One Piece: Master Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 457 Bonus Is The Best Incentive

Chapter 457 Bonus is the best incentive

The real fighters looked at the palace secretary eagerly, and temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​challenging. Now is the time of the banquet, so drink happily, and wait for the end of the banquet to do everything.

What's more, they have cadres who want to challenge more!

Kaido holds the wine jug in his left hand and rests his cheek on his right hand.

"Hey, hey, Baohuang, let me report the current detailed situation of the beasts."

"Yes, Master Kaido!"

Baohuang held up the annual report and read it aloud.

"So far, there are 28,255 Beasts Pirates members."

"Among them, there are 3 people from Big Kanban, 2 people from Lingkong Jiuzi, and 6 people from Feiliubao, 541 people really hit!"

"It has a total of 67 islands and completely rules 13 kingdoms!"

"Last Year's Arms Production"

The luxurious data made all the cadres present puff up their chests with great pride.

In military strength, financial resources, as well as occupied territory and a complete industrial chain, Beasts Pirates is definitely the No.

As for Whitebeard and Redhead.


It is foreseeable that Beasts Pirates will become stronger and stronger!


Kaido smiled.

Years of investment and construction have finally borne fruit. At present, Beast's site has completed industrial upgrading, and is involved in various fields, so there is no problem with self-sufficiency.

Except that there are relatively few high-level cadres, and the level of technology is relatively backward, there are basically no faults in other aspects.

Financial resources are the biggest advantage of Beasts. With the money-making machine of the Golden City, the economies of some superpowers are not as good as Beasts.

And even if there is no Golden City, the weapons trade and industrial chain of Beasts can generate a lot of wealth.

Otherwise, they would not be able to support so many subordinates.

Of course, compared to the huge World Government and Marine, Beasts are far inferior.

Not to mention anything else, during the Summit War, Marine had 100,000 elite troops, and the total strength must have exceeded one million.

Kaido stood up and raised his glass again.

"Beasts Pirates can't exist today without your dedication!"

"Boss Kaido is serious!"

The cadres stood up and raised their glasses one after another, their eyes were extremely fiery.

In just five or six years, they witnessed the expansion of the Beasts Pirates from a mere two or three hundred people to the current tens of thousands of troops. In retrospect, there is still something incredible.

This is simply not something pirates can do!

Today's Beasts Pirates are more like an empire than a pirate group, and it's all because of Boss Kaido!

Not only the strength, but also the wisdom of the boss Kaido makes them admire, no matter how bad the situation is, the boss Kaido can easily solve it.

"Hey, blah blah, baohuang!"

"Master Kaido, you are ready."

The treasure chests were moved up one by one, and when they were opened, there were piles of brand new Baileys inside, adding up to a total of 10 billion Baileys.

So many Baileys, Whitebeards and redheads may have to save for a lifetime, but for the sea empire-like beasts, it is less than one-fifth of the annual net profit.

The real players look at the money, their eyes are burning!

Join the Beasts Pirates, apart from the worship of power, the most important thing is money, few people in this world can be indifferent to money!

"These are all yours!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Really excited to cheer!

Everyone knows the arrogance of the boss of Kaido!

In the square outside, the warriors of the Beasts Pirates were drinking, and suddenly, paper snow fell from the sky!

"Hi~~ Hey, what is this?"

The soldiers took off the paper from their faces drunkenly, and when they saw it clearly, most of the alcohol dissipated immediately.


The soldiers raised their heads one after another, and countless Baileys floated down from the sky, densely packed like heavy snowfall.

Even though they have seen many big scenes, their hearts have been seriously shocked at this moment!

Wherever you look, there is money!

Without a doubt, this is the grand finale of today's banquet!

"Long live Kaido-sama!!!"

The soldiers cheered and snatched money, which was more attractive than watching Lord Quinn dance.

"The show isn't over yet, you bastards who are blind to money!"

Quinn realized that he was being ignored, and couldn't help yelling, how could such a charming man be ignored!

However, when Bailey floated in front of his eyes, his eyes also turned. Knowing that even if he picked it up, he wouldn't be able to pick up too much money, but he still couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Bailey in his hand.

"No one will steal from me!"

Mr. Yi disaster joined the ranks of money grabbing with no promise.

In the banquet hall, 10 billion Baileys were quickly distributed, and several thick stacks of Baileys were placed in front of each cadre.

All of them laughed from ear to ear.

With so many bonuses, plus a monthly salary, you can spend the next year eating, drinking, and having fun.

This is supreme happiness!

Following Master Kaido is the greatest luck in their lives!

Jinbei and Stussy looked at Beasts handing out the money, and felt a little envious in their hearts. They were not considered official members of Beasts and could not enjoy this treatment.

However, what a few people care about is not money, but Kaido's generosity to his subordinates. It is undoubtedly a kind of luck to have such a boss.

"Hey, let's drink slowly, everyone."

Kaido got up with a smile, and went to the lounge next door, which was quieter and suitable for talking about important matters.

Jhin and Moria also followed.

"Brother Kaido."

"My brother, sit down and drink."

Kaido gestured to sit down.

Compared with other subordinates, the three of Jhin are true brothers, not only in strength, but also in mutual trust.

The three drank for a while and chatted about business.

Kaido looked at Jhin and asked, "Jin, you went to Hive Island before, what do you think of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Not as good as us!"

Ember commented in detail, describing in detail the experience on Hive Island.

In terms of comprehensive strength, Hundred Beasts definitely surpassed the Whitebeard Pirates. The only uncertain factor is the strongest "Whitebeard"!

A few years ago, Kaido had a duel with Whitebeard.


But after a few years, they have become much stronger, and Brother Kaido is no exception. If there is another fight, he believes that Brother Kaido will definitely defeat Whitebeard.


Kaido nodded slightly.

The development curve of the Beasts Pirates is almost perfect, with superior weapons, financial resources, military strength, and logistics.

The biggest problem is Whitebeard.

Four Emperors battle, the captain is the key!

If he can't defeat Whitebeard, even if his men can crush the opponent comprehensively, they will not be able to seal the victory.

Jhin asked in a deep voice: "Brother Kaido, do you want to start a war with the Whitebeard pirates?"

"The time is not yet ripe."

Kaido shook his head slightly.

The current scale of the Beasts Pirates has reached its limit, and if they want to expand, they can only start wars against the other Four Emperors.

Whitebeard's site is the largest and the best location!

It's 16 years until Summit War.

By then, the Whitebeard Pirates will come to an end.

But he can't wait that long. If he doesn't expand outside for such a long time, the overall combat power of all beasts will plummet.

No matter which Four Emperors it is against, action must be taken within three years, and at the same time prevent the World government and Marine!

(end of this chapter)

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