On the fifteenth day after the Battle of Marshal Punkhasa Island, another incident occurred in the navy that shook the sea!

Navy Admiral Akainu and former Navy Admiral Zefa left the Navy Headquarters base with Navy Vice Admirals Ghost Spider and Dauberman, Headquarters Colonels Ain and Binz, and tens of thousands of soldiers.

Akainu then announced the establishment of the Neo Navy, with Akainu as the Neo Navy Marshal and Zephyr as the Neo Navy Admiral. As soon as the news came out, the sea was shocked.

However, before this popular headline cooled down, another shocking news came out from the Navy: Navy Admiral Aokiji left the Navy and his whereabouts are unknown.

Suddenly, people in the sea were panicked, and two generals were lost in a row. Everyone felt that the navy’s strength was greatly reduced and it could not continue to suppress the sea.

In the Holy Land Marie Joa, in the Room of Power, Saint Zambaron.v. Nasushiro threw a newspaper fiercely on the table, holding the first-generation Ghost in his hand and said angrily: “The hateful Akainu dares to split the navy, What does he want to do by establishing the so-called Neo Navy?”

Shepard 10. Peter St.: “This matter is not that simple. From the time Kizaru was elected as the next marshal of the navy, I felt that Akainu splitting the navy this time was not that simple!”

Topman Woqiu Lisheng: “There is a figure of that kid in this matter. He put a vicious dog that broke free of its chains into the sea.”

Jegalcia Satan Saint: “You are talking about that brat Li Yi, who has now set foot in the realm of gods. It is probably difficult for us to move him now. He is the only strong man who has set foot in the realm of gods with natural abilities for hundreds of years. Unless we act together.”

Shepard 10. Peter St.: “But in the current situation, we can’t touch him. Akainu split the navy and Aokiji ran away. Today’s navy can’t do without him!”

Zambalong.v. Nasshou Langsheng: “That boy is now getting more and more powerful, and sooner or later he will ride on our heads. We cannot let his power continue to expand!”

Marcus Mars: “In the current situation, we need his combat power. Let’s think of ways to make up for the combat power left vacant by the current admiral!”

Topman Woqiu Lisheng: “Are the current navy admiral candidates Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin qualified for the position of admiral?”

Saint Jegalcia Satan: “The strength of Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin is considered top-notch in the navy, but looking at the sea, they are much worse than those monsters!”

Shepard 10. Peter St.: “The current situation is more dangerous than in the previous era. Those extremely ambitious and evil generations want to ascend to the position of four emperors. Based on intelligence, they have begun to form an alliance.”

Shepard 10. Peter St.: “And those guys who escaped from the impel city are also restless. Red Earl and Barrett are in the greatest danger.”

Jergarcia Sartan: “Barrett’s strength during the War on the Top was astonishing. He could fight against the entire naval headquarters by himself. There is a huge difference between Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin.” Got it!”

Zambalong.v. Nasshou Langsheng: “Admiral is the representative of the navy’s highest combat power. How can ordinary generals be qualified?”

Markus Mas Saint: “Then we will recruit troops from all over the world. Anyone with the strength to become a general can be promoted to the rank of naval admiral!”

Zambalong.v.Nasshou Langsheng: “Agree!”

Shepard 10. Peter St.: “Agreed!”

Saint Jegalcia Satan: “Agree!”

Topman Woqiu Lisheng: “Agree!”

After the five old stars reached an agreement, the order was quickly passed to the new navy headquarters. The four people from the navy headquarters, Guo Guo, He, Li Yi, and Huang Yuan, gathered in the marshal’s office.

At this moment, the marshal’s office has been decorated in the style that Kizaru likes. There is a plaque hanging above the marshal’s seat, which reads Kizaru’s justice.

“Ambiguous justice!”

Kizaru: “Hey, Counselor Crane, the World Government wants to recruit troops from all over the world to make up for the vacancy of generals. What do you think?”

Kizaru handed the document from the World Government to He. He opened it and looked at it and said calmly: “Does the World Government think that the current candidates for the Navy’s general are not qualified for the position of general?”

After He said this, he handed the document to Li Yi. After looking at it, Li Yi said disdainfully: “They are afraid that our family will dominate, and after Sakaski leaves, they will have no obedient tool to use.” !”

Warring States: “It has always been a rule for general candidates to be promoted to generals. Now the world government has broken this rule and adopted conscription from all over the world. As long as the strength reaches the level of general, they can be promoted as an exception. This will make many people dissatisfied!”

Li Yi: “Those five old guys don’t care about our feelings. The navy is just the face of the World Government. They just need obedient tools!”

Kizaru: “Then let’s recruit troops from all over the world!”

Kizaru: “Have you seen a blue pheasant recently?”

Warring States: “No, that guy has been taking leave since he recovered from his injury. Even Garp doesn’t know where he went?”

Crane: “Losing a leg will affect his strength to some extent, but what’s even worse is finding out that everything was a scam.”

Li Yi: “There is no way, something will happen to Ice and Fire sooner or later!”


Suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door. After receiving Kizaru’s permission to enter, he immediately opened the door, then immediately saluted to Kizaru and said: “Report to the marshal, important news has just been sent!”

“Admiral Aokiji announced his retirement from the Navy and joined the Blackbeard Pirates!”


Kizaru, who was calmly drinking tea one second, spit out the tea the next second.

Kizaru Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ: “What did you just say? That guy Aokiji quit the navy!”

Kizaru Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ: “And he also joined the Blackbeard Pirates. Hey, this is not a joke!”

At this moment, Kizaru was really dumbfounded. Akainu had just left, and now in the blink of an eye, even Aokiji was gone. The good guys couldn’t afford to play with any of them.

He and Sengoku in the marshal’s office were also shocked after hearing this. They did not expect that Aokiji would quit the navy and join the pirates.

This incident is enough to shock the sea again, even more sensational than Akainu splitting the navy. After all, I have never heard of a general degenerating into a pirate. This will further damage the prestige of the navy.


Before Kizaru could regain his senses, the phone bug rang. The moment Kizaru picked it up, the phone bug simulated the appearance of Zambalong v. Nasjuro Sage.

“Kizaru, what’s going on?”

“Aoji actually quit the navy and became a pirate!”

“The world government has lost all face to you.”

“Immediately issue a reward!”

The angry voice of Zambalong.v. Nasthurang Saint almost roared out, like machine gun bullets spurting out from a telephone bug.

Sengoku laughed at Kizaru’s face after spraying him in confusion. There was a time when he was always annoyed like this. The navy marshal seemed to have a high status, but in the eyes of the five old stars, he was nothing.

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