One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 349 Little Expert In Mining

Chapter 349 Little Expert in Mining

After the bell, return to Hong Kong.

Under the strict surveillance of the guards, Hawkeye went ashore calmly, without the slightest sense of tension at the Beasts Pirates base camp.

"I may stay for a while, and take care of the boat for me."

As if ordering his subordinates, Hawkeye left a sentence and strode away.

The guards looked at each other in blank dismay. This was the first time they had encountered such an outsider, and they simply didn't pay attention to all the beasts!

"Damn it, you actually underestimated us. Hey, why don't you say something to him!"

"say what."

Several people pushed and shoved each other, one of them scratched his head, with a smile on his face, and waved goodbye to Hawkeye humbly.

"Bon voyage!"


Hawkeye didn't even look back, he wasn't interested in the weak at all.


Wanokuni is also known as the country of samurai, and powerful swordsmen emerge in endlessly. This time, looking for a way to sharpen the black sword, maybe the samurai can tell him the answer.

"Let's go to the town and have a look."

There are few people on the road, and I occasionally meet some passers-by, all of whom are civilians with bamboo hats and farm tools. When they approach the town, the number of passers-by gradually increases.

But there is one thing that makes Hawkeye puzzled. It has been nearly half a day since I came to Wanokuni, but I didn't see a single person with a sword, let alone a samurai.

Not only that, but pedestrians looked at him very strangely, the disgusted eyes were like seeing criminals.

Hawkeye realized something was wrong, and the facts were as he thought.

"Stop, outsider!"

He was surrounded by ten swordsmen in uniform black costumes with knives around their waists.

The leading swordsman introduced himself: "I am Kurame, the sixth member of the 10th Division of the Shinsengumi. I am in charge of patrolling and guarding the Baiwu area. Please hand over the knife and cooperate with our investigation."

"Hand over the knife?"

Hawkeye's eyes sank, and there was no problem cooperating with the official investigation, but it was absolutely impossible for him to hand over "Ye".

Cangmu explained: "Outsiders, His Majesty Ming Wang issued a ban on knives. Without permission, no one is allowed to wear knives."

"I see."

Hawkeye suddenly realized that it was no wonder that no one was seen holding a knife. It turned out that it was a ban on knives. This kind of law prohibiting civilians from possessing force is not uncommon.

However, Wanokuni, which is famous all over the world as a samurai, has a ban on knives, which is a bit too strange!

"Who is King Ming?"

"Naturally, Lord Protector Kaido!"

Cangmu puffed out his chest proudly: "It is Lord Ming who guarded this country and made our lives prosperous."

Since Yamato became a general, Wanokuni's closed-door policy has also changed. As long as you meet the requirements for going to sea, you can apply to leave Wanokuni.

In addition, it is also possible to travel to other islands and countries in the land of beasts by following merchant ships.

When the common people knew the outside world, the fact that Wanokuni was saved from war because of King Huguo Ming's asylum gradually gained wide recognition.


Hawkeye frowned, Kaido is the pirate who occupied Wanokuni, and there is nothing wrong with enforcing the ban on swords to prevent samurai from rebelling.

But in that case, where would he find a samurai?

Cangme waited for a long time, and urged: So please leave the knife to us for safekeeping, please rest assured, when you leave, as long as you have not violated the Wanokuni law, we will return the knife to you. "

"I reject."

Hawkeye refused coldly, even if Kaido was in front of him, he would not be able to hand over "Ye", let alone a group of weak people.

Cangmu's face turned ugly, he didn't want to conflict with the people from outside, but if the other party openly defied the law, there was nothing he could do.

"Violation of the ban on knives will be punished with three years of hard labor!"

Cangmu held the handle of the knife, made a posture of drawing the knife, and said in a deep voice: "Outsider, I can see that you are very powerful, but Lord Ming protects Wanokuni, and the consequences of offending him are very serious. I advise you to do it yourself!"


Hawkeye held "Night" in his hand.


On the other side, Cactus Island.

In the west of the island, Crocodile led a group of subordinates and a large number of villagers, and was digging.

Losing to the Red Hair Pirates prevented him from occupying as much territory as the Four Emperors, and thus no source of income.

He doesn't consider the issue of repaying the money for the time being, but Baroque Studio will undoubtedly need a lot of money if it wants to develop and train powerful subordinates!

On the other hand, Cactus Island with a desert climate has very poor resources, and the only thing worth developing is the mineral resources buried under the sand.

It just so happened that the awakening of the fruit made his control over the soil and rock soar, and he could even detect the mineral composition in the sandstone.


Wearing a miner's cap, Teabeard rushed out of the mine in a disheveled face, holding a large piece of yellowish ore in his arms, and shouted in surprise.

"It's gold! It's gold!"

Incredibly, they actually dug a gold mine underground!

Seeing the gold ore, the scene lost control in an instant.

The subordinates and villagers' eyes were red, rushing into the mine, wanting to see what the gold mine looks like.

Crocodile was extremely calm. He surveyed the entire cactus island, and he was not surprised that there were gold mines.

Even if it is a gold mine, it is just a pile of valuable stones. It is not worthwhile to sell them directly. Only by refining them into gold can they really make money, but this process is quite troublesome.

"Arrange people to mine immediately!"

"Understood, boss!"

Leaving the celebratory crowd, Crocodile went back to Hidden Sand Village alone, took out the phone bug and contacted the Beasts Pirates.

Soon, the phone bug connected.

"Hey hee hee!"

A sinister smile echoed across the room.

"Crocodile, what's the matter?"

"I need a complete set of mining and refining equipment."

Crocodile made a list. Cactus Island is rich in minerals, but the industry is basically zero. He needs a complete production line.

"Hehehe, Crocodile, you owe a lot of money to our Beasts now, if you want to borrow money, you have to pay it back first!"

Moria sneered, Crocodile owed Beast more than two billion Baileys, this amount of money was enough to deal with him, and there was no need to pay on credit.

"I have mined a gold mine here, and there are some rare ores."

Crocodile opened his mouth calmly, and briefly talked about the situation of Cactus Island, full of confidence in his heart.

With a mere two billion Baileys, it is not a problem in front of his ability. He already has a plan to make a fortune.

It just so happened that Beast is a weapon manufacturer with a great demand for steel, and the price it offers is much higher than the government's purchase price, so it is an ideal trading partner.

Moria's eyes lit up: "It's amazing, I didn't expect Sand-Sand Fruit to have such a magical effect!"

The biggest business of Beasts Pirates is the sale of weapons, and the production of weapons requires a lot of steel resources, so only islands with rich minerals like Wanokuni can build weapons factories.

There are also industries such as shipbuilding and road construction that require a lot of steel resources, and most of the islands that can provide these resources are in the hands of the member countries and the World government.

In terms of the resources they have, the beasts can't even match a fraction of the World Government, so seastone weapons are irreplaceable.

If Crocodile can provide a stable supply of steel ore or processed finished products, it will be of great help to Beast's manufacturing industry.

"Okay, I will go to Cactus Island myself. If you can really provide a large amount of steel resources, you can borrow as much as you want!"

Moria resolutely agreed that Devil Fruit has all kinds of strange abilities, and with the effect shown by Sand-Sand Fruit, it is indeed possible to explore mineral veins.

"Crocodile, it just so happens that we, Beasts, have a special product that you should need very much!"

Beasts make money and Beasts spend!

(end of this chapter)

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