The huge body kept trembling. Nolan felt an aura from Li Yi that was more terrifying than Enel. In fear, Nolan twisted his huge body and ran away.

Nami: “This giant snake turned around and ran away in fear. You are so cool, handsome navy man!”

Li Yi: “It’s just a giant python from ancient times, but it dares to be so arrogant in front of me!”

Nami: “Handsome Marine, can you save Luffy?”

Li Yi: “I reject your request. Although I kind of like it, it doesn’t mean that I will do anything for you. As a righteous navy, I have a bottom line!”

Nami→_→: “You still have a bottom line, would a serious navy like to listen to a pirate playing the blue sea tide song!”

Li Yi: “Don’t worry, the straw hat boy will not die. A mere big snake can’t do anything to him. He will come out of the big snake’s belly soon.”

After hearing this, Nami gradually felt relieved. Although Straw Hat Luffy was very nervous and unreasonable, his survivability was extremely strong. This was also attributed to Garp’s extremely cruel training of Straw Hat Luffy since he was a child.

If he disagrees with Garp, he will go through wilderness survival training. It is common to throw him into an abyss and into a forest full of wild beasts. This has forged Straw Hat Luffy’s extremely tough and tenacious vitality. How can he hurt a mere giant snake? Straw Hat Luffy.

Immediately, Nami and Robin formed a team and headed towards Sandora. One was full of Pele’s light, and the other wanted to find the historical text stone.

Li Yi did not explore Sandora with the two of them. Instead, he strolled around leisurely while sensing all the movements with his sense of dominance.

Everyone who was dispersed by the giant snake Nolan began to encounter snipers from the God’s army. The God’s Army Commander Ah Shan led the two deputy commanders “Da Wu” and “Xiao Wu” to attack the Sandians.

After confirming that both sides are enemies, the Sandians and the Army of God have fought countless times in the past four hundred years. This time may be the final battle between them.

The dispersed Straw Hats were not so lucky. They were lucky enough to meet the priest.

Sanji, Chopper, and Usopp encounter two great priests, Mori no Daigo and Gedaz. Mori no Daigo is the brother of the two vice-captains of the Army of God, “Dawu” and “Xiaowu”. The survival rate in charge is only 10%. The trial of the ball.

Why is it called the Trial of the Ball?

Because this is a trial run by a strange man who looks like a ball, it is called the Ball Trial. He is good at using impact shells and cloud shells that can be shaped into various shapes.

Captain Gedaz Kong is in charge of the swamp trial with a survival rate of 50%, and is good at using wind shells and cloud shells that can produce swamp clouds.

By placing traps in the swamp cloud to trap the enemy, people trapped in the swamp cloud are as immobile as being trapped in a jungle swamp, while Daz can rely on the shoes equipped with the wind shell to move freely in the swamp cloud to attack the enemy.

The two priests met the Straw Hats and launched an attack without saying a word. Sanji alone resisted Daigo Mori, and Chopper and Usopp worked together to deal with Daz.

Li Yi didn’t have much interest in paying attention to the two God’s Trial battles. What he was most interested in paying attention to was the battle between Sauron and the empty herder Ohm.

Ohm, the sky herder, is in charge of the Iron Trial with a survival rate of 0%. Judging from the survival rate, Ohm’s combat effectiveness is definitely the first among the four priests.

At this moment, Sauron, who was knocked away by the giant snake to the ruins of Sandora, encountered Ohm and his huge dog “Holy Intercept”.

Sensing the encounter between the two, Li Yi flashed to the scene and hid in a corner to watch the battle quietly.

The two chatted for a while and then started fighting. Ohm used a sword made of iron clouds to stretch and retract freely, and swung the sword like a long whip to attack.

“Iron Whip”

Its power is so powerful that it can easily cut through thick stone walls. Tie Yun’s blade curves forward like a big snake.

Faced with such a large-scale attack, Zoro didn’t even have a chance to get close. He swung his two swords and slashed with a flying slash to deal with Ohm’s attack.

However, the attack power of Zoro’s flying slash was too weak and it was extremely vulnerable to Ohm’s iron whip attack. He could only use the walls of the ruins to temporarily avoid Ohm’s attack.

Seeing Sauron hiding in the ruins, Ohm looked at Sauron like a fool. The four great priests all have the ability of the Heart Network. Ohm, who has the ability of the Heart Network, can quickly sense where Sauron is hiding.

“I found you, swordsman of Qinghai!”

“Fork of Iron”

The ability of the Heart Network was activated like a radar scan, and Sauron’s hiding place was quickly discovered. The blade of the Iron Cloud Sword became fork-shaped, and the sword pierced the wall like tofu, piercing several walls in a row and facing the wall directly. and then left Sauron’s heart.

Sensing the danger, Sauron dodged the Iron Cloud Sword’s attack in time, but before he could take a breath, Ohm’s pet dog pounced on him.

I thought it would be easy to chop it out with one knife

It can be solved. I never expected that this big dog is not only huge in size, but also powerful.

Being careless, Zoro was almost pushed to the ground and rubbed by a dog. Sure enough, in the world of One Piece, if he didn’t work hard, he might not even be able to beat a dog.

Fortunately, after some entanglement, Zoro discovered the weakness of this big dog, which is that it is very loyal and obedient. Not only does it resolutely implement the instructions of its owner Ohm, but also the instructions of others, so under Zoro’s order, he Knock yourself out.

After dealing with the big dog, Zoro continued to use the remains of the ruins to avoid Ohm’s attack. However, no matter where he hid, he could not escape the perception of the Heart Network.

After dodging for a long time, he took advantage of a loophole leaked by Ohm and immediately activated his sword skill.

“Two-sword style, tiger hunting!”

He raised his two swords high like a tiger coming out of the gate and slashed at Ohm quickly.

However, Ohm had predicted Sauron’s attack in advance due to his perception of the Heart Network.

“Iron Guard”

Just as the two swords were about to hit Ohm, the Iron Cloud Sword in Ohm’s hand instantly transformed into a shield.

Zoro was caught off guard and hit the shield, and then Ohm slashed with his sword in both hands.

“Iron Western Sword”

The Iron Cloud Sword extended its blade and slashed Zoro open, sending him flying more than ten meters.

Zoro’s forehead bled under the sword, and the goggles on his head were broken.

At this moment, Zoro finally took out the green turban, which was the magic weapon at the bottom of the box. With the green turban on, Zoro’s blood stopped flowing, and a powerful force emerged from his body, as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Then he pulled out He Wendao and bit it in his mouth. Zoro, who was holding three knives in a green turban, was now in an explosive state.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps, five steps, six steps, seven steps, I came to a piece of wall money, and behind this wall stood Ohm.

Ohm also sensed Zoro’s position and immediately took a stance ready to attack.

At this time, Sauron began to read poetry:

One life, thirty-six worries!

Second generation, seventy-two worries!

Three lives, one hundred and eight troubles!

“Three-sword style, one hundred and eight worries!”

The three swords were swung like a tornado board and blasted out with flying slashes, instantly breaking the wall in front of them, breaking Ohm’s Iron Cloud Sword attack, and then instantly defeating Ohm with flying slashes!

The poet Sauron can make a poem or defeat a priest in seven steps!

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