Bellmere was shocked when he heard that Chen Mu asked Nami to fulfill the agreement.

"What promise?"

Nami panicked when she saw Bellemere's concerned look on her face.

She quickly said:

"Aunt Bellemere, my agreement with Senior Chen Mu is that I will help him train navigators, and he will help me deal with Aaron."


Bellemere breathed a sigh of relief, and the worries in his heart suddenly dissipated.

Then a huge feeling of weakness came over him, and he fell into a deep sleep.

Nokigao and Nami were shocked when they saw it.

Nokigao Gao tremblingly went to touch Bellemeier's breath, and found that she had just fainted, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, Ajian also ran over, looking at Chen Mu with vigilant eyes, while picking up Belle. Mel.

Chen Mu nodded to him.

Ajian was stunned for a moment, then thought that this man was the savior of Cocosia Village, and said quickly:

"Sir, thank you"

"You'd better take this lady to the hospital first, I think she's dying."

Hearing what Chen Mu said, Ajian didn't care about being polite to Chen Mu, picked up Bellemeier and left Aaron's Paradise.

Nami said to Nokigao:

"Nokigao, you go take care of Aunt Bellemere, and I will take senior back to get the navigation chart."

Nuo Qigao nodded and chased Ajian.

Chen Muze said calmly:

"Let's go"


A week later, at home in Bellemare.

Under Nami's careful guidance, Doro finally knew how to cross the Upside Down Mountain.

Not only that, he also learned a lot of navigation knowledge that he had never mastered before.

Although Nami is only more than ten years old, Doro respects Nami very much.

He came to Nami, bowed deeply to Nami and said:

"Miss Nami, your guidance has benefited me a lot, and Doro is really grateful. Nami said with a smile;

"It's nothing, you deserve this. If you really want to say it, I still want to thank you."

These words were indeed what Nami was saying. After Bellemere was sent to the hospital, Nokigao and Nami knew that she was seriously injured.

If Chen Mu hadn't saved Bellemere, this person would have been killed by Nami. The woman who was treated as a mother was about to die at the hands of Aaron, so both Nokigao, Nami, and even Ajian were extremely grateful to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu, who was practicing in the distance, heard the conversation between the two. , asked:

"Doro, are you sure you can cross the Upside Down Mountain and head to the new world?"

Doro was even more afraid of Chen Mu at this time, but after learning enough knowledge from Nami, he also had a certain degree of confidence.

Nodding vigorously, Doro said:

"Captain, don't worry, nothing will go wrong"

"Then let's go."

Chen Mu greeted and then walked out.

Nami wanted to say something to persuade her to stay, but she also knew that Chen Mu was now facing arrest by the navy.

So she opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing.

Chen Mu walked to the street On the top, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This figure was very tall and strong, with short white hair. The cloak of justice behind him was fluttering in the wind, and a long ten-handed weapon hung on his waist. Behind him, marines holding spears lined up in a row, and their weapons were aimed at Chen Mu. When the villagers on the street saw this scene, their hearts were filled with fear, and for a while, there was a dead silence on the street.

"That's Smoker from the Rogue Town Naval Base!"

"Why is he here?!"

The ship's doctor, Max, stood next to Doro and asked with a trace of doubt on his face.

A faint whisper came into Chen Mu's ears.

Chen Mu waved his hand gently and gave instructions to Max and Doro. :

"You go and take the boat in Aaron Paradise to the sea, and I will be there soon."

Max and Luo Duo were startled and did not dare to disobey Chen Mu's order. They turned around and ran to Aaron's Paradise.

Smoge stopped the navy who wanted to pursue the two of them. He said to Chen Mu:

"Are you Chi Yan Chen Mu?"

The voice was very calm, and the words did not have the attitude of facing the enemy.

Smoker was actually very curious about the young man in front of him, and he also had some admiration.

Such a young boy could actually be alone. Although he did not know that there were fishmen entrenched in Cocosia Village before, it was still the Navy's dereliction of duty to allow the villagers of Cocosia Village to be persecuted by the fishmen.

"it's me.

Chen Mu glanced at Smoker and said,"The navy sent you alone?""

"oh? It seems that you are very confident in yourself. Smoker raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said with a smile,"He is indeed a man who dares to make bold statements to the World Government and the Navy.""

"My confidence comes from my strength, you can see it right away!

Hearing this, Smoker's pupils shrank,"A dangerous person like you may have to go back to the Navy Headquarters with me today.""

Chen Mu's eyes narrowed, looking at Smoker, and suddenly smiled:

"Smoker, my road ahead is to the stars and the sea. I will naturally go to the Navy Headquarters, but not now!

Smoker was startled for a moment, then he laughed angrily and said,"It's interesting, but young man, strength will speak for itself in this sea. It's not up to you whether you want to go or not!""

Then, Smoker waved his big gloved hand lightly, and his arm suddenly turned into a line of smoke, blasting towards Chen Mu.

"White fist!"

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