The iron fence tightly surrounded Straw Hat Luffy and his gang. Faced with Tina’s iron fence, the sharp knife team easily escaped from the iron fence without any panic. Only a few unlucky pirates behind them were trapped by the iron fence. .

Just when they thought they could successfully enter Crescent Bay, Messia led the Blade Team to stop in front of them. The collective momentum they exuded caused the Blade Team headed by Straw Hat Luffy to stop in their tracks.

Gruss: “This is not the defeated general of Chambord Island, but he can actually escape from the impel city!”

Messiah: “Then send them in again!”

Kidd and others were extremely jealous when they saw the Blade Team. It was these guys who made them suffer in Impel Down City. A battle broke out immediately between the two sides. Straw Hat Luffy had more people on his side, and there were strong men from the Revolutionary Army such as Sabo and Ivankov. The Blade Team was unable to capture this group of pirates immediately.

On the execution platform, Sengoku issued a combat order to activate Marinefando’s siege net, but the ice layer of Aokiji was too thick, blocking the surrounding wall and preventing it from rising.

“Meteor volcano!”

Akainu’s fists turned into lava, and the lava fists continued to blast high into the sky. The fist of lava flew high into the sky and passed through the dark clouds, and then fell from the sky like a meteorite.

The force of the meteorite hitting the battlefield killed a lot of people, and the Whitebeard Pirates’ pirate ship was also hit and burned on the spot. At this moment, Whitebeard had to end, because the Moby Dick was also hit. , the pirate ship that has accompanied Whitebeard for many years also ushered in its end.

After doing all this, Akainu slowly walked towards Whitebeard. He wanted to challenge the strongest man in the world, the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

However, Whitebeard is a bit bad at the moment. The pirate ship that has been with him for many years is gone. Before that, he was heartbroken by his own son.

The initiator was the lava kid walking in front of him step by step. Whitebeard never dreamed that the majestic naval admiral would have such a lack of martial ethics.

Using conspiracy and tricks, he fabricated a deal between Whitebeard and the Navy, and exchanged his 43 pirate captains and crew members for Ace’s life. Spider Skuard actually believed this lie.

After being fooled by Akainu, he stupidly stabbed Whitebeard with a knife. Li Yi, who was floating high in the sky, watched the whole process.

The strange thing is that even if Scuyard has no brains, he is the strongest man in the world with white beard. How could he not predict Skuyard’s attack based on his knowledge and appearance? What’s even more awesome is that he didn’t even dodge.

The long knife stabbed him in the chest. Even the Sand Crocodile couldn’t bear to look at it and shouted: Whitebeard, you were stabbed by such a person. How could I lose to such a person? What a joke!

The injured Whitebeard did not punch the mentally retarded Scuyard to death, but just hugged Skuyard with a hug full of fatherly love.

“Silly boy, how can I use you to trade with the navy?”

“You are all my family!”

“we are family!”

Although Akainu’s machinations severely damaged Whitebeard, it also aroused the anger of all members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and their morale against the same enemy increased greatly.

Anger made the pirates’ attacks become more ferocious, their fighting methods even more life-threatening, and the pirates became unprecedentedly united.

For a time, the navy, which had a slight advantage, was retreating steadily. Even the naval chief of staff, He, was speechless. He originally thought of relying on this strategy to severely damage Whitebeard and weaken his strength, and by the way, depress the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates. But he never expected that. to the opposite effect.

But fortunately, Whitebeard’s strength should be greatly reduced after receiving a fatal blow. At this time, sending a general to fight with him should be at least 50-50. Whitebeard, who was seriously injured, could not use the Overlord’s Haki frequently. Of course, the Yonko Akainu, who did not have the power of Overlord’s color, was not afraid. This was his chance to kill Whitebeard and gain great military merit and be promoted to Marshal!

Akainu stopped when he was five meters away from Whitebeard. His fist had turned into hot lava. Even an admiral did not dare to take it lightly when facing Whitebeard. He concentrated on smelling the color.

Feeling the raging fighting spirit of Akainu on the opposite side, Whitebeard knew that this was the navy’s plan. With his severely damaged body, he could not exert his powerful power, especially the overlord-colored Haki that was extremely restrained by the natural system.

Whitebeard knows that the navy will use all kinds of methods to win this war. Akainu is just the first general to come. Then there may be more general-level strongmen joining the battle to besiege him. He must restore his peak strength. state, only that invincible force swept across the navy to rescue Ace.

Watching his sons fall one after another, Baibeard’s heart was cut with a knife. These were all his family members. A determined look appeared in Whitebeard’s eyes, and a bottle of blue liquid appeared in his hand.

Marco, who was fighting with Kizaru in the sky, changed his face when he saw the bottle of blue liquid.

Shouting loudly: “Dad, no!”

In response to Marco’s call, Whitebeard just smiled in response, as if to say: “Silly boy, it’s okay!”

Then, under Akainu’s gaze, he drank the blue liquid in his hand. In just a moment, Whitebeard’s aura increased rapidly.

The terrifying aura shot straight into the sky, black and red lightning appeared around the body, and the overlord-colored domineering aura that dominated the world exploded, directly charging towards the navy.

“Thump, thump!”

One after another, naval soldiers fell on the battlefield. Even the colonel knelt down on one knee after drinking a few drinks. Big beads of sweat leaked from the face of the rear admiral and lieutenant general. As the Akainu closest to Whitebeard, he faced the strongest man in the sea. He has a domineering look, and his expression is anything but relaxed and solemn, which gives him no advantage.

“What on earth happened? How could Whitebeard burst into peak power? It’s even more terrifying than the peak!”

On the execution stage, Sengoku looked at everything with disbelief. Only He thought of some possibility.

He: “During the Warring States Period, do you still remember the certain medicine that Golden Lion drank while fighting Li Yi?”

Sengoku: “You mean Whitebeard also takes drugs like this!”

Crane: “This can also explain why Whitebeard’s body, which has been severely damaged, can still explode with powerful power at its peak!”

Warring States: “But this must be paid for by burning one’s life!”

Crane: “No matter what the outcome of this war is, Whitebeard is destined to die!”

At high altitude, Marco thought several times about getting rid of Kizaru’s fight and flying to Whitebeard. He was very aware of the consequences of taking that thing, because he was the maker of that thing.

That was what Whitebeard suddenly asked Marco to make after watching the battle between Golden Lion and Li Yi. A forbidden medicine developed using the special plant IQ on Sky Island and the forbidden medicine on Fishman Island.

It greatly stimulates the power of the human body, allowing the user to temporarily return to the peak state, and even become stronger. It can also temporarily suppress the pain on the body, at the cost of life!

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