, the mana was activated for a while, and when the flame was beating, the majestic force immediately began to refine the Kuihide cowhide.

Kui Niu is born with powerful water movement power. If "Three Eight Zeros" is an ordinary flame, it is absolutely impossible to burn this Kui Niu.

If the flame is very strong and powerful, although it can burn the Kui hide, it will inevitably damage it.

Only this powerful flame, which incorporates the power of the mighty Earth Emperor, is powerful enough, but not too ferocious. It can burn the Kui cowhide without damaging it.

Therefore, under the scorching of this flame, the huge Kui cowhide began to gradually condense and shrink, and after a while, it had turned into only a thousand feet in size.

After this condensing, although the Kui cowhide is only a thousand feet in size, it has obviously become more solid and thick, and its spiritual power is powerful.

After a while, the power of the flame penetrated into it, extracting many impurities. On the surface of Kui cowhide, a layer of gray scum suddenly appeared.

Seeing this, Shen Nong immediately waved his hand to clear up all these impurities, and the whole Kui cowhide was restored to its cleanliness.

After refining it for a while, the Kui cowhide finally only had an area of ​​eighty-one zhang, but it became extremely solid and heavy, and it was full of spirituality.

Seeing this, Shen Nong couldn't help but nodded, and then pointed his sword to the earth, pulling the earth, drawing out a large lump of tough earth and stone like a mountain, and put the tough earth and rock on the flame to refine.

Under the refining of the flame, this tough lump of earth and stone immediately began to condense, and finally turned into only one percent of the original size, but it became very thick and tenacious, full of the power of the earth.

Shennong's five fingers slapped the earth and stone from a distance, and the power of the earth emperor surged, and immediately divided the earth and stone into eighty-one equal parts, each with a bright brilliance.

Eighty-one regiments of earth and stone, under his pulling and refining, finally turned into the frame of eighty-one war drums, floating in the air.

Then, with a swipe of his sword, he split the Kui cowhide into 81 parts, and the 81 parts of the Kui cowhide corresponded to the 81 war drum frames one by one, and covered them with a flash of brilliance. , and the eighty-one Kui skin war drums took shape.

"Not bad, not bad." Shennong nodded, and then pointed at the Kui Niu's corpse, the mana poured in, the huge Kui Niu corpse was immediately cut off, and eighty-one thick bones flew out immediately.

Eighty-one bones were finally refined by him into eighty-one drumsticks, one by one facing the war drums.

Then Shen Nong looked at the corpse of the Kui Niu that had been skinned and deboned. He pondered for a while, and then sighed: "Although this Kui Niu was killed for the sake of the human race, let's bury the body."

After saying that, he immediately formed a seal with his hands, and the power of the earth emperor surged out, and instantly merged into the earth not far ahead.

"Boom boom..."

The earth trembled for a while, and then slowly cracked open, revealing a huge pothole that was thousands of feet deep.

Then Shennong activated his mana, pulled the Kui Niu corpse, put it into the pothole, and cast another spell, the huge pothole immediately closed slowly, and finally the earth closed again, intact as before.

Eighty-one Kui skin war drums have been refined, and the purpose of his trip has been achieved, so he drove the rainbow light, broke through the air, and went straight to the deer.


chasing deer.

After a period of rest and recuperation, both sides of the confrontation have gathered strength again and are ready to fight at any time.

However, since Shennong is no longer in the coalition, although they sometimes put on an air of fearlessness, they actually did not dare to go to war, but kept delaying secretly, intending to wait until Shennong returned.

On the Jiuli side, due to the heavy losses in the previous siege battle, all of them are gearing up at this time, which is quite a bit of shame.

At this moment, in the Jiuli Clan's camp, the senior members of the Jiuli Clan are discussing the next attack plan...  

Chi You sat in the center, followed by Xing Tian and Yu Shi.

At this time, an elder was speaking: "According to my observation, the allied forces of the Xiong Clan and the Huaxu Kingdom seem to be in a strange state. Although they appear to be fearless, they even send out provocative signals from time to time. But in fact, they Always tend to be conservative, and have no intention of actually starting a fight. And seems to be deliberately avoiding combat."

"Yes, I noticed that too."

There are elders who agree.

Yu Shi said slowly at this time: "During this period of time, King Luo has often been patrolling the camp, or watching the battle. As the actual leader of the coalition, Shennong has never shown up."

After a pause, he continued, "I suspect that Shennong may have already gone out and was no longer in the enemy coalition camp."


When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Chi You looked at Yu Shi: "If Shennong goes out, where can he go?"

"Maybe for help?" Someone said hesitantly.

"Impossible!" Someone immediately retorted, "In the civil war of the human race, which foreign race can interfere casually?"

"Maybe it's going back to Huaxu to call for reinforcements..."

"That's impossible. If you go to Huaxu to call for reinforcements, there's no need for Shennong to go there in person!" 2.0

For a time, there were different opinions, and none of them could be recognized by everyone. Even, there are many different opinions on whether Shennong has gone out.

Therefore, for a while, the meeting of the Jiuli tribe failed to make substantial progress. Although the coalition forces were eager to make a move, they were unable to make an offensive decision after all.

In fact, Shennong did leave for a while. It is a pity that during this period of time, the Jiuli people were not able to seize the opportunity and took advantage of this counterattack. Instead, they hesitated again and again, and finally missed the opportunity.

Judging from what happened later, it can be said that the Jiuli people missed the only chance to turn a defeat into a victory this time.

However, to miss is to miss. Missing this opportunity, Shen Nong had already returned to the coalition camp with 81 Kui leather war drums. .

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