Unexpectedly, this group of brutal pirates were not tempted by the wealth within their reach, but insisted on robbing the wealth in the palace. The ministers fell into despair.

They seemed to have foreseen their fate of being killed by pirates. They were so scared that their bodies could not stop trembling, and their faces were pale and full of fear.

"Father, do you think God will protect us?"

The little princess asked innocently, her eyes were pure and innocent, full of trust in God.

The king looked at his daughter's clear eyes, and his heart was full of mixed feelings. He couldn't bear to deceive her and tell her that God didn't exist, but he couldn't bear to let her bear such a cruel truth.

In the end, he could only nod reluctantly, pretending to be calm, as if he also believed that God would come to save them.

But the pirates were not prepared to give them more time to be sentimental. They didn't know when the navy would come, and time was extremely precious to them.

"Kill! Except for the king, all others will be killed without mercy! And take away all the treasures you have set your eyes on!"

Crick's order was like an order to open the shackles, and at this moment, the evil in the hearts of the pirates was completely released. All of them rushed towards the king and ministers on the high platform of the palace like bloodthirsty beasts.

"Sala, close your eyes." The king said to his daughter distressedly.

"No! I don't want it! I believe that God will protect us. The priest said that God will protect his believers." The little princess said firmly, her eyes full of faith in God.

Looking at his daughter's stubborn appearance, the king's heart was even more bitter. He couldn't refute her words. At this moment, he was powerless and could only pray silently in his heart, hoping that a miracle would really happen.


"Kill them all!"

"Rob them all!"

The pirates shouted loudly, as if hungry wolves saw their prey, and rushed up frantically.

At the moment when everyone in the palace fell into despair, a dazzling white light suddenly broke through the pirates' sight. The white light swept across the steps under their feet, the stone railings beside the steps, and the water tower in the distance.

Everyone looked at the place where the white light passed, and was stunned. They saw deep gullies left on the steps, the stone railings were cut off, and the water tower was split in half. The sprayed water column decorated the water tower like wings.

Everyone was stunned and subconsciously stopped. They didn't dare to take another step forward. It seemed that if they took another step forward, they would be greeted by this fatal blow. Faced with a force beyond their imagination, they all swallowed their saliva.

After a while, everyone reacted from the shock and turned their heads mechanically to look in the direction where the white light swept, wondering who did it.

A slender young man came from a distance. He was very handsome, with a faint smile on his face, and his expression was extremely calm, as if he was strolling in the garden. It seemed that nothing could make him lose his composure.

The pirates subconsciously felt a little ashamed, but when they looked at the knife in the young man's hand, an unbelievable thought came to their minds: Could the white light just now be cut out by this person with a knife?

Creek also just reacted and was also shocked by the attack just now.

At this time, he also recognized Lake. Although so much time has passed and Lake has matured a lot, it is a memory that he has engraved in his heart. How could he forget it? So, he recognized it at a glance.

However, what made him a little frightened was that the young man in front of him seemed to have a high degree of overlap with the figure of the person in his mind. He couldn't help but guess in his heart, could he be...

Just when Creek was guessing in his mind, Lake had already arrived in front of the pirates. He still smiled, opened his mouth softly, and said to Creek:

"Can I take away the believers of God?"

"Huh?" Creek obviously hadn't reacted yet, and was confused about Lake's words, and his face was full of doubts.

"There are believers of God there. Can I take her?" Lake pointed in the direction of the king and asked again.

This time, before Creek could think about it, Ajin pulled Creek and rushed to take the lead, saying with a nervous face: "Yes, yes, you can take anyone you want."

Lake nodded, walked up the steps slowly, and came to the king and everyone.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, he cast his eyes on the little princess next to the king and said softly: "Of course God will protect his believers, so he sent me to pick you up, God's most loyal believer."

"Are you the priest?" The little princess asked in a voice full of innocence.

"Yes." Lake nodded.

"Did Ula send you to save me?"

"Yes." Lake nodded again."Then can you save my father and the others?" The little princess looked at Lake with hope, hoping that he would nod, but she was obviously disappointed.

Lake shook his head with a trace of compassion in his eyes.

"Why? Isn't God kind and great?" She asked puzzled.

The little princess thought that God's kindness was for everyone, just like the gods who saved people from suffering in the myths she had heard since she was a child.

"God is great and kind. He created all things in the world and allowed people to live and live. Isn't this kind and great enough?"

"But why doesn't God punish bad people?"

"The birth, aging, illness and death of mortals are just part of reincarnation. For God's eternal life, it is just a blink of an eye. How can those who have never believed in him attract his attention?"

Lake explained patiently.

"Besides, this is their fate. Pirates, kings, civilians, or soldiers, what difference does it make in the eyes of God? God will only look at those who believe in him, that is, his people."

"But they are also willing to become believers of God!" The little princess still did not give up, she pointed to the ministers and soldiers around her.

Hearing the little princess' words, the king and the ministers nodded in agreement, saying that they were also willing to believe in God and wanted to become believers of God.

Lake was secretly happy when he saw this. But he pretended not to notice and continued to say to the little princess: "But I can't feel their faith."

Suddenly, the mood of this group of people was like a roller coaster, and they lost hope again.

"How can faith be generated?"

This is what a group of people want to figure out most at this time. They look at Lake expectantly, wanting to get some hints from him.

But this is obviously impossible, they are not worth Lake doing that.

Besides, his goal is not to harvest the faith of a few people, but the entire country. So he didn't intend to pay any attention to them at all, and just pretended not to see them.

Suddenly, the voice of King Klofa VII sounded.

"Priest Lake, I am willing to repent and let this country fall into the arms of God." The king looked at Lake and begged.


Lake was a little surprised. He didn't expect that his goal would be achieved so easily, but he still pretended to be hesitant and difficult to do.

Then, after pretending to think about it, he slowly turned his eyes in the direction of the pirates.

"Crick, the king wants to negotiate with you, are you willing? Under the watchful eyes of God." Lake said.

Faced with the sudden question, Creek was a little unresponsive.

But he was not stupid. This seemed to be an inquiry, but he believed that as long as he dared not give face, he might be defined as an evil existence who disrespected God, and might be purified directly in the name of God by the person in front of him.

"Since this is a sacred negotiation under the watchful eyes of God, it is of course my honor and I am happy to do it." Creek bowed slightly, smiled reluctantly at Lake, and said calmly.

"I believe your sincerity, God will sense it."

Then, he folded his hands across his chest calmly, and said devoutly:

"God has mercy, God is immortal, God is with us."

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