“Why, we always choose to meet on the rooftop, making it mysterious.”

“I don’t know, I thought it was an undercover meeting!”

Kizaru stood on the rooftop and looked at the scenery at his feet while complaining.

Li Yi: “Uncle, you’re here so early!”

Li Yi~(‾⌣‾~): “He is indeed the fastest man in the navy!”

Kizaru (т‾ ▵‾): “Are you praising me? Why do I feel so sad!”

Li Yi~(‾⌣‾~)

Kizaru: “Tell me, why are you inviting me to the rooftop if you have nothing to do?”

Li Yi (T^T): “It’s rare for us to get together, why don’t we two uncles and nephews have a chat?”

Kizaru→_→: “Who in the right mind is chatting on the rooftop!”

Li Yi: “Okay, let’s get down to business now. How is the current situation with the election of Navy Marshal!”

Kizaru: “It’s very fierce. Currently, Sakaski and Kuzan are competing. The supporters of both sides are at war with each other. They almost started fighting!”

Li Yi(☉_☉): “So exaggerated!”

Kizaru (т‾ ▵‾): “If Sengoku and Garp hadn’t been holding them down, we would have started fighting earlier.”

As the two generals Akainu and Aokiji expressed their competition for the position of marshal, the generals at the Navy Headquarters also began to take sides.

As the current marshal, Warring States does not support anyone and expresses his attitude that whoever wants to do it will do it. Anyway, I won’t do it anymore.

Naval Staff Officer He is not very strong, but his IQ is comparable to that of the Four Emperors. He is a wily and scheming man who cannot be supported by anyone.

Of course, Garp supports his disciple Kuzan. It would not look good if Akainu becomes the marshal of the navy and stares at his grandson all day long, then presses the marshal to the ground and rubs him.

The other two general candidates, Momo and Tsuru, are not supported by either one, but the high-profile Akainu is the tea dolphin!

As for Kizaru, he didn’t express his intention to compete or support anyone, but the whole world actually knew that he supported Akainu because the two were good friends!

“Uncle, haven’t you ever thought about competing for the position of marshal?”

Li Yi’s abrupt words made Huang Yuan tremble with fright.

Kizaru (=゚Д゚=): “Hey, this idea is really scary.”

Kizaru╮(ਊ◞‸◟ਊ|||)╭: “Being a navy marshal is too brain-consuming. I still like the life of clocking in at 3:00 and 1st line to go to work. I can easily make money and get off work every day. Isn’t it great!”

Li Yi→_→: “What if I want you to compete for the position of marshal?”

Kizaru∑(O_O;): “Are you trying to cause trouble again? I’m telling you, don’t drag me into this!”

Li Yi→_→: “I despise people like you the most. You want to be comfortable but don’t want to work. This matter is not up to you. You have to choose even if you don’t want to!”

Li Yi took out a phone bug from his arms. It was a specially made phone bug specially used to record sounds.

Press the red button on the phone, and a conversation will sound.

“Hey, Mo Shi Mo Shi, is it a dragon?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Kizaru showed an expression of disbelief, and his face collapsed instantly.


However, when the phone rang, the content of the conversation shocked Kizaru so much that his jaw almost dropped.

“It’s me, Posaliru!”

A deep voice rang on the phone, it was Monkey D. Long, the leader of the revolutionary army.

Kizaru: “It’s really scary that you called me suddenly during this sensitive period. What emergency happened?”

Long: “My son just went to Impel City to rob the prison, and now he is going to the Marinfando Tribulation Dharma Field!”

Kizaru(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)

Kizaru (゚Д゚)ノ: “Long, are you kidding me? Your son just went to Impel City to rob the prison, and now he wants to come to the Marinvando Tribulation Field. It’s outrageous!”

Kizaru(╬⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾): “This is really terrible, my little heart can’t stand it!”


Dragon: “Stop pretending to be Bosaliru, now Luffy has led a group of Impel Down prisoners to hijack the warship and set off towards Marinevando.”

Kizaru ∑ (O_O;): “Good guy, your son has inherited your fine traditions and learned to form gangs to make big things happen!”

Kizaru╮(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)╭: “You will die faster this way. Let me tell you, Sakaski will keep an eye on your son for more than a day or two!”

Dragon: “So you are the only one who can save Luffy in this war. Aokiji is my father’s student, and he will not kill him.”

Long: “All the navy generals will give Luffy some slack for the sake of my father’s face.”

Dragon: “As the fastest man in the navy, you only need to stand in front of Luffy at the critical moment, and then kick him

Just get to a safe area. ”

Kizaru: “Okay, no problem!”

The recording stopped here. Kizaru was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. He found out that the young man did not follow martial ethics.

Li Yiヾ(´∀`.ヾ): “I never thought that the naval admiral would collude with the leader of the revolutionary army. You don’t want your recording to be heard by others!”

Kizaru Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ: “How did you do it? We are using the latest anti-reconnaissance phone bug developed by Vegapunk. No one can listen at all!”

Li Yi (* ̄︶ ̄): “Vegapunk’s invention is indeed very powerful, but I also stayed on Eggjian Island. The so-called anti-reconnaissance phone bug just uses more advanced radio waves to communicate. ”

Li Yi( ̄y▽ ̄)~*: “And everything about electricity in this world is under my control, including radio waves of course, so monitoring the conversation between you and Long is simply too simple.”

Li Yi ( ̄▽ ̄)/: “You don’t want me to report you under my real name!”

Kizaru (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c): “What a sin of mine. As a nephew like you, I have only heard of cheating on my father, but never on my uncle!”

Li Yi (* ̄︶ ̄): “Don’t be unhappy, being a navy marshal is not as hard as you think!”

Li Yi( ̄y▽ ̄)~: “Uncle, if you think about becoming the marshal of the navy, you will have the final say in the entire navy!”

Li Yi ( ̄y▽ ̄)~: “You have the final say on how much the salary increase will be at that time, and you will get off work at that time. Who dares to force you to work overtime!”

Kizaru✧*. ٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*. : “It seems like this!”

Kizaru(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง: “But being a marshal has a lot of things to deal with.”

Li Yi (^▽^): “These are all small things. As your nephew, of course I will help you. I will help you with whatever the marshal does in the future. What do you think?”

Kizaru⊙▽⊙: “In this case, I can think about it!”

Kizaru: “But few people in the navy support me. How do you expect me to compete with Sakaski and Kuzan?”

Li Yi: “Don’t worry, I have already made arrangements. When the election meeting is held, all you need to do is express your attitude. I will take care of all the arrangements!”

Kizaru: “Since you have arranged everything, let me come out and choose!”

After the two discussed the election, Kizaru turned into a ray of light and flew away.

After Kizaru left, another naval admiral was welcomed to the rooftop. He was wearing a red suit and a white coat of justice. From a distance, he could feel a murderous aura.

“Little brat Li Yi, why did you invite me here?”

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