"I wonder what Mr. Ye learned on the mountain?" Lin Fuguo looked at Ye Jia with a smile and asked.

When he said this, Jia Sanyi's eyes lit up, and he looked at Ye Jia with some anticipation, but Jia Shizhong couldn't understand what he meant, instead he opened his mouth and said, "Mr. But one person subdued six robbers!"

Jia Sanyi glanced at his son unhappily, and Jia Shi~zhong was a little stunned.

"Could it be that I said something wrong?"

He scratched his head, and after thinking about it, he felt that what he said was the truth.

But then he heard his father say faintly: "Is it possible that you understand Mr. Ye? You are the one who talks too much."

Jia Shizhong kept his mouth shut and stood there honestly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jia showed a slight smile.

"Try it?"

He couldn't see what the two old men were thinking, and then opened his mouth and said, "I learned martial arts and medical skills from my master when I was on the mountain. As for other things, I also dabble..."

Having said that, Ye Jia himself laughed.

In fact, what would he do?

Ye Jia thinks he can do anything!

According to his power, what in this world can stumped him? Even if there is, who can resist the power that comes from him?

Speaking of medical skills and martial arts, these two have already been shown.

Ye Jia thought it might as well tell them directly and plainly.

Ye Jia smiled slightly but knew that Lin Fuguo definitely didn't come here for no reason.

Looking at this, in addition to visiting Jia Sanyi, Mr. Jia, I am afraid that the two of them have already discussed it, and they should try Ye Jia.

As for why try?

Ye Jia also understood clearly, nothing more than win him over.

Perhaps how much Ye Jia showed, represented the value of winning?

The reason why an aristocratic family can survive is that from ancient times to the present, it is indispensable that talents are maintained in it. However, the birth of talents of an aristocratic family itself is limited.

If we really want to maintain stability, we need some other excellent talents from outside.

For example, ancient doormen.

In fact it is!

It's just that Ye Jia thinks that they may have misunderstood. You must know that no matter what means they use to win over, Ye Jia's strength will not care at all.

To do anything, only Ye Jia wants to do it or not, that's all.

"That's really great! Mr. Ye's medical skills are superb, and his resurrection is admirable. To be honest, if this old thing hadn't said it, I couldn't believe it..."

Lin Fuguo pointed at Jia Sanyi but didn't get a good look, but he didn't care, and then continued: "Since Mr. Ye's medical skills are so good, then I have a small request. I wonder if Mr. Ye can agree?"

All three looked at Ye Jia.

Ye Jia smiled slightly and said curiously, "What request? Mr. Lin, please say it!"

Then Lin Fuguo nodded slightly and said to Shen Yi: "You know, these elderly people will always have a little more or less problems with their bodies, and I am the same. There are some hidden diseases in my body, I don't know if Mr. Ye can Can't you help me see?"

Whether it was Jia Sanyi or Lin Fuguo, from Jia Shizhong, he learned from Jia Shizhong that Shen Yi had rescued Jia Sanyi, but nothing was of any use, and he just felt a little incredible.

Right now, Lin Fuguo's so-called request is actually a test.

This temptation was nothing, but he didn't even say what was wrong with him.

It was obviously a test for Ye Jia.

And Ye Jia naturally saw it, and nodded with a slight smile.

He glanced at Lin Fuguo casually, and then said to Lin Fuguo, "Mr. Lin's health is not very good, especially this heart seems to have some problems!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Ye Jia's words, and looked at Lin Fuguo in unison.

If Lin Fuguo's body is really like what Ye Jia said, then his client must be very clear.

Although Ye Jia has finished speaking, he still needs Lin Fuguo's own words to verify it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fuguo was stunned when he heard Ye Jia's words, then shook his head with a smile, and then opened his mouth to say.

"Mr. Ye's medical skills are right, but this time I'm afraid I've missed the mark. My heart is really fine! It's my lungs, it's not very good. For this reason, many of my children don't let me smoke! "


Lin Fuguo glanced at Ye Jia and shook his head slightly. In his opinion, he would know if he had the real ability to try it out.

However, in fact, Ye Jia's performance was not satisfactory.

I'm afraid it's a bit exaggerated to say something like coming back to life before. Maybe Jia Sanyi can wake up, and it's not Ye Jia's credit at all.

Guess it's Jia Sanyi's own fate!

It's good that Lin Fuguo came to visit Jia Sanyi, but in fact, before he came, he negotiated with Jia Sanyi and wanted to test Ye Jia.

The conclusions drawn are somewhat disappointing.

He couldn't help but look at Jia Sanyi.

Listening to Lin Fuguo's words, Jia Sanyi frowned slightly.

It stands to reason that Ye Jia shouldn't be so embarrassed, but why didn't he show it at all?


He couldn't help but glance at Ye Jia one more time.

Then Jia Shizhong was stunned and then reacted. He felt that Ye Jia was kind to him, so he couldn't bear to let his father and Lin Fuguo look down on him, so he couldn't help but said, "Mr. Ye, do you want to help the old man take a look? Look more carefully this time? "

His original intention was to give Ye Jia another chance, but Ye Jia couldn't help but smile after hearing this.

He doesn't care what others think of him, but one thing needs to be said is that what Ye Jia said is the truth.

Although Ye Jia is not a doctor, a person's health can't be hidden from his eyes at all. It's true that Lin Fuguo has a lung problem, but in Ye Jia's opinion, a lung problem is not a problem at all. what disease.

On the contrary, it was Lin Fuguo's heart, but there was a major flaw, but this flaw was not manifested for a while, so it was impossible to notice it.

Smiling, Ye Jia felt that even if he didn't care, it was still necessary to explain. At the moment he said, "Master Lin doesn't believe my eyes?"

After Lin Fuguo heard his words, he was stunned for a while, then shook his head with a smile.

In his opinion, Ye Jia, this young man, was seen clearly, and he was afraid that he would show dissatisfaction.

He then shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't believe in Mr. Ye, I just think that no matter how smart a doctor is, there are times when they make mistakes."

It seemed to save Ye Jia some face, but after Ye Jia heard his words, he couldn't help shaking his head. .

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