After witnessing the destruction of Angel Island, the residents of Sky Island respected Li Yi like a god. Looking at the people who were celebrating happily, they didn’t dare to express their anger, so they had no choice but to walk to the side and sit down.

Just like in superhero movies, the superhero saves the world, only to be blamed for destroying the city at the end. The weak admire the strong, but at the same time they fear the strength of the strong.

Although the Sky Island people were afraid of Li Yi, Cornish still gave Li Yi delicious food and wine. In any case, he was the hero who destroyed the evil god Enel and liberated Sky Island.

With a table full of food and wine, Li Yi simply took a few bites and sat cross-legged on the ground to open a transparent field and look at his physical condition.

At this time, the beating heart in the body contains a violent energy, but there is a domineering and domineering wrapping around the heart, which firmly locks this energy and prevents any energy from flowing into the body.

Li Yi was wary of Devil Fruits, fearing that there would be demons in Devil Fruits as in legends, and that once consumed, they would reside in the hearts of those with abilities.

Although it is just a rumor spread in the sea, it cannot be taken lightly. Li Yi didn’t want his body to be filled with all kinds of mental illnesses like Tiqi. If someone took away his body, that would really be the end of it.

Therefore, when eating the thunder fruit, the transparent field opens for observation. Sure enough, after taking the first bite, the power of thunder immediately penetrated into the body and resided in the heart.

The energy of the Thunder Fruit that resides in the heart emits violent thunder power that flows through the blood vessels into the body. This is why Li Yi was extremely excited after receiving this power.

What’s even more frightening is that the system immediately discovered that the energy of the thunder fruit had begun to merge with the body. To be precise, the thunder fruit had actually assimilated into Li Yi’s body.

Why can users with natural abilities become elemental?

That’s because the moment they eat the natural devil fruit, their bodies have been assimilated by the energy of the natural devil fruit, and they can transform from the physical body into elements at any time.

So users with natural Devil Fruit abilities are in a semi-awakened state from the beginning. Why is it called a semi-awakened state?

Li Yi personally speculates that if the natural system is fully awakened, it will be almost in a godlike state. The burning fruits, rock berry fruits, frozen fruits, shining fruits, and rustling fruits that are currently appearing are the most terrifying forces in nature.

To think that the battle between Aokiji and Akainu permanently changed the weather on Pankhasa Island, turning it into an island that was half freezing and half blazing hot.

If the two of them are fully awakened, the scope and area of ​​change will be more than the size of an island. Of course, fully awakening means being completely assimilated by the Devil Fruit and fully mastering the terrifying power in nature.

But the final result is to lose consciousness and soul and return to heaven and earth. This is the same as the animal system that failed to awaken and became a jailer beast without intelligence and consciousness.

If you look carefully at the top experts in the sea, none of them are of the natural type. They are either phantom beast species or superhuman types. But none of the four emperors are of the natural type. If you taste them carefully, there are no pitfalls in natural devil fruits. Who believes it!

So after Li Yi vented his move, he immediately sealed his heart with Overlord Color to prevent the power of the Thunder Fruit from assimilating into his body, but this did not mean that Li Yi did not use the energy of the Thunder Fruit.

Breathing can solve this problem by circulating it through the body to avoid the risk of assimilation. When Ace, Aoki, Akainu, and Kizaru release their natural fruit abilities, a certain part of their bodies must be converted into elements to release their power. The energy of the Devil Fruit is assimilating into their bodies all the time.

Li Yi didn’t want his body to become an elemental body. Flesh and blood was the real existence, and the body was the foundation of everything. The energy of the Thunder Fruit will only become a hammer for him to temper his striped battle body, and he will devour the demon.

He was already planning everything in his mind, but at the critical moment there was a charming goblin disturbing his mind.

The soft pressure coming from behind, and the charming and refreshing body fragrance made him instantly guess who the visitor was!

“What kind of evildoer dares to disturb this major general’s practice!”

“Look at my mighty heavenly dragon and my powerful magic spell!”

“Monster, look at my magical powers!”

“^_^Devil-Conquering Dragon Claw!”


The exclamation immediately turned into charming and melodious sounds of nature, and the shy Nami blushed, feeling both scared and loved at the same time!

Nami⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄: “Bad people will bully me!”

Li Yi(^o^)/~: “Who asked you to sneak attack and hurt people with a murder weapon!”

Nami(•́へ•́╬): “Asshole!”

A bit

The angry Nami raised her shy fist and hit her, but was caught by Li Yi, who then pulled her into his arms.

Nami struggled hard but was hugged tightly, and in the end she could only stay in Li Yi’s arms obediently.

Li Yi: “Are you still angry?”

Nami: “Of course, if you can give me a gift, I won’t be angry with you.”

Li Yi: “No problem, I guarantee you like it!”

Li Yi pointed his finger at a huge gold cylinder and radiated a stream of high-voltage electricity. The heat energy generated by the high-voltage electricity caused the gold cylinder to melt and turn into round gold coins.

“This is a gold coin, oh my God!”

At this time, Nami looked at the gold coins all over the ground, her eyes glowed golden, and she hugged Li Yi and kissed him several times.

Sure enough, sweet words are not as charming as shiny gold coins. Men are the most handsome when they use their money abilities!

I don’t know what Enel’s expression would be like if he knew that his ability could be used to coax girls. He might doubt his life!

After they had eaten and drank, they went into the Baibai Sea to swim together.

What? You asked me if I had to take off my clothes when swimming in the Baibai Sea. Did you swim with your clothes on in the Qinghai Sea?

What swimsuit is best for girls?

Still want to ask?

Bikini pull of course!

As for what kind of bikini Nami wears, Li Yi said that he has already done a visual evaluation for everyone.

Dragons and phoenixes play in the white sea, the sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and the clouds are full of beauty.

In the end, both of them were exhausted before they went ashore. Finally, with Nami reluctant to leave, Li Yi rode away on the Millennium Dragon King.

The Thousand-Year Dragon King flew directly down and did not need to reach the designated passage back to Qinghai.

Just a few minutes later, he was returned to the Grand Line from an altitude of 10,000 meters, but he was embarrassed to find that the town of Magic Valley had also been destroyed by him.

Fortunately, the people in Demon Valley Town are full of evil pirates. Thinking about it, this can be regarded as saving costs for the World Government. The bounty is waived, and the food expenses for the city that need to be pushed into the city are also waived.

Counting the days, the time for me to ask for leave from Sengoku is coming soon. It’s time to go back to Marineland to see Sister Peach and Usagi whom I miss so much!

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