The warship headed towards Eggjian Island. Eggjian Island is located in an extremely cold sea area. When it sailed into this sea area, there was a heavy snowstorm.

Just as the warship approached the waters of Shimajia Island, huge sea kings appeared on the sea. If you look closely, the bodies of these sea kings reflected a metallic luster.

Kebi: “General Li Yi has appeared a lot of Neptune types!”

Merub: “How come there are so many sea creatures suddenly!”

“Calm down, please!”

“It’s just a few sea kings, making a big fuss!”

“Listen to me, as a member of the Blade Team, if you face the powerful forces of the Four Emperors in the future, you must remain calm even if anything happens.”

On the warship deck, Li Yi looked at these giant sea beasts with mechanical bodies and already knew who was in control.

Rom: “General, do you need to prepare for battle?”

When the behemoths surrounded the warship, the members of the sharp blade team on the warship were ready for battle.

Li Yi: “Don’t be nervous, this is just Vegapunk’s welcome.”

As the words fell, a huge steel figure rose from the sea in front of the warship, creating a huge water column.

When the water receded, the members of the Blade Team on the warship saw clearly this huge steel figure, a huge steel robot.

Kirby (☆▽☆): “Robot!”

Merub (☆▽☆): “How awesome!”

Li Yi→_→: “Are you two idiots? You look just like Straw Hat Luffy’s silly look.”

After the huge steel robot appeared, all the mechanical sea beasts stopped moving. The cockpit on the chest of the huge steel robot slowly opened, revealing the figure of the driver inside.

The hot figure is dressed in a tight and bizarre outfit, with a pair of space boots on her feet and a pair of goggles on her head.

After taking off the goggles, she revealed a heroic face and pink hair. Her right side was not a normal ear, but a communication device like an earphone and antenna, used to receive signals.

Kerby: “Hey, who are you that woman above!”

The woman in the cockpit of the steel robot looked at Kirby and responded: “Old man, Bega Punk!”

Merub: “You’re lying!”

Rom: “Is Vegapunk a woman?”

Li Yi→_→: “You idiots, Vegapunk is a man, and the woman in front of you is actually a clone of Vegapunk.”

Kirby: “Vegapunk’s technology is so powerful!”

Merub: “You’re lying, you can actually create a clone for yourself.”

Li Yi was speechless when he looked at these two rookies. What does this mean? It will be really powerful when you see Seraph.

“You must be the new commander of the scientific force, Thunder General Li Yi!”

“As expected, he is as young and powerful as the rumors say.”

On the steel robot, Vegapunk’s clone instantly recognized Li Yi’s identity.

“Let me introduce myself first. I am Vegapunk’s second clone.”


“You can also call me Lilith. I’m here to take you to Danjian Island.”

Vegapunk’s clone on the steel robot introduced herself. From her self-introduction, it can be seen that Vegapunk has more than one such clone.

The warship headed for Eggjian Island under the leadership of Lilith, the clone of Vegapunk II. After sailing for a while, the outline of the island could be seen in the distance on the deck of the warship.

Gradually, the outline of the island became clearer. From a distance, Eggjian Island looked like a huge cracked eggshell. Inside the eggshell is a dense forest with many coconut trees.

The huge eggshell is surrounded by a strange steel star ring, and there is a huge cloud-making machine underneath, creating layers of thick clouds. Vegapunk’s laboratory is just above the clouds, and the experiment Below the room is the future town of Danjian Island.

“Hey, why is this ground so soft and elastic?”

The moment everyone in the Blade Team stepped onto Eggjian Island, they felt the strangeness of the ground beneath their feet.

Lilith: “The ground here is made to imitate an island cloud. Now I will take you to visit the laboratory.”

Lilith: “You all need to change before entering the lab.”

Under the guidance of Lilith, everyone changed into clothes full of future technology. Among them, the tight-fitting technology clothes worn by Peacock and Skylark perfectly showed off their hot figures.

A group of teachers watched with their eyes shining, but only one of them, Kebi, looked shy. I have to say that Vegapunk’s aesthetic sense is pretty good.

After changing clothes, everyone followed Lilith up the stairs leading to the laboratory. The moment everyone climbed onto the stairs, the stairs began to rise automatically.

Kebi (ΩДΩ): “Why does this staircase move?

! ”

Merub (⊙o⊙): “It’s amazing. What kind of machine is this? It can actually move automatically.”

GROSS: “I heard that the Holy Land of Mary Joa also has stairs that move forward automatically, but they are actually driven by human power. But what power source does this staircase rely on to run?”

“The power source of this staircase, and the power source of the entire island, is fire.”

“Fire can be converted into the energy needed by Danjian Island!”

“It’s a pity that the flame can’t keep burning. The energy here will one day be exhausted.”

Vegapunk’s second clone, Lilith, explained to everyone. The elevator moved very quickly, and everyone quickly arrived at the entrance of the research institute.

Then under the shocked eyes of everyone, he walked directly through the steel gate.

Merub (ΩДΩ): “Devil Fruit Ability!”

Li Yi: “What a fuss, don’t be deceived by your eyes, just follow along.”

Immediately afterwards, Li Yi also passed through the research room gate under the surprised eyes of everyone. At this moment, they seemed to understand and followed him through the research room gate.

After passing through the door of the research room, follow Lilith.

Rom: “This is obviously an extremely cold sea, so why is this island not cold at all?”

Lilith: “Because there is an island air conditioner here, which can control the temperature on the island.”

Kirby: “Then you can even control the weather!”

Lilith: “Theoretically it can be done, but due to funding constraints it has not been possible yet!”

Following Lilith’s footsteps, everyone came to a laboratory, where everyone saw a huge transparent container.

The container was filled with liquid and there was a boy-like figure. When everyone got closer, they discovered that it was a boy with black wings and white hair.

Gruss looked at the young man in the container carefully. The more he looked, the more familiar he seemed, as if he had seen him there before.

GROSS: “It seems like I’ve seen this boy there?”

Messia: “This boy looks like the world’s greatest swordsman, Hawkeye.”

“What did you say!”

Except for Li Yi, everyone else looked shocked after hearing Messia’s words, and they all approached the huge container to observe carefully.

The image is so similar, the appearance of the young man in the container is so similar to that of Hawkeye, it’s almost like Hawkeye when he was young.

Li Yi himself was also shocked. Before the war began, Vegapunk had already created Seraph.

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