Before Lu Qi could think, he felt a strong palpitation!

Then he understood the reason for this feeling. He saw a black shadow standing behind him, tall and strong.

"Do you really think you can defeat me at this level? That's really unrealistic, ji ji ji ji ji!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and in an instant, even Lu Qi was frightened out of his wits, his breath was disordered, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Hasn't he been shot through the chest?" Lu Qi was horrified.


Because he found a problem, the sound was not from the black shadow, and the black shadow had not fallen down until now after piercing the chest.

Just at this moment, the smoke gradually dissipated, and the true face of the black shadow inside...

It was still a black shadow!

A black shadow that looked exactly like Moria, and at this moment, it was repairing its broken body.

"The user of the Shadow Shadow Fruit, a superhuman devil fruit!"

Lucci suddenly remembered the record about Gekko Moriah, but he was shocked by Moriah's close combat strength just now, so he ignored the fact that he was also a user.

"Now I remember it, but it's too late!" Moriah said and pinched Lucci's neck with lightning speed.

Although the latter reacted, his action was half a beat slower.

If he was not injured, Lucci might be able to dodge it smoothly, but at this moment he was not only seriously injured by a weird slash wave, but also used up all his strength in the Six Kings Spear just now.


Moriah endured the discomfort on his body and pushed Lucci against the wall, and the latter's mouth was also bleeding.

At this time, Lucci was completely a fish on the chopping board, and Moriah could take his life anytime and anywhere.

But Moriah did not do so.

But with various considerations, he knew how to maximize the benefits!


The strong feeling of suffocation made Lucci struggle violently, but Moria's hand was like a clamp and did not move at all.

The struggle at the time of death was terrible, but Moria's arm was covered with a strange power, making Lucci unable to break free.

"Armament Haki... Haki!"

Lucci recognized the moves used by Moria and uttered these words with difficulty.

"Yes, you got it right, then I will reward you with a stronger Armament Haki!" Feeling the unstable breath in his body, Moria exerted force in his hands, and the Armament Haki became a little stronger, and Lucci's voice stopped abruptly.

Lucci, who was half-human and half-beast, gradually shrank and turned back to human form.

This time he completely lost the ability to resist and fainted!

"Lucci was defeated like this? Even the strongest move, the Six Kings Spear, was easily resolved..."

All this process was seen by Kalifa. She knew the power of Lucci's strongest move, and it was no problem to kill three elephants.

Kalifa is now considering whether to play dead and get away with it...

But if she does that, she will really die...

After dealing with Lucci, Moriah let out a long breath and staggered a little.

He rubbed his dizzy head and looked into the distance, but saw that there was no trace of Robin and Holm, and he felt uneasy.

He didn't know whether to chase Holm or find the antidote. If he caught up with Holm but couldn't find the antidote, he would die, but he couldn't find the antidote himself...

"That... If you want to find Holm's room, I think I can help you..."

Just when Moriah was anxious, a weak voice sounded, it was Kalifa.

Kalifa also wished that Moriah would just die, but she was also poisoned, and even if she died, it would be in vain. Nico Robin would not be caught by then, and the mission would not be completed.

This is the result of her careful consideration.

After staring at Kalifa for a while, he felt that she had become much more beautiful: "You've helped a lot!"

"But the stairs are broken. I could still go up to such a high distance under normal circumstances, but I'm afraid I can't do anything now." Kalifa added.

Moria's mind moved, and the shadow turned into a big black bird with red eyes, flying up with the two of them.

"Shadow?" Moria was about to slap himself, but he forgot about it. Maybe the toxin has already invaded the brain, and there is no time to waste.

Then Moria dispersed the shadows to continue chasing Holm, and he carried Kalifa against the wall to find the antidote.

In Holm's room, Moria easily turned a bottle out of the drawer.


He didn't dare to eat it just like that.

If he ate it just like that, there might be nothing below...

Then the little white mouse next to him would come into play.

"Come on, it's time to take the medicine! Jihehehe!" Moria smiled evilly while pouring out the particles in the bottle.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Kalifa's face was flushed and she coughed.

After a while, the purple skin began to fade away, and the red and white were faint.

This is it...


The shadow mage can transform into various animals, such as dozens or hundreds of bats, so it is very easy to hunt prey. The possibility of Holm running away is almost zero.

Not long after, Holm was beaten into a pig's head, dragging his thighs all the way back, and returning all the damage Robin suffered before...


Moria had no intention of simply letting him go.

Holm has no value at all in his eyes, but Rob Luci and Kalifa are of some use if they stay...

No matter whether they kill or capture the navy, they are not really members of the World Government after all, but CP9 is different. It is a secret intelligence agency directly under the World Government.

If Moria wants to become a Shichibukai, he cannot completely offend the World Government.

This also requires sending one of them back to report. After all, if they all stay, the World Government may decide that both CP9s were killed by Moria. In anger, the name Shichibukai may not be preserved...

She prefers Lucci to Carly Famoria, and her beauty is nothing compared to her strength.

Moria was about to return home with Lucci and Holm between him, while Robin was carried by Shadow Mage.

"Buru buru bulu——"

Just as Moria was about to go out, the phone in Holm's room rang, and she didn't know who was calling.

After careful consideration, Moria finally answered the call, but did not make a sound immediately.

A gloomy voice came from the other side: "Young boy Holm has done a great job. He even reached a cooperation with the people of the World Government. Is it for a woman?"

The person on the other end of the phone said sarcastically.

There was no answer for a long time, and the person on the other end stopped talking. He seemed to have realized something. He was a little angry and angry for a while, so he didn't ask for his identity.

"As for, why not!" I wanted to hang up the phone and send someone back to find out what happened, but I heard Moria answer:

"That woman's life is more valuable than all the lives of you Ford gang members put together!"

Facing Holm's tone, Moria already understood the other person's identity at this moment, and just heard the other person say: "Who are you? Let me remind you, my name is Ford Vito, you should know what this means. Bar?"

"What did you do to Holm? Aren't you afraid of the Ford gang's revenge?"

As he finished speaking, a woman's voice could be heard faintly coming from the phone. She should be Holm's sister.

Moria smiled: "Hehehehe! The Ford gang is one of the five major mafia families in Xihai. Who doesn't know this? As for who I am, you don't need to know. I'm afraid you won't dare to retaliate after knowing it." !”

Arrogant, too arrogant!

Vito has never seen anyone more arrogant than this since he was a child. Now he sees this person. He has been trained as the heir of the Ford family since he was a child. Who wouldn't be respectful to him when they see him?

"If you have the guts, just tell me where you live now. Within three days, I will flatten your territory, turn your home into a dunghill, and turn your woman into a..." Vito suppressed his anger. He was already in his heart. Sentencing the person on the other end of the phone to death, he believed that few people in Xihai could withstand his anger.

"No need." Moria interrupted directly: "Let me tell you, you may not even be able to find it, so I'll go find you. In addition, I have prepared a special gift for you, remember to check it!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for a reply. There was no point in speaking harshly. He could speak as little as possible so that his opponent could not speak.

The demise of the Ford gang did not arouse sympathy; on the contrary, people only applauded.

In the past, when the Capone gang was around, the underworld followed the rules of the underworld, but when the Ford gang came, they were no different from pirates...

The terrifying three-masted ship, under Moriah's orders, Lu Qi was admitted to the Sea Tower Stone Chain, but he was ordered to eat and drink well.

Then when he was unconscious, he directly pulled up the shadow on the ground. The shadow seemed to come alive, twisting his body and trying to struggle.


There was just a crisp sound, and Lu Qi's shadow had been cut off from his body.

This was one of the reasons why Moria didn't kill Lu Qi. He needed this powerful shadow.

This world has never defined strength by body size. For example, two years later, Lu Qi had a power level of 4,000, which was a level that several giants combined could not reach.

Lu Qi's qualifications are not inferior to Luffy's, but the latter is not only a trophy but also a blood lock.

Moria arrived at the freezer, where Caribu and Absalom happened to be, and there were zombies behind them carrying coffins.

"Lord Moria, today is a great harvest. I didn't expect us to loot a village..." Absalom asked happily, "What do you think we found?"

"A gentle and beautiful woman?" Moria asked tentatively.


"A gentle and cute little girl?"

"That's not right." Absalom was stunned, feeling that something was strange.

"That must be the cute boy Zhi Nao? Jihehehehe!"

"This... is wrong, absolutely wrong, it's a corpse, it's a corpse..." Absalom was speechless. What the hell is this cute boy? Something outrageous has been mixed in.

Moria said this deliberately to tease him. In fact, he had already guessed it from the beginning.

"We rowed to a little-known village and ransacked their graves. Unexpectedly, we discovered the body of a strong man."

Absalom continued, "The owner of the corpse is named Kaze Jigoro. It is said that he killed seven thousand pirates in order to protect his family. He is a veritable swordsman!"

"Oh?" Moria was also interested. This kind of corpse was rare, and he suddenly thought that there happened to be a shadow that fit very well...

Bastyu in the middle of the future Navy Headquarters where he imprisoned...

So Moria said:

"From now on, I will set up an independent legion, which will be full of powerful zombie generals. In the future, Absalom will be the commander, and um... Caribou... will be a zombie general!"

"Hehehe, sir, don't be so cruel!" Caribou began to use the sticking method.

Finally, after much persuasion, Moria gave him the position of deputy commander.

An ice sculpture in the freezer slowly thawed, and Moria stuffed Lucci's shadow into it. Not long after, the huge ice sculpture began to slowly open its eyes.


A roar shook the seagulls hovering over the island to the ground, and the berserker who had been sleeping for five hundred years finally woke up!

The ancient giants, Oz!

But unlike the original two years later, this Oz was not an idiot, but was very respectful to Moria at the beginning, and did not resist, as if he was born with a kind of slavery.

Because the owner of this shadow belongs to Lu Qi, obedience has taken root in his heart.

Thanks to my old book friend Wo Xin Nan Jing for his monthly ticket and comments, and some book friends who voted and read!

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