One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 70 Bakudō! Tessai Tsukabishi's Outbreak

After the shock, it was shame.

From Shihouin Yoruichi's point of view, Ye Jia had been chasing after her casually before, obviously ignoring her and feeling that she was not a threat.

And Ye Jia's act of dressing her just now, although it was manipulated from a distance, but his body was undoubtedly seen by Ye Jia. Moreover, I don't know if it was an illusion or not, Shihouin Yoruichi always felt that the clothes on his body did not seem to be manipulated, but as if they were put on by Ye Jia himself.

For Shihouin Yoruichi, who had never been touched by a man, this made her extremely annoyed.

If she hadn't told her rationally that she was not Ye Jia's opponent, she would have gone up with Kidō a few times, and Ye Jia would have been chopped into pieces.

Thinking of this, Shihouin Yoruichi nibbled his silver teeth and stood there, looking at Ye Jia with murderous intent.

At this moment, Ye Jia also looked at her, and their eyes met. Seeing the calm and calm expression on Ye Jia's face from the beginning to now, Shihouin Yoruichi felt even more ashamed and angry, his eyes became colder, and even had a hint of killing intent.

Ye Jia naturally noticed the coldness in Shihouin Yoruichi's eyes, but he didn't care, he just smiled lightly.

In that situation just now, he could also guess why Shihouin Yoruichi looked at her like that.

Even though Shihouin Yoruichi's personality is relatively easy-going and open, his body can be seen by an outsider. And when he just dressed Shihouin Yoruichi, he used divine consciousness. In his current state of divine being, divine consciousness is like his five senses, hands and feet.

In other words, even though they were far apart just now, to a certain extent, Ye Jia was undoubtedly dressing Shihouin Yoruichi with his own hands.

With Shihouin Yoruichi's spiritual sense, it is impossible to feel it, so it is normal to have this reaction now.

Shihouin Yoruichi stopped, and the one who accepted his fate did not try to save Urahara Kisuke.

But things didn't end there, not far away, there was another Tessai Tsukabishi.

Ye Jia and Shihouin Yoruichi seemed to have clashed many times just now, but the two were in a speed battle. With Shihouin Yoruichi's speed, they could cast Shunpo and change several shapes in an instant. After all, the Flash Goddess name didn't come for nothing.

Therefore, not much time has passed.

And at this time, Tessai Tsukabishi was ready, and he carefully prepared Kidō for Ye Jia.

"Yoruichi, you go and save Urahara first, he is held by me!"

Tessai Tsukabishi yelled, and a tyrannical Reiatsu burst out of him.

Shihouin Yoruichi was about to speak up and told Tessai Tsukabishi that Ye Jia was not something they could compete with, but before she could speak out, he heard Tessai Tsukabishi shouting loudly.

"Bakudō No. 99 No. 1 'Forbidden'!"

The tyrannical Reiatsu spewed out of the handshake, turned into a belt and nails, and ran towards Ye Jia's arms.

Tessai Tsukabishi is the most powerful No. 99 Bakudō as soon as he shoots.

And, this is just the beginning.

Bakudō No. 99 No. 1 "Forbidden": No. 99 Bakudō tetralogy No. 1, restraining the opponent's arms with belts and nails, this is the prelude to Tessai Tsukabishi's strongest search.

Glancing at the flying belt, Ye Jia didn't dodge or resist, and let the belt fall into his hands.

After a successful strike, Tessai Tsukabishi still dared not slack off in his heart. After all, the previous Aizen Sōsuke didn't dodge either, letting Urahara Kisuke's Bakudō fall on him. With the lessons learned before, Tessai Tsukabishi would not dare to be careless.

Immediately following No. 1 "Forbidden", Tessai Tsukabishi, engrossed again, began to prepare other Bakudō.

Seeing Tessai Tsukabishi's concentration, Shihouin Yoruichi, who was about to speak to remind him, fell silent.

She really didn't know what to say, reminding Tessai Tsukabishi that Ye Jia was very strong, and Tessai Tsukabishi obviously also considered it, so the first shot was the strongest move.

She could never tell Tessai Tsukabishi that Ye Jia was not strong, but a strong pervert, and they could not be Ye Jia's opponents at all.

Those who can reach the captain level are undoubtedly those who are determined and will not give up easily. Otherwise, it is impossible to surrender Zanpakutō and realize Bankai.

The reason why Shihouin Yoruichi gave up resisting was because she saw Ye Jia's unfathomable depths, and knew that if Ye Jia made another move, Ye Jia would definitely imprison her directly. Therefore, it is wise not to choose to take another shot.

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Tessai Tsukabishi just knew that Ye Jia was strong, but he didn't know how strong Ye Jia was. He had never really seen how strong Ye Jia was, so how could he have been caught without a word because of his own words.

Of course, the most important thing was that Shihouin Yoruichi still held an unrealistic hope in his heart, hoping that Tessai Tsukabishi's strongest move could temporarily entangle Ye Jia for a while.

Anyway, Ye Jia didn't look like he wanted to kill them, so why not give it a shot.

Thinking of this, Shihouin Yoruichi also secretly condensed Reiatsu, ready to wait for the opportunity.


At this time when her mind was changing, Tessai Tsukabishi's second Bakudō was also drawing to a close.

"Bakudō's Ninety-Nine No. 2 'Stop Stretching'!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Tessai Tsukabishi aimed his palms directly at Ye Jia, and Reiatsu in his palms immediately summoned a huge piece of cloth, wrapping around Ye Jia.

Bakudō No. 99 No. 2 "Stop Stretching": The second part of Bakudō No. 99 uses Reiatsu to summon a huge cloth to wrap around the opponent, causing it to stop moving.

Without Ye Jia dodging and resisting, the giant cloth immediately wrapped around him layer by layer, turning him into a living mummy.

After No. 2 Bakudō's "stop collapse" shot, Tessai Tsukabishi didn't even look at the result, and went directly to the preparations for the next Bakudō.

Seeing that Ye Jia was heavily entangled by the huge cloth, Shihouin Yoruichi's thoughts moved, and he wanted to shoot.

"Miss Yoruichi, it's rude to meddle in other people's battles."

The thought was moved, and before he made a move, the very familiar voice suddenly appeared again.

Shihouin Yoruichi's complexion changed, wise no longer acted rashly, and at the same time a heart completely fell to the bottom.

Bearing the two Bakudō of Tessai Tsukabishi without dodging, he still keeps an eye on himself. It can be seen that the Bakudō of Tessai Tsukabishi was not taken seriously by Ye Jia at all.

"Bakudō's Ninety-Nine No. 2 'Hundred Links'!".

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