One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 30 Level 2 permissions open!

Fragments of String-String Fruit are thrown into a huge cauldron.

With the colorful progress bar running fast, three seconds later, a white Devil Fruit was freshly released and appeared in Ye Jia's mind.

"Haha, String-String Fruit is here!"

Ye Jia was very excited.

String-String Fruit is the fruit of Doflamingo. It is because of this powerful fruit ability that Doflamingo can establish such a huge force in New World.

If Luffy's protagonist's aura was not too bright, and Doflamingo was too arrogant, and underestimated the strength and influence of Luffy and others, he would not have ended up in the field where he was defeated and imprisoned by Marine.

"Congratulations, the experience value is full, start to level up!"

"Successful upgrade! Congratulations, you have obtained the secondary permission of the synthesis system!"

However, what surprised Ye Jia even more than getting String-String Fruit was that the secondary permission of the synthesis system was opened!

"break through? Then I have to take a good look at what powerful features have been added!"

Ye Jia called up the interface.

Synthetic Recipe (Level 2)

The most conspicuous change is that the first-level synthesis formula has been upgraded to the second-level, and there is a glowing icon in it.

Next to the synthetic formula, there is a new card interface like a Russian turntable.

"Let's see what the new recipe is!"

Ye Jia couldn't wait to click the icon.

A stream of light flashed, and then information appeared in Ye Jia's mind.

"Haki Recipe: Collect 500 Haki Fragments and use them to randomly get one of two Hakis of armed color and sight color."

Lying ~ trough!

developed! It turned out to be Haki's synthetic formula!

Ye Jia had been worried before, if he encountered a strongman who could use Armament Haki and directly hit his elemental body, then the incident would be a big deal.

Not only that, if you want to hunt down an enemy of Logia, without Armament Haki, you can't attack the opponent at all, and you can only rely on powerful physical strength to consume the enemy to death.

Too uneconomical, too inefficient.

Of course Ye Jia knew about Haki's existence, but he couldn't even touch Haki's shadow right now. He wanted Master Haki, but he didn't know when he got it.

But now a big piece of pie fell directly from the sky, and it fell on Ye Jia's head!

No Haki?

It doesn't matter, there is a synthesis system!

As long as enough Haki fragments can be exploded, with Haki, Ye Jia's strength will rise several levels again!

Armed color hits anyone, it is a real heavy blow.

No matter if you are a capable person or not, how strong your body is, when Armament Haki goes online, all of them will get down for me!

"Why isn't there an emperor-colored Haki? Oh, that's right, the emperor-colored Haki seems to be born, maybe I have a latent emperor-colored Haki in my body and haven't awakened, hehehe..."

"But then again, this synthesis system is really powerful, even Haki can synthesize it!"

Ye Jia smiled and couldn't help but boast.

"Smile and ask which system is stronger, I am the strongest in the synthesis system!"

The sweet electro-mechanical female voice came out in time, making a solid advertisement for herself.

"After reading the Haki recipe, there is another new feature that I haven't seen. It looks like a disc that looks like a Russian turntable. Isn't it just for gambling?"

In addition to the Haki recipe, a new functional interface has also appeared in Level 2 permissions.

I have to say, Ye Jia guessed it right.

The new functional interface is for gambling.

Blood Jade Gambling Plate (0/1)

"Blood Jade Gambling Plate: Collect 100 blood jade fragments to synthesize a blood jade. A blood jade can activate a gambling plate, and you can randomly get 1 Devil Fruit, 1 Haki, 100 physical strength pills, and the upper limit of physical strength pills. 1 piece, 'purchase point' 100 points."

It's really a gambling game!

But don't say, the rewards from the gambling game lottery are really rich, you can get a Devil Fruit, a Haki, and a stamina pill is also 100 pieces. It is even more difficult to explode, and one can be given here, and the richness can be imagined.

As for that "point of purchase", what is it?

"Purchase point? Is there still such a thing as a purchase point in the synthesis system?"

As soon as Ye Jia's question surfaced, the sweet electronic female voice of the synthesis system rang in his mind.

"The purchase point is the trading currency of the 'Synthetic Mall'. The Synthetic Mall requires higher authority to open it. Quickly synthesize and accumulate experience points!"

I see!

The synthesis system has different levels of authority, and I have been ignoring this problem before.

Now that it has been upgraded to the second-level authority, not only the Haki formula, but also the blood jade gambling board!

"It's also a blast to beat Devil Fruit fragments, and to burst Haki fragments is also to burst, and by the way, drop some blood jade fragments for the lottery... It's really happy!"

Ye Jia was very excited when he thought of this.

The speed of the fist in his hand could not help speeding up.

"Congratulations, you got a physical strength pill fragment!"

"Congratulations, you got a physical strength pill fragment!"

"Congratulations, you have obtained a shard of the upper limit of physical strength!"

"Congratulations, you got a blood jade fragment!"


The different beeps pulled Ye Jia back from the excited state.

"I can understand that the shards of the upper limit of stamina can explode, but I didn't expect it to explode ~ blood jade fragments! According to this rule, wouldn't I be able to explode ~ blood jade fragments in the future when I hit a few random minions? "

This is good news for Ye Jia.

If the blood jade fragments can be exploded by small minions, then he can quickly collect a lot of blood jade, and then ~ the gambling board lottery!

"Great, all the good news brought by the second level authority!"

Ye Jia was so excited that he didn't notice that Fitzgerald, who had been punched nearly 10,000 times by himself, was dying.

In addition, he was still strangled by Ye Jia's throat, and Fitzgerald returned to the light and struggled hard, but it was useless.

"Huh? Dead?"

When the sound was interrupted, Ye Jia realized that he had accidentally beaten Fitzgerald, the cadre of the Buin family, to death!

"It's okay to die, anyway, it's a Damn it bastard who exploits and oppresses the common people, the world can be a little quieter even if you die."

Ye Jia's intelligence has long given the good deeds that the cadres of the Buin family have done over the years.

Burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil, but because they are the cadres of the Buin family, not to mention their strength, and they are protected by the Buin family, no one dares to pursue them.

But now it's different.

"Shinigami" is here. If you don't clean up these garbage, I'm really sorry for the title of Shinigami.

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