After a few days, the world finally got a glimpse of the full picture of the Devil Fruit field, and this powerful performance also surprised some people.

Even the three CP0 members who killed the Don Quixote family cadres in seconds were dragged into the Devil Fruit field, and they were just bugs that were manipulated at will, and they could not resist at all.

The words that Buggy the Clown said to Straw Hat Luffy, the Devil Fruit has a guaranteed effect in the field, and it is useless for the Leopard Man to show a higher level of domineering, everything in the field is false.

The identity of Eren Yeager was finally revealed by the light curtain, and the ancient weapon-the King of Man fell into the hands of a pirate in the future. The Seven Warlords of the Sea nominally obeyed the call of the World Government and the Navy, but in fact, it was just like that. It is still unclear whether they can be relied on at the critical moment.

The power displayed by the Human King in the light curtain was analyzed frame by frame by the Navy. The first is that it can allow humans to use the giantization method by self-mutilation. Mahabais corresponds to the Beast Titan and Gladius corresponds to the Colossal Titan. After the Armament Haki is attached to the surface of the giant's body, it will show amazing destructive power. This ability is simply a nightmare for the Navy Vice Admiral and below.

The second point is that Gladius and Mahabais' original demonic abilities can only act on themselves, or touch the entity. With the blessing of the power of the Human King, they are temporarily given the ability to awaken the devil fruit, which has an overwhelming advantage in the battle of one side. Most of Doflamingo's cadres are devil fruit ability users.

The strength displayed by the future CP0 Kaku at the beginning can be compared with the Navy Vice Admiral. He is proficient in the Navy Six Styles, Armament Haki and Observation Haki are very mature. This kind of elite agent who is good at using physical skills is suitable for single-handedly fighting with the enemy. If it weren't for Aida's help from behind, he would most likely fall directly in the light curtain.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, who is in charge of the General Staff of Marinford, now wants to lead the women's army to Dressrosa immediately and directly eliminate the hidden danger of Doflamingo. He relied on his identity as a former Celestial Dragon to make the Navy suffer. The sooner he kills him, the less worries he will have. Maybe this old man can sleep well.

"I have hunted Doflamingo so many times, but every time I returned in vain. It's not surprising that there are spies of him in the Navy. Why didn't I think of it before? I am really old." Tsuru lamented that her youth is fleeting. She dedicated her most beautiful youth to the Navy and considered retirement. If it weren't for Marshal Sengoku's disapproval, this naturally aging woman would have quit long ago.

When Corazon was still there, Tsuru led the women's army to repeatedly capture Tian Yasha. She was always complacent and thought she had control over Doflamingo's whereabouts, but she didn't know that the other party also knew the Navy's military deployment.

Who is the traitor in the Navy's G5 sub-base? Vice Admiral Tsuru was caught in a dilemma for a moment about this issue without solid evidence. If she rashly suspected a mid-level navy officer, it would be fine if the other party was a spy, but if he was really wronged by the Navy Headquarters, it would be tantamount to the Navy slapping itself in the face. Not only would it be embarrassing on the sea, but it would also make everyone in the Navy feel insecure. She couldn't bear the blame.

The issue of spies within the Navy was not the most important. Regarding the final ownership of ancient weapons, the Navy and the World Government had different opinions. Marshal Sengoku originally went to the Holy Land of Marijoa for questioning, but then it turned into a quarrel with the Five Elders. If he didn't fight for some things, he would really be sorry for the rights given by the World Government.

"It's a waste to leave Eren Yeager in the hands of the World Government. It's better to keep him in the Navy. Even if he can't serve the Navy, at least he can't harm our interests."

Sengoku was originally the most prestigious marshal in history, much better than the previous Steel Bone Sora. After learning that he would not live for a few years, the Navy still had an acting marshal to succeed him. He became more and more tough in terms of style.

He urged Admiral Aokiji to capture the Devil's Son to atone for his crime. Today, he dared to slam the table with the Five Elders. Marshal Sengoku was desperate. He knew the news of Future's death. What was this old guy afraid of?

Guangmu said that he retired to the second line before, and then said that he died in the war on the top. There is obviously a suspicion of inconsistency, but Sengoku is more inclined to another explanation. If he lost his combat ability after the war on the top, the Navy Marshal would be honorably killed in battle. Sengoku still understood the principle that the army of mourning will win.

"The ancient weapon of the Human King has its own thoughts. If we can't use it for our own purposes, and destroy Alan's body, the devil fruit may appear somewhere else. In short, it is a big hidden danger." Satan Saint did not directly refute Marshal Sengoku's words. He knew that there was no place to imprison serious criminals in the Holy Land of Marijoa. The most ideal place was to imprison the Human King in the underwater prison.

Put Alan.Yeager was raised as a slave of the Celestial Dragons. Who knows, he might escape one day, which would only increase his hatred for the World Government.

"We don't need to argue about the issue of domain development. Allen's unfinished domains have shown that kind of strength. Other devil fruit ability users on the sea may have to go down this path."

"Alan probably learned it from Buggy the Clown. During this period, he also taught the grandson of the Navy hero. He really likes to be a teacher. Hasn't the Navy found his whereabouts in the East China Sea yet?"

"CP9 and CP0 will help your Navy to find Buggy the Clown as soon as possible. He hides in the dark and makes us passive."

The Five Elders don't pay as much attention to ancient weapons as Buggy the Clown. They have lived for so many years and have seen some things clearly in the light curtain. There are people behind the scenes pushing the Dressrosa incident.

On the surface, the Donquixote family led by Doflamingo and the Straw Hat Pirates are the protagonists of this drama, but both sides have received the help of Buggy the Clown. The Five Elders believe that these protagonists are being used by Buggy the Clown.

The Navy and the World Government have speculated on the timeline of the Iron Blood War, perhaps it was carried out simultaneously with the Dressrosa incident.

In the future, the Seven Warlords system will be abolished in a short period of time, and the high-end combat power of the Navy will be dispersed, which will lead to the stealing of the home by the Colossal Titan created by the Rumbling. This is a more logical inference.

Later, under the argument of Marshal Sengoku, the Five Elders agreed to delegate the ownership of the Human King to the Navy, but the Navy must strictly ensure the supervision of Alan and not let this dangerous person fall into the hands of the enemies of the World Government.

The Five Elders specifically asked Garp to do this guarding task. If even he can't take care of the ancient weapons, then the other navy will have no chance.

Although the Celestial Dragons have a direct subordinate Order of the Knights of God, there are not many high-end combat forces of this kind. The members of the Order of the Knights are also Celestial Dragons, so sometimes they are not very convenient to use.

After all, the Navy is a mature violent organization. At present, Altria is not the boss. They will still listen to the words of the Five Elders. With so much military expenditure approved every year as a condition, the justice established by these soldiers without a material foundation will eventually be blown away by the wind.

Admiral Kizaru, who was having fun in the Sabaody Archipelago, felt a little sweaty when he learned about Allen. Is the admiral of the Navy going to take the blame this time?

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