The rusty giant robot lay quietly among the ruins. There was a huge steel pillar stuck on the huge body. The broken right hand and the broken sharp horn on the head all foreshadowed this huge steel robot. There was a fierce battle.

“Dong dong dong”

Suddenly, the huge steel robot’s body shook, but not long after, a large amount of black smoke came out, and a human figure emerged from the robot’s body in embarrassment.

“It failed again this time!”

“It seems that the previous research direction was wrong!”

“What kind of energy did the huge kingdom in ancient times use to drive this robot?”

The figure’s face was blackened by the black smoke. He was small but had a long and big head.

Li YiΣ(⊙▽⊙"a: “Who is this?”

Lilith╮(╯▽╰)╭: “My true self, the real genius scientist Vegapunk!”

Li Yi (ÒωÓױ)!

Li Yi: “This guy with the big head is the real Vegapunk!”

Under Li Yi’s shocked eyes, Vegapunk walked up to him with a big head on his head, stretched out a hand and said: “Welcome to Danjiandan, Thunder General!”

“Hello, Dr. Vegapunk!”

The two parties shook hands, and after Lilith brought the person to the side, she turned around and left to continue her research.

Li Yi: “Doctor, are you repairing a malfunctioning robot?”

Vegapunk: “No, I’m not repairing the machine, but trying to find a way to restart this nine-hundred-year-old steel robot!”

Li Yi (ΩДΩ): “Nine hundred years ago?”

Li Yi (ΩДΩ): “Are you kidding me?”

Vegapunk: “I’m not kidding. The ancient robot you see in front of you is indeed a weapon made nine hundred years ago. It stayed on this island because its energy was exhausted.”

Vegapunk: “I have been trying various methods to get it to start again, because there is currently no energy source that can make it move.”

Li YiΣ(⊙▽⊙"a: “Could it be that the energy used on this island cannot make this ancient robot move?”

Vegapunk: “The energy used on this island is generated by the magma flames of a volcano on Eggjian Island. However, the energy generated by the fire simply cannot reach the energy level required by this robot.”

Li Yi: “You are the so-called world’s number one scientist. You have technology that is five hundred years ahead of the world and you can’t activate it. What kind of country can create such a weapon?”

Vegapunk: “Do you think the technology on this island really surpasses the technology of this era?”

Vegapunk: “Every technology you see on the island is actually the technology of the old era. I discovered these powerful technologies from this robot.”

Vegapunk: “These powerful technologies all originated from a country nine hundred years ago, a country that was erased by the world government.”

“A huge kingdom!”

In the world nine hundred years ago, the people who dominated the world were not the Celestial Dragons, but the Lunaria clan who claimed to be gods. The Lunaria family dominated the sky and the earth in ancient times. All races in the world lived under Lunaria’s rule, living like slaves.

The Lunaria clan is like gods above all other races, constantly exploiting and oppressing all races. Forced by the powerful power of the Lunaria race, all races have no power to resist and can only endure silently.

Until one day, a man named Joey Boy appeared and sounded the trumpet to resist the rule of the gods. As a mortal, he used his fists to knock down the towering Lunaria Protoss. His actions shocked all races, like a light shining in the darkness.

In response to their actions, various races awakened to resist the Lunaria clan, and the flames of resistance continued to burn across the world, like sparks of fire connecting together. People of all ethnic groups followed Joyboy closely, forming a huge force and finally successfully overthrew Lunalia’s rule.

The superior gods were driven away from the Red Earth Continent, and the victorious tribes finally formed a country “a huge kingdom!”

The “giant kingdom” had a variety of talents from all over the world at that time, creating a variety of powerful technologies. The leader, Joyboy, preaches that everyone is equal and can live freely.

However, it didn’t take long for the “huge kingdom” to be attacked by a coalition led by twenty kings. The “huge kingdom” with such advanced technology was finally wiped out and erased from history by the world government.

Vegapunk quietly told a shocking secret. The content of these words would shock the sea if spread out. Most people would be erased immediately if they knew the content.

Li Yi: “You told me these are

What’s the use, I’m not interested in history! ”

Vegapunk: “Then tell me about your interests, such as the development of SIQ.”

Li Yi: “You have already started studying that thing.”

Li Yi: “No wonder Seraphim was able to research it so quickly.”

Vegapunk: “SIQ is indeed good. It can quickly promote biological evolution and greatly shorten the growth time of Seraph!”

Li Yi: “Can it be used on ordinary people?”

Vegapunk: “It’s still under research, but we currently lack some funds!”

Li Yi: “Problems that can be solved with money are not problems. How much does it cost?”

Vegapunk: “One billion!”

Li Yi waved his hand and said boldly: “I voted for this project.”

Li Yi: “But I still have a request. You have to help my Blade Team tailor high-tech equipment. This request is not too much!”

Vegapunk: “This is not a big problem!”

Li Yi: “Well, you have so many powerful techniques at hand, so just give me a few techniques, especially the technique of devil fruit replication.”


Vegapunk: “That’s no problem, but you have to pay more!”

Li Yio((⊙﹏⊙))o

After discussing cooperation with Vegapunk, Li Yi was led by Vegapunk to a laboratory.

“This is the endurance laboratory. It was used to study the Lunaria race!”

“It’s a pity that the Lunarian escaped. That may be the last Lunarian in the world.”

Suddenly, Li Yi noticed a figure, with a body as strong as a sumo wrestler, punching continuously in the laboratory, sweat dripping from his face, as if he was bearing huge pressure.

Li Yi: “That’s not Zhan Taowan, what are you doing?”

Vegapunk: “He’s working out in a gravity chamber!”

Li Yi: “You can actually build a gravity chamber?”

Vegapunk ( ̄_, ̄ ): “It’s a joke!”

Vegapunk: “This gravity chamber is also used to test the endurance and physical strength of the Lunaria race, but now it has become Zhan Momomaru’s training room.”

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