The deepest part of the sixth level of infinite hell, where the great pirate of the previous era was imprisoned, and the former golden lion was also imprisoned here.

Blackbeard Teach led his crew members towards the depths of the sixth floor. The deeper they went, they felt powerful auras, each aura carrying a domineering pressure.

These big pirates from the previous era unleashed their overbearing pressure on Blackbeard Teach and his group, and they immediately felt a heavy pressure on them.

“Hey, hey, look, another group of brats are here.”

“You kid, are you here to let us out?”

“Hurry up and let us out. Now that the entire Impel City is in chaos, this is your chance to escape!”

The pirate in the cell shouted loudly, looking extremely fierce. But this didn’t scare Blackbeard Teach at all. A group of old guys who were locked up on the sixth floor waiting to die were so arrogant.

Teach: “If you guys want to go out, just shut up.”

Dark smoke emerged from Tiqi’s body, and then the overlord-colored domineering energy burst out. This overlord-colored domineering and evil darkness seemed to swallow everything.

All the prisoners who sensed this overbearing look fell silent, stopped releasing pressure and provocation, and looked at Blackbeard Teach quietly.

Teach: “Haha, it’s quiet now. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Marshall D. Teach, captain of the Blackbeard Pirates.”

Teach: “I’m here to recruit crew members. Those who are strong among you can join my team and become my partners!”

Teach: “So now you have to show your strength. I don’t need the weak. I only want the strong. The one who can survive to the end is the strong.”

Teach: “Hahaha!”

The prisoners in the cell were silent. They understood that only a few of them could get out. After a period of silence, the prisoners in the cell began to fight with each other, and brutal fighting took place in several cells.

The prisoners who can be imprisoned in the deepest part of the sixth floor are not kind-hearted people. They were all once famous pirates who made a name for themselves in the Grand Line, and all of them have a lot of blood on their hands.

A backhand attack is fatal to his fellow inmates, and his methods are quick, accurate, ruthless and merciless. A brutal fight took place in the cell, and Tiqi quietly watched the performance outside the cell.

After a fight, four people survived to the end, namely: the evil king Avaro Pizarro, the hunter Katrin of the Black Moon, the wine barrel Basque Choate, and the huge battleship St. Ann’s Jackal.

Teach was very satisfied with the four people in front of him. Their addition greatly enhanced the strength of the Blackbeard Pirates.

But Teach is not satisfied, because there are three special cells in the sixth level of infinite hell, and these three cells all hold one person alone.

Those who can be held alone in a cell are legendary pirates, existences that even the world government cannot ignore.

Teach walked towards the three cells, and looked surprised when he saw the people inside.

Teach: “I didn’t expect big shots to be imprisoned here.”

A hoarse voice sounded from one of the cells: “What do you want?”

Teach: “Join my pirate team and I’ll let you out!”

“I want to go out, do I need you to let me go?”

“If that guy from Golden Lion can get out, so can I!”

Teach: “I’m going to Marinevando to participate in a war. Are you interested?”

“War, it must be a river of blood. I really miss the taste of the strong blood!”

Teach: “Don’t worry, Whitebeard will not disappoint you!”

News of the turmoil in Impel City has not yet reached Malinfando, because at this moment, Malinfando has entered a state of war.

Today is the day for the public execution of Fire Fist Ace. In order to show the majesty of the world government and the power of the navy, today’s execution ceremony was broadcast live. As long as you turn on the projector phone bug on each island, you can receive the signal from Malinfando to watch this event. execution.

At this moment, the entire navy was in full formation, with the naval hero Garp and Marshal Sengoku on the execution platform. The four generals of the navy were sitting below the execution platform, and the highest combat power of the navy was sitting on the four chairs. The sharp blade team on the right is on standby, and the king on the left is under the Shichibukai.

Qingzhi sat on the chair with a sleepy look on his face, as if he had no interest in this war.

Kizaru looked at his legs and was trimming his nails with nail clippers. He occasionally looked at his watch, as if to see if the punch-in time was up.

Li Yi was combing his hair with a mirror. As the most handsome among the generals, he must let the whole world see his handsome side during the live broadcast.

Akainu crossed his arms and looked at the guys on the left and right, almost going berserk.

Not to mention Akainu, Sengoku on the execution stage wanted to beat these three guys to death. One is half-dead like a salted fish, one wants to catch fish and get off work before the war starts, and the other is not doing his job and just wants to pick up girls. Fortunately, Akainu is still normal. As expected, Akainu is still reliable at the critical moment.

, the most dedicated general in the Navy is none other than Sakaski!

Warring States looked at his watch. It was almost time and said to the soldiers under the execution platform: “Take the prisoner, Portcas D Ace!”

The soldiers who received the order from the Warring States Period quickly took Ace to the execution platform. Ace, who was wearing sea-stone handcuffs on his hands and feet, climbed the steps of the execution platform step by step, and finally knelt down on the execution platform.

Ace was expressionless at this moment, praying in his heart that Whitebeard would never come to save him, because he was ready to die.

Immediately afterwards, Sengoku revealed to the world Ace’s life experience, the son of Pirate King Gore D. Roger, and everyone who watched the live broadcast was shocked.

No one thought that Roger still had blood in the world, that he was already so old, and that he was still under the protection of Whitebeard.

I immediately guessed that Whitebeard discovered Ace’s identity earlier, adopted him as his son, and trained him to become the next generation of Pirate King!

Momotu: “We have received information on the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates very early. In the past two days, the captains of Whitebeard’s divisions have appeared in the Chambord Islands one after another. So how will they choose to enter Marinefando?”

Tea Dolphin (⊙o⊙): “Is it possible that the Whitebeard Pirates are planning to break into Marinefando head-on?”

Taotu looked at the tea dolphin with disdain: “Our cannons are pointed outside the port, and countless warships are deployed around Marinevando. A frontal breakthrough will only cause them heavy losses.”

Tea Dolphin: “Then how will he choose to break into Marinefando!”

Crane: “Haili, and he’s coming!”

As He finished speaking, several pirate ships broke out of the sea at Marinevando Port. Each pirate ship was coated with bubble wrap.

Garp: “I didn’t expect Whitebeard to sneak in from the sea!”

Warring States: “After all, Mermaid Island is his territory. He sneaked in quietly after coating Mermaid Island.”

“Bobo Bobo Bobo”

The bubbles of the pirate ships burst one after another, and the decks of each pirate ship were filled with pirates. The captains of each squad stood on the bow of the ship, surrounding the Moby Dick in the center.


The sound of weapons hitting the deck was heard, and all eyes were suddenly focused on the Moby Dick. A tall and sturdy body holding a Guan Dao boarded the bow.

That figure appeared in front of all the navy, and they immediately felt an overwhelming pressure. Every soldier looked at that figure and swallowed unconsciously.

The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard is so terrifying!

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