One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 4 Devil Patrolman

After throwing down a maintenance fee, Moria left the tavern.

The people in the tavern recovered from their shock, but their hearts were still pounding and they were still in shock.

It was really a master meeting a master. I thought Ghost Gun Vic was already very powerful, but he was defeated in just one encounter.

Although Moria was no longer at his peak, he was not as fat as before, so his strength was naturally strong.

It is not difficult to imagine that what happened here will spread around in a short time, and it is unknown how many versions will be spread by then.

I have visited everything I should visit and bought everything I should buy, so I went home and prepared to try my luck in the next place.

I originally wanted to ask the underground black forces, but the security of the Kingdom of Abida was too good, and there was no underworld organization at all.

As soon as he left the town, Moria heard someone calling from behind:

"Lord Moria! Wait for me!"

Hearing the voice, Moria stopped and waited for a moment, and then heard the panting sound coming from far away. Moria knew who it was by the sound.

Absalom the grave robber.

Absalom was in a mess at the moment, with his round hat tilted, one of his shoes missing, and he was panting.

Moria asked with a smile: "What's wrong? Didn't you go to dig graves? Could it be that you are a dead body?"

"No, it's just that I encountered a tough guy this time, so I pried open the coffin, and suddenly someone behind me yelled..."

Absalom was panting, and his speech was a little incoherent.

Moria handed over the marshmallow: "Eat the candy first, talk slowly, there's no rush."

Absalom didn't lie.

Perona glared: "That's mine."

"Why would a child eat so much candy? It will breed worms." Moria patted Perona's head, and then said to Absalom: "Is that person a family member of the tomb owner?"

"No." Absalom calmed down, recalled, and said: "It looks like the guard of this place. He has a cane and a musket in his hand."

"That guy knocked down the zombie as soon as he showed up. Fortunately, the zombies are invincible. I ran away while the zombies were dragging him. I lost my hoe and shovel, and one of my boots was stuck in the mud."

Absalom ate a piece of marshmallow and was choked: "It's so sweet!"

Guard? Cane? From the West Sea, Moria suddenly thought of someone.

"It's good to be back. Where did you see him? Take me over to see."


On the other side, there were many tombstones. In the Abida Cemetery, a figure sat on a tombstone, turning the cane in his hand.

The guards around stood aside and stared at each other. Although they felt something was wrong, no one dared to point it out.

Because the figure sitting on the tombstone had the notoriety of "Devil Patrolman", famous for violent law enforcement, and even the Grand Line had rumors about him.

Lafitte, the captain and navigator of the fifth ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, the post-Four Emperors.

Lafitte was very dissatisfied with the kingdom at this moment. He had been warned many times by the kingdom for violent law enforcement, and was threatened with deportation several times.

Look, today was a day of joyful celebration in the kingdom, but the higher-ups actually sent him to guard the tomb.

Recently, the cemeteries of the surrounding kingdoms have been frequently attacked, which has also attracted the attention of the upper echelons of the Kingdom of Abidar.

"Don't take the burial objects inside, what is the purpose of stealing the body?"

Lafitte frowned and thought, which was like buying a casket and returning the pearl. Although he claimed to be smart, he was a little confused at the moment.

After a long silence, Lafitte's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam of light:

"Things are getting interesting... Maybe that ship is his? It's really spectacular. At first I thought it was an island..."

Thinking of this, Lafitte felt a little regretful. If he had thought of it just now, it would have been better. Thinking of this, he didn't plan to leave. He wanted to try his luck. Maybe that person might come.

And Lafitte also got a reliable news from a special channel...

The fact is just as Lafitte thought.

If it was the lazy and arrogant Magic Duck, maybe he wouldn't even look at it even if he knew there was such a person.

Today is different from the past.

There are several black spots shaking in the distance.

Lafitte took out a cylinder from his bosom and opened it. It was a monocular telescope. How could an excellent navigator not have a telescope...

He closed one eye and held up the telescope. When he saw the figure in the mirror clearly, Lafitte's mouth curled up in a strange arc: "I didn't expect that I would actually wait for him. It turned out to be him!"

The other guards looked into the distance in confusion. There was nothing. They didn't know what the sheriff was doing.

Moria also saw this guy with good abilities and mystery. Compared with the original book, there was no change, but Lafitte was very young now and his clothes were not particularly alternative.

"The famous "devil patrolman" in the West Sea, Lafitte..."

"Hehehe, it's my honor to be remembered by a big shot like you, it's just an empty name." Lafitte stamped his feet and turned his crutches, his behavior was particularly weird:

"I didn't know that the person who stole the corpse was yours, and I didn't intend to be your enemy."

Then he spread his hands and said apologetically: "It's also my fault for not considering it. I should have known that it was your pirate ship when I saw that ship."

"If an apology is useful, what else do you policemen need to do?" Moria was very satisfied with Lafitte's attitude. It seemed that there was a possibility of recruiting, so he added:

"If possible, it can become your pirate ship in the future. As far as I know, you are notorious for your excessive use of violence and are not like a law-abiding person. How about it? Have you ever gone to the Grand Line or even the New World?" Plans to travel the world?"

The guards with Lafitte all changed their expressions. Absalom and Perona also rarely saw Moria actively extending an olive branch to others.

Lafitte was a little surprised when he saw this, but there was also a hint of excitement in it.

Maybe later people may put Moriah and Lafitte on the same level, but now there is no comparison at all.

Otherwise, Moria would not be among the seven people selected by the World Government who have abilities that rival the country and can deter many pirates.

And Moria is different from others. Even after disappearing for more than ten years, the World Government still actively came to ask him to join the Shichibukai, which shows the great influence at that time.

Lafitte didn't hesitate too much, raised his purple lips slightly, put his hands on his chest, and made a gentleman-like gesture:

"It's an honor to join the Moonlight Pirates, Captain."

The world is changing, and heroes are rising up.

Lafitte had had enough of this little place, and he was smart enough to see the rewards in Moriah.

For example, the World Government is going to recruit seven famous and powerful pirates!

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