After hearing this, the citizens who were originally rebels below the Palace Square suddenly realized and thought through the irrationality of a series of things.

A reporter suddenly asked: “Major General Li Yi, how did you discover Crocodile’s conspiracy!”

Li Yi: “I would like to thank Princess Weiwei for providing the evidence.”

Li Yi: “In order to collect evidence of Crocodile’s crime, Princess Weiwei risked her own life and sneaked into Baroque Studio as an undercover agent, and finally learned of Crocodile’s conspiracy!”

Li Yi: “In the end, in the joint operation with the navy, Crocodile and Baroque Studio were annihilated in one fell swoop!”

Reporter A: “How is Crocodile doing now?”

Giving Smog a look, the latter immediately gave instructions to the soldiers, and then Crocodile, who was cuffed by the Sea Tower Stone, was hung high. It can be seen from the shocking scars on Crocodile that he He went through a brutal battle and was still the one being abused.

Seeing the sword marks on Crocodile’s body, all the reporters subconsciously looked at the man on the stage, the rear admiral known as the Thundering Swordsman.

Although Crocodile and Hawkeye are both Shichibukai, their strength is not at the same level. Crocodile, who is obsessed with the power of ancient weapons, has not made any progress in these years. He is not comparable to Hawkeye, the Empress, and Jinbe at all. Maybe he can beat Moria!

“Everyone sees now that he is the great pirate Crocodile. After discovering his ambitions and intentions, I first gave him some ideological guidance and persuaded him to put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. However, this pirate’s thoughts He will fight and kill!”

Li Yi: “Refuse to cooperate with our navy’s law enforcement, so I can only take action to let him understand what the light of righteousness is╮(╯▽╰)╭”

Li Yi: “Don’t think that I am violently enforcing the law. I am a very kind person. I have even called Crocodile to book a location with excellent Feng Shui in Push City, and it is adjacent to the legendary transvestite paradise. .”

Reporter B: “I heard that Crocodile and Ivankov have a close relationship. It seems that the two of them have a secret that cannot be told. I would like to ask, Major General, if they meet again in Impel Down City, will there be fierce sparks of friction? (#^.^ #)”

Li Yi (キ`゚Д゚´): “May I ask if this friend’s thoughts are more pure? Although Ivankov is gender-specific, I think Crocodile may be a normal man!”

Reporter C: “I heard Crocodile is a woman!”

Li Yi (ΩДΩ): “Do you have evidence?”

Reporter C: “I heard that a reporter once took a photo, and then the reporter disappeared. It is said that someone saw him in the land of transvestites!”

Li Yi  ̄□ ̄||: “I don’t think everyone should listen to rumors. I think the two of them are true love. Crocodile shouldn’t mind Ivankov’s stunning appearance!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone had the urge to vomit. Thinking about the secret that Crocodile and Ivankov couldn’t tell, another burst of mad vomiting occurred.


“Reporting to your Excellency Major General, Crocodile is vomiting blood!”

Suddenly, a soldier hurriedly came to the stage to report. In an instant, everyone looked at Crocodile, who was hanging high. A stream of blood spurted out from his mouth. He was obviously so angry that he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Li Yi→_→: “Tsk, just return the Qibukai like this, break the defense so easily!”

Smoker and Dasqi looked at Li Yi speechlessly. They felt that Li Yi’s mouth was poisonous, and they unconsciously moved their bodies to distance themselves from Li Yi.

Li Yio(╥﹏╥)o: “What are you doing!”

Smoker: “You are poisonous!”

Dusky: “I think Colonel Smoker is right!”

Li Yi (ÒωÓױ): “Wow, the boat of friendship can capsize at any time. Do you two still want to hang out with me in the future? (•́へ•́╬)”

Seeing that this news release was getting more and more off-topic, one of the reporters, Ding, asked Li Yifa: “Excuse me, Major General, why can a vicious pirate like Crocodile become a Shichibukai? Why can he do what he did in Alabasta?” Did the Navy know that so many inhumane things happened or did they just let it go?”

“Wow, this is such a deadly series of three questions!”

Seeing this dumbfounded young man who appeared out of nowhere, Li Yi was dumbfounded that you didn’t follow the martial arts ethics and asked questions according to the script. You were so surprised that you asked three times in a row.

What do you want me to answer? The answer is that the World Government allowed Crocodile to become the Shichibukai. It was the right given by the World that allowed him to run rampant in Alabasta, and the Navy didn’t care!

“Why Crocodile was able to become a Shichibukai? This was recruited by the World Government after evaluating Crocodile’s strength. This evaluation

I guess they don’t evaluate character, and the pirate’s character isn’t much better anyway! ”

“As for the many evil things Crocodile did in Alabasta, I’m deeply sorry for that!”

“The system of His Majesty the Shichibukai is inherently unreasonable. In order to make a group of pirates obedient, it has given special rights and even allowed legal plunder. It is really a big joke and an insult to our navy! ”

“Our navy will never allow pirates to harm every civilian, and we will never let every pirate go!”

At this moment, Li Yi was high-spirited and upright, and seemed to be emitting a dazzling light. Every word he spoke shocked everyone. No navy had ever dared to openly question the system of the Shichibukai. And now Li Yi, who is a new generation of young and strong men in the navy, actually said that the Shichibukai system is unreasonable. This is a slap in the face of the world government!

“Is the Navy suggesting that it wants to abolish the system of the Shichibukai?”

The reporters in the audience were all wondering whether Li Yi’s words were the voice conveyed by the Navy to the outside world. The camera shutter was pressed crazily and the pen tip was rapidly recording every sentence. All the news at today’s press conference will shock the world. Crocodile’s arrest heralded the collapse of the Shichibukai system.

At this moment, Smoker and Dasqi never expected that Li Yi would dare to say such words, and they all felt a sense of admiration in their hearts. Many people in the navy were opposed to the Shichibukai system, but they dared to be angry but dare not speak out. But at this moment, Li Yi said what all the navy dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

Guanbula was shocked when he looked at Li Yi. At this moment, Li Yi was completely different. He exuded the light of justice, which was hotter than the sun in Alabasta. At this moment, Guanbula felt that Li Yi was romantic. It is to cover up his dazzling light of justice!

Looking at the admiring eyes of so many people, this wave of success in showing off, but in the end, there was still a perfect summary, so he pointed at Crocodile and said: “With me, Li Yi, in the navy, no matter what kind of day it is.” Pirates, even if they are Shichibukai or Yonko, as long as they are pirates, our navy will not let them go!”

“Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!”

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