One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 687 The Spear of Sōkyoku

Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't be more comfortable when he saw that he was looking at the younger generation, but now he was sent to the execution platform for a trivial matter, and he was about to be put to death.

However, Kyoraku Shunsui has been a captain for hundreds of years, knowing that this is not the time to think about it.

The most important thing now is to draw out the culprit behind the disturbance of the entire Soul Society this time. As long as the culprit is forced out, Shiba Isshin's affairs will naturally be solved.

With a slight pause, Kyoraku Shunsui began to sing in a low voice.

The spear of Sōkyoku has such a huge power, of course, it will not be placed on the hill of double ~ scorpion all the time.

In that case, once it is used by someone with a heart, wouldn't it be - bad.

Therefore, the main body of the spear of Sōkyoku has been hidden in a special space above the hill of Sōkyoku, where the power is accumulated, waiting to be awakened.

Millions of Zanpakutō are united together, enough to destroy the sky and the earth. Such terrifying power is not generated out of thin air, but the spear of Sōkyoku, which is accumulated little by little in the space where he is.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, after the spear of Sōkyoku is used, it must be used again after a period of time.

However, this time, there is no need to be so troublesome. Soul Society has not unblocked the spear of Sōkyoku for many years. The energy accumulated in the spear of Sōkyoku is enough for this execution.

As the chant sounded, the void began to fluctuate, and a huge spear blade slowly appeared in front of the execution rack, and the blade was aimed directly at Shiba Isshin.

This gigantic blade is the spear of Sōkyoku.

As soon as the huge blade appeared, a strong aura of destruction swept the audience, covering all the Shinigami on the field.

Feeling this terrifying aura, except for Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni and Aizen Sōsuke, most of the captains and vice-captains felt a strong sense of threat from the spear of Sōkyoku.

This threat is the threat of death.

Strong as a super captain like Byakuya, he has to admit that he may not be able to stop the attack of the spear of Sōkyoku.


A soft chant came from above the spear of Sōkyoku, and bursts of fire began to linger on the blade. The spear of Sōkyoku, a terrifying weapon that had been dusty for a long time, once again bloomed on the hill of Sōkyoku, and belonged to him of brilliance.

After the unsealing, after the Spear of Sōkyoku, Kyoraku Shunsui did not retreat, but continued to transport Reiatsu to maintain the Spear of Sōkyoku.

It has been less than five minutes since Shiba Isshin was executed.

Although the entire Gotei 13th Division gathered at Sōkyoku Hill this time, they wanted to use Shiba Isshin to force Kurosaki Ichigo and the people behind him to appear.

However, this does not mean that the execution this time is an act of pretense. In fact, Yamamoto Yuanyuzai Shigekuni had reminded Kyoraku Shunsui long ago that this execution was in accordance with the rules of the Soul Society.

Regardless of Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, the execution this time must continue.

Enforcing and guarding the rules of the Soul Society is the mission of the 13th Division of Gotei. In Yamamoto's eyes, it is important to force out Kurosaki Ichigo and the people behind him, but it is equally important to maintain the rules of the Soul Society.

A little time passed, Kyoraku Shunsui was still maintaining the spear of Sōkyoku, and the rest of the captains were all around with a solemn expression.

With the impending execution of Shiba Isshin, the possibility of Kurosaki Ichigo and others suddenly appearing is undoubtedly increasing.

However, what everyone did not expect was that Kurosaki Ichigo and others still did not appear as the execution time was approaching.

Even the captains did not sense the presence of Kurosaki Ichigo and others around Sōkyoku Hill.

This time, some of the vice captains behind Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni started to riot.

Especially Shiba Kaien, Shiba Isshin is Shiba Kaien's most respected person, how could he be indifferent to seeing Shiba Isshin being executed.

The reason why he didn't speak just now was because he thought that this execution was just to draw out Kurosaki Ichigo and others, and would not really execute Shiba Isshin.

However, as the execution time approached, the increasingly hot flames on the spear of Sōkyoku clearly informed Shiba Kaien that if Kurosaki Ichigo didn't show up, Shiba Isshin would actually be executed.

"Captain! Since the calamities didn't show up, should we stop the execution!"

Shiba Kaien couldn't help but blurt out his debut.


Hearing Shiba Kaien's voice, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni turned his head to look at Shiba Kaien, and a bright gleam bloomed in his cloudy eyes:


"Shiba Kaien, what are you talking about, do you think that the purpose of old Rukia Kuchiki's coming here today is just to deal with the travel disaster? No, compared to dealing with the travel disaster, the old Rukia Kuchiki is here for a bigger purpose. Implement the rules of the Soul Society and protect the glory of the 13th Division of the Guardian. Since Shiba Isshin committed a serious crime and was sentenced to capital punishment, he should be executed, and no one can wantonly trample on the rules of the Soul Society."

With the sound of the words, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo suddenly burst into a tyrannical momentum. This momentum, like a mountain, instantly enveloped all the Shinigami behind Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo.

In an instant, all Shinigami felt like they were all covered in, as if they were being crushed by a big mountain.


Sisi flashed through the eyes of all Shinigami, most of them at the vice-captain level, and only at this moment did they realize how terrifying their chief captain, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni, was.

Even Aizen Sōsuke, who had already entered the realm of the Spirit King, felt a hint of surprise in the depths of his eyes.

Because even he, the momentum that burst out with all his strength, is only a little stronger than this momentum.

This is the momentum that can only be released by standing at the pinnacle of Shinigami.

That is to say, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo, who is standing in front of everyone, is in his current state. Like Aizen Sōsuke and Urahara Kisuke, he has broken through to the peak state of Shinigami, and he is only one step away from the realm of the Spirit King.

You know, when Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo played against Ye Jia more than ten years ago, Aizen Sōsuke clearly remembered that Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo at that time was at most a little stronger than Hōgyoku's first fusion form.

However, only ten years have passed, and Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who has not made much progress in a thousand years, has increased his strength one after another, breaking through to the peak of Shinigami.

Aizen Sōsuke and Urahara Kisuke were able to break through to the pinnacle of Shinigami because they practiced the "Hōgyoku Secret Technique" given by Ye Jia, which gave them the capital to break through quickly.

However, under this circumstance, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni still has such an entry, how can Aizen Sōsuke not be surprised. .

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