Moria's strength is completely at the bottom among the Shichibukai.

If it weren't for the weirdness of the Shadow Fruit, he wouldn't have been able to become one of the Shichibukai.

In comparison, Crocodile, who died in Chen Mu's hands, was much more powerful than him.

He also lost to the Four Emperors and returned to Paradise.

After Moria failed, he was so depressed that he could only hide in the Devil's Triangle and dream, trying to defeat Kaido with some flashy zombies.

But Crocodile was different. In order to face Whitebeard again, he directly targeted the ancient weapon Pluto.

From here, you can see the difference between the two.

No matter in terms of courage or layout, Moria is far inferior to Crocodile.

But Moria is not without merit, at least he values the men around him very much.

This is also one of his few advantages!

"Robin, do you want to come with me to experience the Shadow Fruit of Moonlight Moria?"

Chen Mu sent out an invitation

"my pleasure!"

Robin smiled slightly and leaned against Chen Mu.

Chen Mu grabbed Robin's slender waist and smelled the fragrance on her body, with a smile on his lips.

Then he jumped off the Black Pearl and stepped on the water on foot. Go up and slowly walk towards the terrifying three-masted sailboat

"Mr. Chen Mu, do I smell good?"

Robin pressed his body slightly against Chen Mu, gently pressed his lips to Chen Mu's ear, and asked in a tired voice


Chen Mu smiled slightly, and speeded up his feet. He took one step and landed directly on the front of the terrifying three-masted sailboat.

Robin looked at Chen Mu's loosened right hand, feeling disappointed in his heart, but his face was calm.

After the two got on the boat, they looked at each other. He smiled and walked forward.

Che Mu kicked open the front door that looked like a woman's lips and walked towards the gloomy castle.

As the two of them got farther and farther, the environment on the island gradually became more and more terrifying.

The growing trees had burrs that looked like human faces.

Under the strange trees, behind the broken tombstones, there seemed to be some scattered bones and palms in the graves.

Chen Mu's expression was dull, while Robin's was dull. I looked at these gloomy environments with interest and enjoyment.

"Wow〃¨ 〃¨ !"

As Chen Mu walked by, the sound of digging dirt suddenly came from the dark strange forest.

Under the gaze of Chen Mu and Robin, the tombs suddenly opened, and skeletons with belts and missing teeth emerged from the soil, baring their teeth and claws at Chen Mu and Robin.

"So interesting! Robin covered his mouth and laughed softly.


Chen Muyi had given up hope for Robin's deformed aesthetics.

He raised his hand gently, and a blue cyclone appeared in his hand.

The cyclone instantly turned into a spinning ball, hitting the strange trees and the skeletons.


With a loud noise, the sound of trees breaking and the screams of zombies and skeletons rippled out.

The remaining zombies who had escaped did not dare to show their faces at all and shrank into the soil again.

Robin covered his head With a smile on her face and a hint of charm in her eyes, she said to Chen Mu:"Moriah, a Qibukai, actually has such a hobby."

"This is a zombie soldier made by using his ability to put the shadow of a living person into a corpse.

Robin nodded and said with a smile on his face:"Being able to create zombies is really an interesting ability?""

As soon as she finished speaking, she found that Chen Mu suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Robin asked in confusion.

Chen Mu did not speak, but looked forward.

In Chen Mu's line of sight, Absalom was looking at Robin with a piggy look on his face.

He walked to Robin , after seeing Robin's appearance clearly, his body trembled

"Black, long and straight, it’s really a man’s ultimate dream."

"Hehe, this woman, I am going to marry her today!"

Absalom imagined what Robin would look like after putting on the wedding dress, and a trace of drool drooled from his mouth.

However, he quickly wiped away the drool and wanted to catch Robin and take her back to the castle.

But he Just when I was about to take action, I quickly discovered something was wrong.

"Can this guy see me?"

Seeing Chen Mu whose eyes were on him, Rosam's heart suddenly trembled.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion!"

Abrosam comforted himself while walking towards Robin.

Then, the next scene made Abrosam's movements stop.

Following his movements, Chen Mu's eyes also moved slightly.

Abrosam's expression was dull. He looked at Chen Mu, his heart moved, and he waved his hand to Chen Mu.

To his despair, when he stretched out his hand, Chen Mu also grabbed his arm!

"Are you Abrosam, the user with the transparent fruit ability?!"

"Now that you're here, don't leave."

A slightly teasing voice reached Abrosam's ears, causing a trace of panic to appear on his face.

He wanted to break free, but the armed and domineering palms squeezed him until he screamed.

"¨‖ ¨‖ ah!"

"Hey, Mr. Chen Mu, is there anyone here?"

Hearing a scream, Robin was suddenly startled and asked hurriedly

"Well, he is a transparent person who hides his figure."

Chen Mu replied, then he squeezed Absalom's hand and exerted a slight force, crushing his arm directly.

Absalom, who was grabbed by Chen Mu, no longer had the lust for him before.

He showed his figure, with a look of pain on his face. He had already discovered it after Chen Mu and Robin landed on the island, but he didn't expect him just now. As he approached, Chen Mu noticed it.

He looked at Chen Mu and said angrily:

"Do you dare to take action against me? This is the territory of Shichibukai Moonlight Moria. If you dare to hurt me, he will never let you go.


"Shichibukai? It’s not like I haven’t killed anyone before!"

Chen Mu said with a hint of murderous intent in his words, disdainfully (Zhao De's) (Zhao De's).

Upon hearing what Chen Mu said, Abrosam's pupils shrank, and he finally recognized Chen Mu:

"Are you Chi Yan Chen Mu? You weren't caught by the Navy?"

Hearing Abrosam's words, Chen Mu finally confirmed that Moria did participate in the navy's encirclement and suppression of him.

"It seems that you know nothing about what happened a few days ago."

Chen Mu looked at Absalom and said coldly.

In the past few days, they were in the Devil's Triangle and found no trace of seagulls selling newspapers.

However, there are still phone bugs in this world's communication methods, so according to Chen Mu Presumably, Moria should have received the details of his battle with the navy. However, now Abrosam asked Chen Mu, what does it mean that he was not caught by the navy ? Chen Mu got two pieces of information from this. The first piece of information is that the World Government and the Navy did not notify Moria about the failure of the pursuit of Chen Mu. Người mua: Thpshin.

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