One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 661 Force it to take action

However, Urahara Kisuke didn't want to see Nakruvar holding on like this.

Therefore, Urahara Kisuke had already made up his mind to force Nakruvar to take the initiative. Even Urahara Kisuke found a reason to force Nakruvar to take the initiative.

This reason was not deliberately sought by Urahara Kisuke, but brought to the door by himself.

Just before Nacroval stepped back, Canto fought Zaraki Kenpachi, and the result came.

Cangdu was slashed in half by Zaraki Kenpachi, and the one who died can no longer die.

That is to say, after Nacroval stepped back, one of the five "star" members of the invasion "Hueco Mundo", including him, fell not long after the two sides fought.

The fallen one is still Cangdu, known as the invincible defense.

The position where Nacroval and Urahara Kisuke played, although a little distance from the others.

However, Nakruvar and Urahara Kisuke could still feel the fall of a "star" member.

"So soon, someone died, which is beyond my expectations. There are others, it seems that they are the last of the strong crossbow 373! The subordinates you brought are really weak!"

Urahara Kisuke swept the same direction in the direction of Cangdu's fall, and made a faint sound.

This sentence, seemingly bland, can only be regarded as a casual evaluation.

But it was different when it fell into Nacroval's ears.

Because of the pressure from Urahara Kisuke, Nacroval didn't really pay too much attention to other people's situations. Urahara Kisuke's reminder made Nakruvar turn his attention to the rest.

With this attention, Nacroval's heart throbbed for a moment. The fall of Cangdu just now was a blow to Nacroval.

However, this kind of blow to Nacroval is still acceptable. After all, he could see that Zaraki Kenpachi was really strong, Canghui would be defeated by Zaraki Kenpachi, and Nacroval had already considered it.

Cangdu was defeated by Zaraki Kenpachi, and Nacroval could accept it because Nacroval believed that when Cangdu defeated Zaraki Kenpachi, their side would definitely be able to defeat their respective opponents.

Then, they can join forces and take out Zaraki Kenpachi.

However, the current state is not at all what Nacroval thought.

In the remaining three battles, it was not them, but those on Urahara Kisuke's side who had the upper hand.

In other words, except for the battle between him and Urahara Kisuke, in the other four battles, the one who was at an absolute disadvantage was "Star", and it could be seen that his teammates might not last long.

In other words, if he continues to drag on like this, he will have to fight alone.

Not to mention whether he can defeat the mysterious Urahara Kisuke in front of him.

Even if he could win, once the time dragged on for too long, the people on Urahara Kisuke's side who had defeated their opponents would all come to help, and he would still be defeated with two fists and four hands.

So, next, he must defeat Urahara Kisuke with the fastest speed, and then rescue Ai and them. Only in this way can it be possible to break the current predicament.

I have to say that Urahara Kisuke is indeed very powerful. Just one sentence forced Nakruvar to take the initiative.

After such a long time, the blood in Nacroval's body should return to about 4 liters, which is enough for ordinary people to sustain life.

Of course, some weak states still exist. However, Nacroval is not an ordinary person, he is the master of the Quincy.

This weak state can still be suppressed.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Nacroval immediately turned off the lethal dose.

Taking a deep breath, Nakruvar stared at Urahara Kisuke not far away, and flicked (bfeh) a knot on his wrist.

After making a slight adjustment, Nacroval immediately raised his right hand to point to the sky.

Immediately, the knot-shaped wrist ring on Nacroval's wrist began to expand rapidly at an extremely fast speed, and in a moment, it became a behemoth with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Nacroval manipulated this behemoth, aimed at Urahara Kisuke, and threw it fiercely.

This knot-shaped wristband is Nacroval's weapon, called the Ring of Poison. This weapon is also one of Nacroval's trump cards.

The Ring of Poison is a special trick used only when Nacroval believes that the "lethal dose" does not work for a person.

Normally, the Ring of Poison would be put on Nacroval's wrist. Once used, it would be as simple as just adjustment. After adjustment, the hand-up posture would expand the volume of the ring, and then throw it away. out, attacking the opponent.

The expansion and amplification is just a process of the poison ring, brewing to attack the enemy.

Strictly speaking, the Ring of Poison should be a very sophisticated attack weapon.

In the process of flying towards the enemy, its volume will shrink rapidly, causing the opponent to have the illusion that the knot-shaped wrist ring disappears, and finally penetrate a certain part of the opponent unexpectedly. The effect of the Ring of Poison is still related to Nacroval's ability and lethal dose.

However, the effect of the Ring of Poison is to concentrate the "lethal dose" at one point to instantly kill a certain part of the opponent.

Regardless of whether the lethal dose had worked against the opponent before, once he was hit by the ring of poison, he would be hit by the lethal dose. This kind of blow was unpredictable.

In other words, as long as it is hit by the ring of poison, which part will inevitably die instantly.

No one can change this.


The huge knot-shaped wristband flew towards Urahara Kisuke at a speed that did not match its size.

Seeing the knot-shaped wrist ring flying towards him, Urahara Kisuke frowned slightly, and he was a little unclear as to what Nakruvar was thinking about with this move.

If you don't understand, if you don't understand, there are still some precautions that should be taken.

Nakruvar's attack has always been very strange, Urahara Kisuke didn't want to be caught in Nakruvar's plot because of his own carelessness.


With a slash of Hong Ji in her hand, a blade of light flew out and slashed towards the knot-shaped wrist ring that flew towards her.

Because he couldn't figure out the details of this move, Urahara Kisuke chose to try it out first.

The speed of the sword light and the knot-shaped wrist ring is not slow. In a moment, they meet in the air, and they are about to collide.

However, what Urahara Kisuke could not have imagined was that at the moment when the sword light and the knot-shaped wrist ring were about to collide, the huge knot-shaped wrist ring suddenly disappeared out of thin air. .

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