Alan has received a lot of sympathetic looks, but he is tired of them. Whether it is the world of the previous Attack on Titan or the world of this pirate, he will not accept the pity of others. He has his own freedom to pursue. Without Mikasa's entanglement, no one can stop him.

"Perkin disease also brings me a benefit, allowing me to develop the corresponding hardening ability"

It explains why the giant's body turns white and hardens. That is not the ability of the animal-type devil fruit. It can make the giant's body as hard as rock, and can make tangible materials also harden and become the giant's weapon. The price is that the disease of perkin disease worsens.

"Perkin disease is an incurable disease. It is a blessing that you can live until now. To completely treat this disease, you need to find a superhuman operation fruit ability. With my current medical skills, I can only delay the time of your disease."

Kureha, the doctor, has no more ways. For this patient with poison in the bone marrow, she can only use the special medicine she developed to temporarily suppress the toxicity of perkin disease. It is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure, and it prolongs the time for Alan to change his liver.

"I never thought you could completely cure me. I am already very satisfied that you can buy more time for yourself."

After saying this, Allen fell into silence. He sat alone on a chair in the corner and looked at the light curtain outside the window.

Hearing such a heavy thing, the joy of curing Nami and Sanji was replaced by the suffering that happened to Allen. Everyone else in the ward shut their mouths and chose silence because they could not say words of comfort.

Luffy suddenly hugged the shrunken Chopper from behind, tickled the armpit of the future ship doctor, and said seriously: "Alan's future may depend on this little raccoon cat for treatment. Will Chopper go to sea with me?"

"Hahaha... I'm not a raccoon cat... Hahaha... Don't tickle... If you do this... Hahaha, I won't agree... Hahaha"

Chopper laughed in Luffy's arms. If he transformed into Joe Huzi in the form of an animal-type human, he could break free from the rubber man's restraints with one punch.

"It's said on the light screen that you will be my partner in the future, and I like you very much, I must bring you on board"

Luffy's fingers did not stop moving, and kept lingering on Chopper's ticklish spot. Fortunately, he just went into the kitchen of the castle to fill his stomach, otherwise he would have eaten venison when he was hungry. Chopper is the best emergency food on the ship.

"The light screen has changed again, and it's still about Chopper." At Allen's reminder, everyone looked out the window through the glass, and the text on the light screen scrolled again, showing the latest content to the intelligent creatures around the world.

[Luffy climbed up the Drum Mountain with frozen hands, holding his injured partner in his mouth. With the efforts of the captain, Sanji and Nami were treated by Chopper. If the navigator and the cook were lost, this smart man would be lost in the sea and starved to death before reaching the Kingdom of Alabasta]

[After the doctor's careful treatment, Nami woke up at night. She was the first person in the team to see Chopper. This blue-nosed talking creature did not cause her fear, but thought he was very cute]

[Luffy wanted to take Chopper on board at first, and did not know that he was a doctor. He just thought that his multiple transformations were interesting, and it would be very interesting to invite him to the pirate ship]

[Chopper and Luffy kept running in the wind and snow. The latter chased the former and finally moved the other with enthusiasm. He successfully invited the future animal god to board the ship. During this period, he helped defeat the former king of the Drum Kingdom, Walpo, and completely liberated the island. In the future, there was a foundation for the establishment of the Sakura Kingdom]

[Future chronicles prove that Tony Tony Chopper's boarding was the best decision he made in his life If he had not experienced adventures with his best friend who loved and knew him, he would not have achieved his future success. He might have been lost in the crowd on the Drum Island, and history would not have recorded an ordinary doctor.]

[Here, let's use the Straw Hat Pirates as an example. Someone's favorability towards Chopper may also be because everyone is too good to him. The navy thinks that Chopper is a pet on the pirate ship and does not pay enough attention to this ship doctor.]

[Navigator Ms. Nami will be the richest woman on the sea in the future. The Golden Emperor Taizoro who ate the Golden Fruit is said to have one-fifth of the world's wealth. He is not worth mentioning in front of this lady.]

[When it was discovered by archaeologists in later generations, the coffin used to place her body was made of a whole Adam tree. It is estimated that the tree is a thousand years old. Not to mention the hundreds of precious gems as big as fists inlaid on it, there are more than twenty devil fruits growing next to the coffin.]

[Compared with the devil fruit illustrations, there are no ordinary devil fruits used as burial objects. The worst is also the superhuman magnetic fruit.Fruit, there are even animal-type fantasy beast devil fruits in it, and there are three natural devil fruits alone]

[After careful archaeological surveys by a large number of archaeologists, the entire island under your feet is confirmed to be the mausoleum of Ms. Nami. The area of ​​the island is probably equivalent to the former Alabasta Kingdom]

[She also used the lost technology of making historical texts, with murals and texts to fully record her legendary life. The level of detail is comparable to a logbook. Nami's personal burial treasures are countless, and it took hundreds of large ships to pull them away at one time]

[It is mainly because this female tycoon hollowed out most of the bottom of the island, digging a full seven or eight layers, and set up many fake main tombs during the period. There are as many as hundreds of burial chambers. If it weren't for the mature laser scanning technology, I almost got fooled by the tomb owner and missed the real main tomb]

[Through calculations by several of the most powerful economists, if this wealth is placed in the Great Pirate Era, and the unit of measurement of wealth is changed to Bailey, the value of Ms. Nami's burial objects will reach more than 10 trillion Baileys This is still an underestimation. Her wealth during her lifetime was truly immeasurable, and she was truly as rich as a country.]

[This kind of overwhelming wealth has a very important relationship with the Straw Hat Pirates through the interpretation of the historical texts left behind. They found the legendary huge kingdom treasure]

[Ms. Nami, who despises the poor and loves the rich, has a good relationship with Chopper and often invites him to take a bath together. Because he is a reindeer, he is not interested in human women, and Chopper prefers to take a bath with boys]

[Nami, Chopper, and Usopp are interpreted by later generations as a group of cowards. They have the lowest combat power in the Straw Hat Pirates, but they can always play an important role at critical moments. Nami, who is financially strong, fully funded Chopper's research, which allowed him to finally develop the Divine Grace Potion]

[The other people on the ship, like Ms. Nami, regarded Chopper as their most important partner. He grew up with his companions and defeated powerful enemies all the way. Without the preparation of this global voyage, he would not have the future medical wisdom, and would not be remembered by future generations in history]

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