One Piece Fragment Extraction System

Chapter 19 Extermination!

"Heartbroken grass, highly poisonous..."

Shennong looked at the green leaf in his hand with a painful look on his face, and said to the colorful gourd.

From what he saw, this grass was the very poisonous grass that poisoned the beggar that day. Its poison is so violent that it is very painful for his Taiyi Jinxian cultivation base, and it is no wonder that a mortal died in an instant.

After writing down the medicinal properties of Broken Heart Herb, Shen Nong hurriedly used the mana in his body to dispel the poison.

After a while, he slowly exhaled, and the poison just dissipated, but his forehead was also faintly sweating, obviously not relaxed.

After pondering for a while, Shennong took the colorful gourd to the distance again.


On the edge of the human race, a land of ice and snow.

There are several green grasses growing here, with only one leaf at the top of the stem, and the leaves have three leaflets and are palm-shaped.

The Shennong Clan walked slowly from not far away, and when he got close, he lowered his body and brushed the green grass. He couldn't help showing a strange look on his face, and said, "What a strong yang energy!"

He looked up and down again, then grabbed the grass stem and pulled up to uproot a grass.

Looking at it again, the rhizome of this green grass has an obvious protrusion, which is as white as jade and has a spiritual energy.

Seeing this, Shennong couldn't help showing a smile, and then quickly took off the colorful gourd from his waist.

"This thing looks like a very good doctor. Although it is not too old, it is the most spiritual and yang herbal medicine I have ever seen." 'Bar!"


Shennong nodded, then cleaned the ginseng stem, put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed.

As soon as Fang took it, a warm feeling rose from his lower abdomen and traveled all over his body in an instant, causing Shennong to be surprised and happy, and nodded again and again.


The taste is sweet and slightly cold, mainly nourishes the five internal organs, calms the spirit, calms the soul, stops palpitation, removes evil qi, improves eyesight, and is happy and intellectual. Take it for a long time, keep your body light and prolong your life..."

Shennong closed his eyes to perceive, while speaking slowly to the colorful gourd.


The Shennong clan started from the Huaxu Kingdom, and soon after traveling through the power of the human race, he officially stepped into the vast and boundless world of prehistoric times.

Speaking of which, since the end of the Lich War, the human race has been shrinking because of the considerable losses, and has rarely stepped out of the human race.

Shennong's previous knowledge of the prehistoric world was only heard from the mouths of the seniors of the human race.

As the saying goes, hearing is worse than seeing in person. He traveled far away in person, and soon saw many magical places in the prehistoric world, and his eyes widened.

The cultivation base of Taiyi Jinxian is not too deep in the wild. Although most of them are enough to protect themselves, they will inevitably encounter some unknown dangers.

On this day, the Shennong clan strolled in the wild land, thinking while walking.

More than a hundred years have passed since he began to taste the herbs.

In the past 100 years, he has tasted more than 10,000 kinds of herbs. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. In the rich experience, he has gradually explored some ways.

Shennong quickly discovered that the herbal medicines in this world can be roughly divided into five categories.

And these two natures and five types faintly echo the mysteries of the human body and the way of cultivation, as if they point directly to the way of heaven.

He guessed in his heart that his trip to a hundred herbs probably already had some eyebrows, and it was not far from what the mysterious senior said.

While walking, Shennong's expression suddenly changed, and he looked up and saw a small tree.

This little tree is no more than three feet tall, but it is lush and green, and it is full of vitality.

The Shennong clan walked closer, looked up and down, and said, "This little tree grows so strangely, I don't know what its medicinal properties are."

After thinking about it, he immediately picked up a leaf from the small tree, put it in his mouth and chewed it twice.

"Ah—!" As soon as he chewed it, he screamed and fell to the ground.

I saw a touch of green on his face, and his expression was extremely painful.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to tremble non-stop, his appearance was distorted, and he was obviously poisoned.

The poison of this leaf is so fierce that even if the Shennong Clan has the cultivation of Taiyi Jinxian, it is hard to resist, seeing the breath weaken and his life in danger.

At this moment, the multicolored gourd around his waist suddenly shook, and the colorful light flashed.

Shennong's mind flashed, and then he gritted his teeth and slapped the multicolored gourd with all his might, the gourd immediately opened, and a golden pill flew out from it, straight into Shennong's mouth.

This golden pill melted in the mouth, and instantly turned into a surging fairy power, circulating in Shennong's body.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

It is also miraculous to say that the violent poison in Shennong's body, when encountering Jindan's spiritual power, is like encountering a nemesis.

After a while, the deep and terrifying poison dissipated like an ebb tide, without a trace.

And the spirit power of the golden elixir was still unfinished, and then slowly spread out and merged into Shennong's limbs.

In the fusion of this power, his cultivation began to grow slowly. It was said to be slow, but in fact it was extremely fast.

As if the tide was surging, after a moment of effort, Shennong's cultivation has improved a lot. From the first time he entered Taiyi, he has now stood his ground in Taiyi Jinxian.


After a while, feeling the gradually filling mana in his body, Shennong was surprised, and slowly exhaled.

When he stood up and looked at the small tree again, his eyes were filled with fear.

"It's really dangerous. If it weren't for the divine pill presented by the mysterious senior, I'm afraid that this time, there will be nine deaths." He said with some emotion, "However, the golden pill and this poison seem to have the power to overcome each other, and they are in five numbers. There must be some connection between them."

The foundation of this pharmacology is naturally the Way of the Five Elements. He has traveled so far, and actually has a general understanding of the five elements.

When he can apply the Dao of the Five Elements to the Dao of Medicine, it will be called a complete enlightenment.

However, with his current temperament, it is still a lot worse.

Shennong thought about it for a while, then picked up the colorful gourd and wrote down all the medicinal properties he just felt.

"The prehistoric world is really vast and boundless, and it was only when we got to this point that we encountered such a poison-free thing. I really don't know how dangerous the road ahead is."

Although the human race is destined to be the protagonist of heaven and earth, it is still too weak at this time. There are not many golden immortals in Da Luo, and Shennong is only a golden immortal of Taiyi. It is inevitable to be in danger in the wild.

However, being able to travel all over the world in the realm of Taiyi, Shennong's harvest will certainly be extraordinary.

After pondering for a moment, when this description was confirmed to be correct, Shennong rectified his mind and continued to embark on a journey to travel through the great wilderness.


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