【”Ding, warning, the power cabin is affected by the storm, do you want to continue to maintain full speed?”】

【”Enter overdrive mode! Increase your speed to the highest setting!”】

【Kannazuki Kyouhei calmly commanded, looking at the gray screen of the drone being disturbed and unable to detect, and couldn’t help but sigh.】

【The Yamai sisters, what a surprise!】

【”This battleship won’t crash, right?”】

【Kagano Nanashi, with her beautiful green hair, stroked her delicate lips with her index finger and took out a lipstick from her pocket to dress up.】

【”Flaxenas will not be destroyed so easily.”】

【Itsuka Kotori bit her lollipop nervously and couldn’t help but retort, her red eyes full of worry.】

【”Commander! The wind has now reached hurricane strength! It will be difficult for Flaxenas to escape!”】

【The strong middle-aged crew member reported the situation loudly, his hands were sweaty with nervousness.】

【”So that’s it…”】

【Itsuka Kotori let out a slight”tsk”, picked up the candy bar in her mouth with her fingers, savoring the sweet taste, and with a”pop”, the candy bar was gently pulled out from between her lips.】

【She has made her decision!】

【If this continues, Flaxinus may not be able to escape the fate of crashing!】

【In that case, why not just do something ruthless!】

【Switch to the cannon mode to burn and destroy ghosts, cooperate with the main gun of Fraxinus, aim at the eye of the storm and clean up the mess left by the Yamai sisters.】

【”Wait, I have a solution.”】

【The elegant and intellectual witch seemed to have seen through Itsuka Kotori’s plan, and she twirled her emerald green hair slightly with her index finger. Under the expectant gaze of everyone, a hint of joy appeared in her emerald eyes.】

【”any solution?”】

【The situation was urgent, and Gokawa Kotori didn’t care about being polite and asked directly】

【”Use Xiao Liu’er’s seal to move the entire battleship of Fraxinus to another place.”】

【Itsuka Kotori held her breath and thought about the feasibility of this method.】

【She naturally knew about the seal of Xinggong Liuku.】

【The Lord of Sealing is a conceptual angel with four different abilities.】

【Among them, the ability of”open” can even open a tunnel like a black hole, even if it is a super-large hurricane in front of you, it is no problem to transfer it to outer space.】

【But the problem is, Flaxinus doesn’t have Hoshimiya Rokuko’s contact information!】

【Kagamino Nanashi’s proposal is totally a mere decoration!】

【At such an urgent time, even if we contacted him, Hoshimiya Rokuko might not come over.】

【”Hey, hey, hey, don’t think I’m talking nonsense!”】

【Kagano Nanashi sensitively caught the contempt in Kotori’s eyes, and a feeling of unhappiness surged in her heart. She was wearing a purple tights with a hexagram pattern, and her figure was curvy. Her snow-white skin formed a sharp contrast with the dark purple clothes.】

【He took out a broom from somewhere and proudly introduced his angel.】

【”My angel is called the Fake Witch, and her liberation stage is the Thousand-Change Mirror”】

【”The Kaleidoscopic Mirror can copy the power of devil fruits and even angels. Although its power is definitely not as strong as the original, it can still accomplish small tasks like moving a battleship!”】

【Itsuka Kotori’s eyes widened. No way!? There is such a perverted ability?】

【Doesn’t this mean that she has many tricks up her sleeve?】

【When she was fighting with Tokisaki Kurumi just now, did the witch also copy her Angel Scorching Demon Destroyer?】

【Gokawa Kotori subconsciously thought of this, and her face was not very good.】

【”Ala, they are worthy of being called Seven Sins. They are really capable.~”】

【Tokisaki Kurumi covered her mouth and smiled softly, her twin ponytails of different lengths swayed gently, her crimson eyes showed a hint of praise, and she licked her lower lip slightly. 】

Marinford at six o’clock in the evening. Sengoku, wearing frog glasses, was staring at the picture on the sky with a serious face.

Although the full-scale war with the Whitebeard Pirates will start tomorrow, he, the marshal, did not make too many preparations.

Because no matter how many strategies and preparations there are, they will only appear pale and powerless when facing the strongest man in the world!

Although the navy will definitely win this time, how much will it cost, and whether the rampant pirates can be tied down after the war, these are all problems.

“Xiaohe, what do you think?”

After hearing the sexy lady dressed as a witch introduce her abilities, Zhan Guo couldn’t help but ask Vice Admiral Tsuru who was accompanying him to watch the sky in the office of the Navy Marshal.

“I’ll sit and watch.”

Lieutenant General He told a cold joke in a cold tone, crossing his hands on the table. After Zhan Guo was slightly stunned, he calmly told his thoughts.

“The witch wearing a hat has not shown much strength yet, but since she has never killed anyone, she must be a kind-hearted person.”

When talking about the kindness of the heart, Lieutenant General Tsuru paused obviously, and then continued to express his views on Kagano Nanashi.

“It doesn’t seem to match her mature appearance. Whether it’s helping without asking for anything in return or greeting Tokisaki Kurumi in a friendly way, she looks like a child whose mind is not yet fully developed.”Zhan Guo nodded slightly, agreeing with the opinion of the Navy’s chief staff, and looked at the sky with a little worry.

Vice Admiral Tsuru couldn’t help but persuade her.

“Stop looking and go to bed early. Tomorrow you will be the Admiral of the Navy and fight against Whitebeard. You can’t have dark circles under your eyes, right?”

Zhan Guo shook his head and didn’t agree.

“Although it is a parallel world, the reward of Tianmu is ultimately an unstable factor.”

“This time, our two navy members received different rewards, and we gained an additional top admiral, which is a good thing.”

“But Shiki also got a chance to be resurrected. If the speed of the Sky Curtain’s distribution is maintained, in a few years, the lonely ghosts buried in the underworld will stir up new waves on the sea again.”

Vice Admiral Tsuru did not persuade her any more. As a senior naval adviser, she could almost understand Sengoku’s feelings at the moment.

Rocks, Roger, Golden Lion, these dead pirates, may get rewards from the Sky Curtain at any time and be resurrected.

When she thought that because of the Sky Curtain’s rewards, Whitebeard returned to his peak state, Redfield returned to his youth, and Barrett escaped from prison and pushed forward the city…

Now it wasn’t just Zhan Guo who couldn’t sleep. Even Lieutenant General He couldn’t help but sigh.

【On the island, Big Bear used the power of the Meatball Fruit to create a large bubble and put all the Straw Hat Pirates inside.】

【He arrived on the Thousand Sunshine in an instant, took a look at the storm raging on the island, hesitated for a moment, and decided to abandon the ship to save the people. 】

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