The four top cadres were defeated, and the morale of the remaining ordinary members dropped drastically when they saw this. They were killed by King Liku’s army and fled without their helmets and armor.

However, at this time, Messia felt that some kind of existence was spying on them, and immediately shouted: “Everyone, be on guard, that guy is about to show up!”

After the words fell, the ground shook and made a rumbling sound. The ground began to deform and a huge thing broke out of the ground.

A huge rock giant broke out of the ground, and its huge rock body was even higher than the King’s Heights.

The huge body gave everyone a suffocating sense of oppression, and the death-row sword fighters of King Liku’s army were even more scared to tremble.

“The second fighting force of the Don Quixote family and one of the top three cadres, Spade Pika!”

Those with the stone fruit ability can assimilate the rocks they come into contact with, possess the hardness and other properties of the rocks, and can even transform into giant rock giants to fight.

When assimilating with rocks, it can appear anywhere there are rocks.

The rock giant stared at everyone with its huge eyes, and made a loud but sharp sound.

“How dare you rebel and join the navy to bring down the top cadres!”

“I’m going to bury you with rocks!”

Pika’s voice resounded in all directions, and his strange voice was heard throughout Dressrosa.

The members of the Blade Team and King Liku’s army were stunned for a moment. Everyone’s eyes showed surprise, and then everyone’s faces opened and burst into laughter.


“This sound… sounds like a duck quacking!”

“I’ve never heard such a shrill voice!”

“Such a magical voice was actually made by a man!”

The Blade Team and King Liku’s army burst into laughter, mercilessly mocking Pika’s unique voice.

Only the ordinary members of the Don Quixote family covered their mouths desperately to prevent themselves from making any sound.

Although they also wanted to laugh, they did not dare. Anyone who dared to laugh at Pika’s voice would be killed.

Bavaro, one of Don Quixote’s cadres, laughed at Pica’s voice and was almost beaten to death. From then on, no member of the Don Quixote family dared to laugh in front of Pica.

At this moment, the face of the rock giant was extremely difficult to see, and the anger was about to burst out from those huge eyes.

Pika (╬◣д◢): “I want to kill you, how dare you laugh at me!”

Messia( ̄y▽ ̄)~: “Hahaha, I don’t want to either, but your voice is so unique!”

Peacock( ̄▽ ̄)~*: “Hahaha, I have never seen a man with such a voice. I thought it was a woman!”

Gruss (。>∀<。): “Hahaha, a woman’s voice is not as sharp as his, just like a duck!”

Rom: (/≧▽≦)/~: “I can’t bear to laugh anymore. Can you stop talking? I have a stomach cramp!”

The Blade Team laughed unbridled, completely irritating Pika.

The angry Pika slowly raised his rocky arm, which was as huge as a mountain, and slapped the Blade Team with one palm.

The huge palms covered the sky and the sun and enveloped the Blade Team, and the huge palms slapped to create hurricane-like wind pressure.

Such a terrifying attack scared the death-row sword fighters of King Riku’s army and fled in panic. Only the Blade Team remained calm and composed.

Rohm took one step forward, and his strong body four to five meters high flew out like a cannonball, raising his iron fist and blasting towards the giant palm.

“Six forms of secrets. Six kings’ spear!”

“Biggest Wheel!”

Rohm’s black iron fist collided with the mountain-like giant fist, like an ant shaking an elephant.


The moment the two fists collided, Rom’s iron fist exploded with powerful force, and a powerful shock wave erupted.

In an instant, the rock giant’s mountain-like arm was shattered by a punch, turning into countless rocks that fell and smashed many houses.


“That naval admiral is so powerful, he shattered the rock giant’s arm with one punch!”

The people of Dressrosa were stunned, and King Liku’s army suddenly became more powerful.

Rom→_→: “That’s it. It looks hard but is very brittle. It can break into pieces with just one punch without a hit!”

Peacock: “Fortunately you only broke your arm, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to play.”

After Rom finished attacking, the peacock jumped up and flew towards the rock giant on moon steps.

“The Breath of Love. The Second Type·Troubled and Wandering Love”

The peacock moved quickly on the rock giant, slashing quickly with its whip-like sword.


The long sword slashed across, and long sword marks appeared in front of the rock giant’s chest. Half of the rock giant’s body was broken into several pieces.

Finally, Grus added a blow, and the clay fruit ability was activated.

A ball of clay appeared on his hand, and a white bird appeared under Gruss’s instructions.

Gruss flies the white bird high into the sky

With one throw, the flying bird turned into a giant bird in the air and quickly headed towards the rock giant.

“Art is an explosion!”


The giant white bird collided with the head of the rock giant, instantly bursting out with a burst of dazzling light, followed by a loud rumbling sound.

The entire head of the rock giant was instantly blown into countless stones.

“The power of this explosion is a bit weak. It didn’t blow up the whole body. It’s not powerful enough!”

“It looks like we need to add some dynamite rocks. I guess the artistic effect of the explosion will be better!”

Seeing that only the head was blown up, Gruss felt a little regretful. The path of art is indeed not easy to find.

“Has Pika been killed?”

Cyrus asked, looking at the destroyed rock giant that was not human.

“Not yet, the attack just now did not cause any harm to him at all!”

Messiah, who had not taken any action, had been sensing the rock giant with his sense of sight. Pika’s body could exist anywhere in the body of the rock giant.

After being attacked on the outside, the main body has moved to a safe location, unless all the rocks are cut open in an instant.

Sure enough, the rock giant’s body was slowly recovering, reabsorbing nearby rocks and quickly returning to its original shape.

“Your attacks cannot harm me!”

Pika’s sharp duck voice sounded again, but as soon as his unique voice came out, it immediately triggered a burst of laughter.



“I just can’t help it!”

“I can’t stop laughing!”

Bika originally wanted to have a good conversation with the enemy, but he didn’t expect that he would be ridiculed again and again.

With his anger level at full level, he raised his mountain-like right hand and punched out.

“This time, I’ll do it!”

Messiah stopped the team members who wanted to attack, and used “Shaving” and “Moon Step” to fly towards the oncoming giant fist.

“Breath of Wind. Shape of Two. Claw. Koto Wind!”

Pulling out the Shura sword from his waist, it was covered with armed domineering energy. The jet-black blade instantly split out four black wind blades, like huge claws tearing apart a giant fist.

The sharp wind blade cut open the entire arm, and then Messiah quickly moved in front of the rock giant.

Pika: “It’s useless, your slashes are useless to me!”

Pika: “You can’t defeat me if you can’t find my true body.”

Messiah: “Can you stop talking? This will affect my fighting!”

“The Breath of Wind. The Shape of Eight. The First Fierce Wind Slash!”

Holding the Shura knife, it circled the body of the rock giant at the speed of the wind, and moved quickly to roll up a spiral wind blade.


The spiral wind blade cut the rock giant’s huge body in half.

Such a sharp slash shocked everyone, but it was not over yet.

In order to force out Pika’s strength and prevent the upper body of the rock giant from being smashed down, Messiah continued to attack.

“The Breath of Wind. The Shape of Nine. The Wind of Skanda Heaven!”

The body flew to the top of the rock giant, and the body rotated upside down, slashing out sharp wind blades to form a huge tornado, covering the upper body of the rock giant.

The sharp wind blade cut the huge body into pieces of stone, forcing out Pika’s body.

“I never thought you could force me out!”

“But you can’t defeat me either!”

Pika was holding a huge broad sword, and his armed and domineering aura covered his whole body like a black steel giant. He raised the broad sword high and struck at Messiah.

“You seem to be overconfident in your own armament!”

“Breath of wind. Shape of one. Whirlwind of dust. Slash!”


The sword blades collided with an ear-splitting sound, and the two figures intertwined.

Bika looked at the wounds on his body in disbelief. His full body armor and domineering defense were useless against Messia’s slashing attack.


Pika was severely injured with a knife, and Pika, who lost his fighting power, fell from the sky. Since then, the Don Quixote family who stayed in the Highlands of the King was wiped out.

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