One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 37 Zaraki Kenpachi vs Ulquiorra

"It can't be said to be the will of the world, it can only be regarded as the instinct of the world. The Shinigami world is somewhat special, and the world's will that leads to this world is also somewhat special. The Host does not need to be afraid of the world's will. However, it is best for the Host not to interfere too much in this world. Progress, otherwise, it will most likely affect the birth of World Fragments!" The system still said mechanically.

"Affecting the birth of world fragments, system, do you mean that the world fragments of Shinigami world have not yet been fully born. Spirit King and Youhabach are not world fragments?" Ye Jia asked in surprise.

The system told him before that there are three world fragments in the Shinigami world, of which Hōgyoku is one, he has already obtained it, and the remaining two, he guessed that Lingwang and Youhabach should have one each, because both of them have "all-knowing and all-powerful" ability, which is very consistent with the ability of World Fragments.

One of the reasons he went to Soul Society was to enter the Palace of the Spirit King and get the second World Fragment.

However, the system now says that the fragments of the world have not yet formed, which undoubtedly denied his previous speculation.

"This world is quite special, and the way the fragments of the world exist is also very special. In short, please be patient. According to the development of the world's plot, the fragments of the world will appear sooner or later!" The cold voice of the system reminded Ye Jia again.

"Hehe, according to the development of the plot, 350 will be born sooner or later, I know!" The corners of Ye Jia's mouth were slightly upturned, and a smile appeared, "If this guess is correct, the way the remaining two world fragments were born, It's almost certain, but I didn't expect that the order I left casually in the Soul Society would come in handy."

A slightly indifferent voice sounded abruptly, but this time, the system did not answer aloud.

"Haha, boy Ye Jia, you haven't slept yet!" A burst of laughter suddenly came from behind, interrupting Ye Jia's thoughts.

Without even looking, Ye Jia knew who was coming.

In the Void Night Palace, only Zaraki Kenpachi dares to call him that.

However, Ye Jia didn't care about what Zaraki Kenpachi called him.

He brought Zaraki Kenpachi to Xuye Palace because he saw Zaraki Kenpachi's character like a beast and his potential.

Ye Jia just wanted to know how far he could go through his own beast.

"Zaraki, haven't you slept yet?" Ye Jia turned around and glanced at Zaraki Kenpachi indifferently.

"Hey, my hands are itchy, so I can't sleep. Today's fight with you was so unpleasant, I haven't fought yet, Ye Jia boy, you said before that you can have all kinds of things with you. The enemy asked me to cut, what Arrancar in the daytime, I can't wait!"

Zaraki Kenpachi rubbed his head and smiled, his grim face was full of eagerness to fight.

Ye Jia stared at Zaraki Kenpachi with a faint smile on his face, he naturally understood Zaraki Kenpachi's intentions.

However, he did not refuse.

"Ulquiorra, play with Zaraki Kenpachi!" Ye Jia said indifferently, facing behind him.

"Yes, my god!" A very respectful voice sounded, a high-necked long-sleeved coat with a white black background and black borders, and the figure of Zanpakutō pinned to his waist, suddenly appeared in front of Zaraki Kenpachi. It was Arrancar's first Four-bladed Ulquiorra.

"Hey!" Looking at Ulquiorra who suddenly appeared, Zaraki Kenpachi smiled, with a bloodthirsty expression on his black eye patch.

"Oh, by the way, you guys should go to the top to fight, Xu Ye Palace can't stand your toss!" Ye Jia said lightly.

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and in an instant, a huge circular enchantment emitting a colorful light appeared in the air.

"Don't worry about fighting, don't keep your hands on purpose, no matter how many injuries you suffer, I can save you even if you die!" Ye Jia reminded lightly.

As soon as these words came out, Zaraki Kenpachi's eyes suddenly lit up, (bfbi) when he was in Soul Society, because he was afraid of accidentally killing the opponent, when Zaraki Kenpachi was fighting, although he was crazy, he was actually able to suppress himself.

Now, with Ye Jia's words, the fighting spirit in Zaraki Kenpachi's eyes became even crazier.


"Hahaha, that Arrancar, hurry up, I can't wait to fight with you!" Zaraki Kenpachi laughed frantically, and then stepped heavily, carrying Zanpakutō into the colorful barrier.

Ulquiorra gently bowed to Ye Jia, his figure flashed, followed by a colorful barrier.

"Come on, come on, Uk, let's fight as much as we can!" Zaraki Kenpachi laughed wildly, the Reiatsu on his body suddenly bloomed without any cover, and frantically pressed against Ulquiorra.

Holding the seemingly dilapidated Zanpakutō in his hand, Zaraki Kenpachi faced Ulquiorra with a slash, and before the knife arrived, the strong Reiatsu lingering on it had already brought a hurricane-like knife pressure to Ulquiorra.

As soon as Pu shot, Zaraki Kenpachi did not hold back, and directly broke out all the strength in the current state.

However, unfortunately, this time Zaraki Kenpachi faced Ulquiorra, and after Ye Jia's promotion, he had Ulquiorra far beyond the captain's level.

There was no return blade, no Reiatsu burst, not even a move, Ulquiorra just raised his right hand and squeezed lightly in the face of Zaraki Kenpachi's violent blow.

Zaraki Kenpachi felt a tricky slash even at the captain level, and Ulquiorra held it in his hand.

"Zaraki Kenpachi, I've heard of you, one of the captains of the Soul Society Gotei 13. Even in Gotei 13, you're one of the best, but you look down on me too much. This is not the Soul Society, so don't take off the blindfold. You don't even have the qualifications to let me shoot!"

As soon as the words fell, Ulquiorra was slightly shocked, and a Reiatsu, far surpassing Zaraki Kenpachi, suddenly rose from him.

With this Reiatsu rushing, Zaraki Kenpachi only felt a terrifying force coming from above Zanpakutō. Then he flew out with the knife and slammed into the colorful barrier, and then slowly fell to the ground.

"Hahaha, good, good, very strong Reiatsu, you are indeed an opponent that I can enjoy!" Leaning on Zanpakutō, he slowly stood up from the ground, Zaraki Kenpachi didn't care about his injuries at all, but laughed madly. , the ferocious face is more intense, and the whole body exudes a wild beast-like aura. .

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