Every strong person on the sea has his own unique skills. Whether he is a devil fruit user or a swordsman and physical practitioner, he will create skills suitable for him based on his own abilities and characteristics.

Every naval general knows the Sixth Form of the Navy, but in the end, everyone uses it differently, making changes according to their own abilities and characteristics.

Although Li Yihui has five kinds of breathing, the most familiar one is the breathing of thunder. Breathing sword skills are not static, and you can continue to create more sword skills suitable for combat based on the basic sword skills.

What Li Yi has to do now is to integrate the sword skills that are most suitable for him among the other breathing techniques into the Thunder Breathing Technique. In the future, apart from teaching the members of the sword team with Zefa, he will practice alone at the beach. .

Members of the Sharp Sword Team can often see Li Yi waving the Seven-Star Sword in his hand at the beach. Starting from the Breath of Thunder, he demonstrated all the breathing sword skills one by one. He did not burst out any breath. He looked plain and indifferent, just like a Ordinary people are practicing swordsmanship.

Kruber and Peacock secretly imitated it at first, but in the end they found that it had no power at all and was not as good as the basic swordsmanship they usually practiced.

Li Yi watched these two guys practice according to his own movements, and almost didn’t laugh until they were useless in the end.

The Breathing Sword Skill without the support of Breathing Technique is just an empty box and has no power at all.

After practicing his sword skills, he took off all his clothes and sat cross-legged, performing the Thunder Breathing Technique on the beach. The operation of the Thunder Breathing Technique also activates the energy of the Heart Thunder Fruit. This energy circulates through the meridians in the body and continuously tempers the dragon-marked battle body. At the same time, the dragon-marked battle body continues to absorb these energies and turn them into its own strength.

As the body continues to absorb this energy, a golden dragon pattern appears on the naked body, shining with golden light. At first glance, it looks noble and majestic, with an illusory golden dragon circling behind it.


A dragon roar sounded like thunder exploding in the ears of the members of the Sword Team not far away, and then they felt a terrible pressure. Kebi and the others felt as if they were being stared at by a giant dragon.

Kebi (ΩДΩ): “Major General Li Yi’s tattoos are so handsome!”

Kruber┌(.Д.)┐: “I feel like Major General Li Yi is like an ancient behemoth!”

Skylark╮(╯▽╰)╭: “I don’t think there is any weapon in the world that can hurt such a body.”

Grus→_→: “Peacock, why are you drooling?”

Peacock(≧∇≦)ノ: “Brother Yi’s muscles are so awesome!”



Skylark ε=(´ο`*)))Alas

Grouse( ̄_, ̄ )

This is the pressure that the battle body unleashes, but Li Yi rarely uses it in battle. There are really too many things he knows. The killing domineering spirit that has been sealed for thousands of years and the mutated armed color domineering spirit will all be integrated into one.

The body erupted with crackling sounds of black and red thunder and lightning, and the whole person rose into the sky.

Kebi (ΩДΩ): “Look, Major General Li Yi is floating!”

Grus→_→: “Hey, kid, don’t make such a fuss. It’s strange that he can float. Which of the strong men in the sea can’t fly!”

KruberΣ(⊙▽⊙"a: “You seem to be right!”

After the black and red thunder and lightning appeared, the blue lightning that represented the energy of the Thunder Fruit appeared immediately. The power of thunder and lightning of the three colors intertwined with each other and began to merge.

The golden dragon was circling like a god surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the dragon’s power and domineering it exuded scared the group of friends so much that they didn’t dare to say a word.

At this moment, Li Yi glanced at the group of lazy friends. Dragon roars suddenly sounded in the ears of Kebi and others, and a tyrannical impact followed closely.






There were five falling sounds in a row, and several people were stunned and couldn’t hold on for a second.

Looking at the few people who fell down with just one look, Li Yi shook his head and still wanted to be a Yonko. It seemed that the training intensity was not enough!

Time passes little by little, and the days pass by day by day. Li Yi, who returned to Malinfando, lived a low-key and boring life of cultivation. Except for training Kebi and others in overlord-colored anti-stress training, the rest was left to Zefa.

Regarding this, Zefa said: “In the end, I am the only one doing the work, so more money!”

When Li Yi became serious, he simply set up a tent on the beach and spent the rest of his time on cultivation except eating and sleeping. This kind of life lasted for half a year.

Occasionally, Kizaru would come over to visit when he returned to Malinfando. Once, Kizaru asked curiously: “Aren’t you lonely in such a boring practice?”

Empty? ”

Li Yi→_→: “This weird uncle with a wretched face, please don’t disturb my practice!”

Kizaru (# ̄~ ̄#): “Hey, don’t attack me personally. I am a naval admiral, and my external image is very important. What you say greatly damages my image of justice. Even if you are my nephew, I I will also kick you away!”

Li Yi(ˉ▽ ̄~) Tsk~~: “What kind of image do you have? Don’t you have any points?”

Kizaru o(╥﹏╥)o: “It’s so sad, you brat has changed.”

Kizaru o(╥﹏╥)o: “I remember when I took you to see a big movie, I would tell you that uncle is the most handsome, but now I call you weird uncle, it’s really a thin and blue mushroom!”

“What big movie?”

Kebi and the others looked at Li Yi with strange expressions. The romantic attitude of the Major General has been cultivated since childhood!

Li Yi (ΩДΩ): “What you look at is not what you think, am I that kind of person?”

“One look at you, I can tell that you are the king of the sea and the wolf of land!”

Kebi and others said in unison.

Kizaru (#^.^#): “Of course, my nephew has been smart and talented since he was a child. He can pick up any tricks at a glance!”

Kebi and the others were even more shocked after hearing this, with endless admiration on their faces.

Li Yi(•́へ•́╬): “Uncle, I have made some progress in my practice recently, and I have a sword skill that I want you to see!”


“The Breath of Thunder, the Shape of Eight, the Thunder Dragon Chakra Tail!”

The sword swept across as fast as lightning. The majestic sword energy and violent thunder and lightning formed a golden thunder dragon. The thunder dragon swept towards Kizaru with its tail swinging across the sky.

Kizaru→_→: “Wow, young people don’t respect martial ethics, they are like rat tail juice!”

“Eight-foot mirror!”

“I’ll dodge.”

Seeing the thunder dragon sweeping towards him, Kizaru immediately used the eight-foot mirror to escape in elemental form, but he was still a step too slow, just a little short of it.


But at that moment, there was a sudden sharp pain in the buttocks behind him, and then the whole person took off, like a shooting star.

Kizaru(•́へ•́╬): “Damn it, boy, I will come back!”

(There are too many skills and abilities set up in the early stage that are not used. This chapter and the next chapter will be sorted out, and then a new plot will start. I still prefer the Strong World movie version, because Nami’s swimsuit is in Taimeira!)

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