Black and red lightning exploded with Whitebeard’s angry punch. The space once again shattered in a large area under the punch, and the terrifying power of vibration locked onto Teach.

Facing Whitebeard’s angry punch, Teach did not dare to use Dark Water with his right hand. Black smoke continued to emerge from his right hand, forming a black hole the size of a portal.


An angry punch hit the black hole and was continuously sucked in. However, the power of Overlord Color contained in this punch was unable to be absorbed by Tiqi’s Dark Dark Fruit ability.

The terrifying overlord-colored domineering power struck Tiqi, and a trace of blood flowed out of Tiqi’s mouth.

However, this is not the end, because at this moment, the clouds in Whitebeard’s hand are flying towards him like a meteor.


“It hurts so much, it hurts me to death!”

Cong Yunqie stabbed Tikki in the shoulder, and the terrifying force directly pinned Tikki to the ground. The side effects of the Dark Fruit made Tikki suffer double the pain and screamed on the ground.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and the members of the Blackbeard Pirates were dumbfounded. He never expected that Whitebeard, who was close to death, could burst out with such terrifying power.

When they came back to their senses and wanted to help Teach, they felt a terrifying overlord-like aura above their heads. When they looked up, they saw Whitebeard appearing above their heads like a furious demon.

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates wanted to fight back, but how could Whitebeard give them the chance to punch them from high in the sky.

With a “wave” sound, the space cracked and cracks like spider webs appeared. Before the members of the Blackbeard Pirates could take action, they were hit by a powerful shock wave.

In an instant, the ground where they were was cracked, and the terrifying power of the vibration instantly caused damage to their internal organs, and blood spurted out.

The shock wave even blew away the members of the Blackbeard Black Thieves Group. At this moment, no one came to help Teach.


Whitebeard descended from the sky with monstrous rage, and the domineering aura emanating from his body caused a crater to explode in the ground.

Whitebeard slowly walked up to Tikki, and held Tikki’s head with his left hand covered in armed domineering force to prevent Tikki from using the Dark Fruit ability.

Holding Tiqi down with his left hand, Whitebeard pulled out the Cong Yunqi stuck in Tiqi’s body with his right hand and held it up, preparing to kill Tiqi with a knife.

Blackbeard was in a panic at this moment. He originally thought that Whitebeard had a fierce battle with Navy Admiral Li Yi and had almost run out of oil, so he could easily obtain the Shocking Fruit.

He never expected that Whitebeard’s obsession with himself would be so deep. Even if he died, he would drag him to the bottom, and because of his obsession, he would be able to explode with such terrifying power.

Half of his face was knocked off, and it was outrageous to do it so violently, but Tikki was already trembling with fear and starting to beg for mercy.

“Dad, let me go, I was wrong!”

Tikki, who was held down by Whitebeard, kept struggling, but Whitebeard’s left hand was like a mountain holding him down, and he felt that his whole head was about to be squeezed.

He could only play the emotional card and hope that Whitebeard would let him go because of the past relationship between father and son. However, the angry Whitebeard ignored Teach’s performance and held up Cong Yunqie to cut it off.

Teach: This old guy really wants to kill me!

Looking at Cong Yunqie who was about to fall on his head, Tiqi knew that he would be in danger if he continued like this, so he shouted loudly: “Old guy, if you don’t take action, I will be killed.”

Just when White Beard’s Cong Yunqie was about to fall on Tiqi’s head, a blood-red sword energy suddenly appeared and stabbed at the Cong Yunqie in White Beard’s hand.


The blood-red sword energy swirled around the black-red lightning, and it hit Cong Yunqie’s blade hard, making a loud roar.

The power of this sword energy was so great that Whitebeard, who was holding the sword with one hand, couldn’t resist it. He had no choice but to hold the sword with both hands. It was in this way that Tiqi was able to find a chance to escape.

Whitebeard held the sword with both hands and his fruit-shaking ability was concentrated on the blade of Cong Yunqi, easily defeating the sword energy.

“I haven’t seen you for so many years. Whitebeard never imagined that you would end up like this!”

“Edward Newgate, who once crossed the sea, could not escape the erosion of time after all!”

A voice of laughter sounded in Malinfando, and everyone looked around but couldn’t find him.

However, after hearing this voice, Sengoku, Garp, Zefa, and Whitebeard were all shocked, because they knew who the owner of this voice was.

“Old friend, since you’re here, show up!”

“I never thought I would see you again at the last moment!”

After Whitebeard finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield. He was tall and thin, wearing a prison uniform in Pushing City. His white hair was braided into two braids and hung on his shoulders. He was holding a slender bat-handled umbrella. .

eyebrows are red

Red, with a gold chain hanging from her mouth, and always smiling evilly.

“Baroric Redfield!”

Warring States looked solemnly at the appearance of Baloric Redfield. He never expected that this guy would take advantage of the chaos in Impel Down to escape.

Baloric Redfield is known as the “Aloof Red” on the sea, and because of the bat fruit-phantom beast species-vampire form he uses, he is also known as the “Red Earl!”

Like Whitebeard, he was a legendary pirate of the previous era. He didn’t like to form alliances with others and he didn’t form a pirate group. The strength of just one person was equal to the two strongest pirate groups of that era, Whitebeard and Roger!

After a ten-day and ten-night aerial battle with the last marshal of the Navy, Cyborg, he exhausted his energy, was defeated by Garp who was waiting on the side, and was finally imprisoned in the sixth level of the infinite hell of Impel City!

Whitebeard: “Kulala, Ryder didn’t think you could escape Impel Down. I thought you would die there in this life!”

Ryder: “Thanks to your good son, I can come out of Impel Down.”

Ryder: “But, Whitebeard, it seems your family relationship is not harmonious!”

Whitebeard: “I have so many sons, it’s normal for one or two to be rebellious. Why, are you going to interfere with my family affairs now!”

Ryder: “Sorry, Whitebeard, I made a deal with that brat!”

Ryder: “I will help him accomplish anything in this war!”

Whitebeard: “It’s really shocking. You, who have never formed alliances with others and are extremely arrogant, would actually form an alliance with others. It seems that you have changed after being in Impel Down for so long, Ryder!”

Ryder: “The era of Whitebeard has changed, and a new era is coming soon. As a remnant of the previous era, we must either be buried with the old era, or move forward with the new era!”

While the two were talking, Teach had already led people to surround Whitebeard!

Tiqi: “Haha, dad is done reminiscing with old friends, so let dad go on the road in peace!”

Teach: “I will inherit your power and status and become the new generation of king of the sea!”

Teach: “Hahahaha!”

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