Hoshigaki Kisame was very lucky. Because he did not set foot on the land of Marijoa at the first time, the fish-man general was not affected by the expansion of the domain.

However, here at General Kaihu, the range of the Demon-Subduing Chef had a more intuitive and clear performance. On the surface, it not only included the entire holy land of Marijoa, but also the surrounding sea surface was blocked by the domain.

Some innocent fish swam into the domain and never came out again. The constant death of their ocean friends made General Kaihu dare not approach. He had to fight for the future of the entire fish-man tribe with his life, and he must not waste it here easily.

"Is it over? This is..." After Kisame surfaced from the sea, his feet stepped on the waves. He opened his mouth in shock at the scene in front of him. The sudden situation seriously impacted his worldview.

The holy land that was intact just now disappeared in the next moment, leaving a huge hole on the red soil continent. Such a large holy land of Marijoa disappeared just like that, and disappeared completely without leaving any residue.

"No way, how could this happen!"?

In the hearts of all races, the Red Earth Continent, which is more than 10,000 meters above sea level, is towering into the clouds and has never been shaken by any creature. It is pure fantasy to want to open a hole in such a place.

Under normal circumstances, to complete the adventure of the first half of the Grand Line, you have to face the natural danger. The Red Earth Continent cuts the Grand Line into two sections. It is basically impossible to climb over it. Taking the elevator to the Red Earth Continent is a treatment only for the navy and the Celestial Dragons.

Pirates must go through the coating of the Sabaody Archipelago, pass through the hole just below the holy land Marijoa, dive into the 10,000-meter deep sea to enter Fishman Island, and use Kisame's hometown as a transit station. Only by surviving can they enter the second half of the Grand Line and continue the pirate adventure.

And today, this incident will become history forever. The Red Earth Continent, which was originally connected to the Great Line of the motherland, has now been opened with a very smooth huge hole. This is obviously man-made, and it is definitely not formed naturally.

The sea area in the first half of the Grand Line and the second half was perfectly opened up. Feeling the sea breeze blowing from the second half, Hoshigaki Kisame stood there in a daze. Even though he was a navy admiral, he was still at a loss in the face of the unknown.

However, he soon figured it out. If the Grand Line lost the obstruction of the Red Earth Continent, it would be extremely convenient for pirates and the navy to enter and exit. It is estimated that a war will break out in order to compete for this pass. The navy does not know how many people will be needed to defend this place.

If the navy can hold this pass, the navy can make a lot of money by opening tolls for pirates in the later stage. Pirates who want to go to the second half must pay the money obediently, otherwise they can only choose the old way to dive into the 10,000-meter deep sea to fight for their lives.

However, Fishman Island is the main beneficiary of this incident. After the sea conditions are completely opened up, it is estimated that the pirates would rather fight with the navy to break through the pass than dive into the 10,000-meter deep sea. The survival probability between the two cannot be compared.

Even if the final breakthrough fails, the lucky pirates have a chance to be caught by the navy and imprisoned, which is better than diving into the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters and the coating of the pirate ship is broken, and the ship and the people are crushed by the water pressure.

In the future, pirates will rarely enter Fishman Island, which has both advantages and disadvantages for Kisame's compatriots. The advantage is that they don't have to worry about being bought and sold or worrying about safety issues. The disadvantage is that they have lost the way to make money and need to find other ways to make a living.

How to feed the people of Fishman Island is a problem that Princess Otohime has to worry about. At present, Hoshigaki Kisame has more important things to do.

With the connection of the two oceans, the second half of the Grand Line formed a huge wave surging in, entering from the hollow of the hollow red soil continent, and forming a huge tsunami after a short period of energy storage.

The races living on the Sabaody Archipelago near the tsunami don't know what happened. Just now, the holy land of Marijoa and the city of Rome were fighting fiercely, but in the blink of an eye, the holy land of the Celestial Dragons disappeared directly, and the huge hole appeared in front of all civilians.

At this historic moment, the pirates, the craftsmen on the islands, the navy who stayed behind, the service staff of bars and other entertainment facilities, all looked at the hole, and everyone's mind was blank, and no one knew what happened!

"Marijoa is gone, how could the city disappear?"

"The two seas are connected, and I can actually see the second half of the ocean. Am I dreaming?"

"It seems that something is coming from the hole"!

The speed of the 100-meter tsunami is very fast. The moment it was discovered by the first person, it was close to the Sabaody Archipelago in less than a minute. All the facilities and related lives on the shore were swept into the tsunami.

A panic broke out among the crowd. In front of the tsunami, some people wanted to know where to hide. They went to higher places.Let's go. Some people climbed onto their roofs, while others carried their wives and daughters to go out to sea on a boat. These people who love life don't plan to give up.

Xia Qi, the proprietress of Shaoqi's extortion bar, held her lover's skull in her arms, with a trace of confusion in her eyes, but she soon showed a relieved smile on her face. Rather than living alone in her boudoir, it was a good choice to meet Rayleigh in the tsunami.

"Baki, is this what you want? But thank you for bringing Rayleigh back, thank you..." Xia Qi gently stroked the skull, closed her eyes and recalled her acquaintance with Rayleigh. If she didn't know this bad man, she would still be a free and easy daughter country emperor.

In the blink of an eye, the tsunami flattened the island where Xia Qi was. Faced with the natural disaster-level tsunami that had destroyed most of the island, the navy that stayed behind did not have much to do. They could only evacuate the people to flee to higher islands, but the speed of two legs alone could not catch up with the speed of the tsunami.

Half of the Sabaody Archipelago was destroyed by the tsunami in an instant, and all the remaining people fell into despair. Faced with such a terrible tsunami, the masters of the Navy Pirate World Government were powerless and could only wait for death with their eyes open.

"Are we going to die?"

"It turns out that death is so close to us"

Watching the tsunami advance rapidly, no buildings or entertainment facilities could withstand it. The roots of the big trees that maintained the existence of the Sabaody Archipelago were uprooted by the tsunami, and the land that was finally preserved was swallowed by the ocean.

When the survivors gave up hope, a loud shout from a fishman suddenly sounded in the sky, "Water escape·Water prison technique"!

A blue barrier suddenly rose around the surviving island, and the water prison technique composed of the ocean finally completed the encirclement and presented a huge transparent water ball, including all the survivors, facing the impact of the tsunami head-on.

The naturally formed tsunami hit the water prison technique, but it did not produce a breakthrough effect. It produced hundreds of obvious ripples on the outer edge of the water ball, which blocked the frontal impact of the tsunami.

The seawater rushing in from the second half of the Grand Line crossed the remaining Sabaody Archipelago, and countless schools of fish and sea kings followed the tsunami and rushed to the first half of the Grand Line.

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