One Piece: My Shadow Can Hang Up

Chapter 69 You don’t want others to know, right?

Chapter 69 You don’t want... to be known by others, right?

"Robin, water, is there water? It's so spicy!" Not far away, Horsman, who had just finished the barbecue, stuck out his tongue and approached Robin and asked.

At this moment, Robin was looking at the two people in the distance without blinking, wanting to know what they were talking about. She had already discovered the identity of the woman.

That costume is from an organization directly under the World Government, CP0.

"As for water, there is coconut juice on the table there, the one on the right." Robin looked away, suddenly thought of something, and said to Horsman: "Well... Miss Sniper, can I ask you a favor?"

"Just call me Lily from now on. Just ask me anything!"

"Just...listen to what the captain is saying..."

"This is easy to handle, leave it to me!"

After speaking, Horsman walked over in a swaggering manner, but what he didn't notice was that there was an extra ear behind her.

Under the umbrella on the other side, Stussy was subdued instantly. Seeing that her resistance was fruitless, she lay on the ground like a salted fish.

On the one hand, there is a gap in strength between the two. On the other hand, the agile Moriah is extremely fast at three meters tall and strikes first before Stussi can react.

In fact, Moriah just wanted to give her a blow.

"If you ask me to release people, this is not impossible to consider." Moria lowered his voice, "But if you want to get involved with my men, then be ready for war!"

"Front, back, left, right, this is left, this is right..."

At this moment, Horsman had already arrived behind the two of them, gesturing with his fingers up and down, left and right, and then picked up the coconut juice on his right and sipped on it.

Then he just stood there and didn't move away, looking like a bunch of people eating melons.

But what she didn't know was that Robin was talking about the right side of the table, and she was holding it from her right side.

After a while, Moriah turned his head, looked at Horsman, then looked at the disappeared coconut juice, and then asked the latter: "Is the coconut juice delicious?"

Horsman let it bottom out after a few clicks, and said matter-of-factly: "It tastes good, what's wrong?"

"'s okay." Moriah didn't pursue it any further. It wasn't him who was at a disadvantage anyway. Seeing that Horsman didn't leave for a long time, he asked again: "What are you doing here?"

"I'll help..." Suddenly he remembered something, so he avoided looking, touched his nose, and swayed his tail, which was a bit dazzling: "I haven't seen you for such a long time, and I miss you a little. Come and see you."

Rather than saying that you miss me, it would be more convincing to say that you miss my wallet, Moria thought to herself.

Every time Horsman lies, his three reactions are to dodge his eyes, touch his nose, and wag his tail, and it will definitely be the same this time.

At this time, Moriah didn't want to pursue this matter, so he waved his hand to Horsman: "Don't stand there, just stay there, you stepped on my... shadow..."

Horsman sucked it for a long time, shook it again, and found that it was clean. He didn't say anything when he saw Moriah, so he returned to the original route and returned to life.

On the soft sand, Stussy not only did not feel angry, but also smiled: "Is this one of your men? It's so interesting!"

I don’t know if he was telling the truth or was being sarcastic.

"Don't interrupt, what else does the World Government want you to convey?" Moria asked with a cold expression, sighing secretly in his heart.

This so-called Queen of Happy Street is worthy of being the boss behind that kind of business. Just the scent of her body makes people feel a little excited. Of course, this is not spiritual.

"What else can I say, just let me talk to you about these things." Stussy looked pitiful, "The main point is to mention Nico Robin, the son of the devil. They suspect..."

Suddenly thinking of something, Stusy stopped talking. Not everyone knew that Nico Robin could read the text of history. Even the World Government only suspected...

If this news spreads by then, not only may the person in front of you not hand over Nico Robin, but it may also attract the attention of the entire world.

Although Stussi didn't finish what he said, Moria already understood, and he directly used the topic to play on it:

"What on earth deserves all of you to pay so much attention to Nico Robin? Not only people from the New World, but also a guy named Dragon..."

When O'Hara was destroyed, Robin was only eight years old. No one would think that an eight-year-old child would know how to read historical text, otherwise Robin would not be hiding XZ.

As long as she announces that she can read the text of history, not only the Revolutionary Army will protect her, but even the emperor of the new world will protect her, and even some ordinary pirates will do so, because Robin is the key to opening Rafdru.

Moria takes advantage of this, both by threatening and by revealing that he doesn't know how to use Robin properly, to weaken the World Government's attention.

"The leader of the rebel army, Dragon?" Stussy's expression changed when he heard this. This was the most dangerous guy considered by the World Government, the leader of the revolutionary army. Of course, the World Government would not call him that yet.

"I will convey the matter to the higher-ups." After a long time, Stusi stared at Moria and said, "Let me go. The World Government also asked me to explore your strength, but it is no longer needed."

Letting go of Stussy, the latter took off her high heels and poured the sand inside, exposing her beautiful feet in stockings.

Moria glanced away, and Ergou's words suddenly appeared in his mind.

Show off!

"You can tell the World Government that Nico Robin can't be handed over, but you can exchange it for 100 pirate groups."

Moria's sincerity was full of sincerity, but those who knew didn't think he would do anything at a loss.

One hundred pirate groups are no problem, but whether their shadows are there is another question.

Stussy put on high heels, cleared the sand in her stockings, and said lightly: "I will tell the World Government what you said."

What she thought in her heart was that she was all covered in it now. Anyway, the environment here is so good, just treat it as a public holiday. As for things, she will communicate with the higher-ups later.

As soon as Stussy finished tidying up her clothes, she saw a hand holding her arm.

"What are you doing?" Before Stussy could react, she was pulled towards the reef beach in the distance.

"Now that the official business is done, let's discuss your personal affairs?"

Moria stared at her and said with a strange expression. This woman is still very useful to her.

"What do I have to say?" Stussy was stunned by the question. She likes to collect and discuss other people's affairs, but she doesn't think she has anything worth discussing.

Reef Beach, where there is no one.

After that, Moria's words directly changed Stussy's face:

"Miss, you don't want the special relationship with Vegapunk to be known by the World Government, right?"

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