【Charlotte Linlin: Oh my, there’s my daughter? This can be ruled out at a glance. A child as cute as Garrett definitely doesn’t have the guts to control the Celestial Dragons.】

【Kaido: Lingling, you are quite confident.】

【Charlotte Linlin: Of course, Kaido, my dear brother, I know my child’s character very well!】

【Kaido, the King of Beasts: Old woman, don’t be too confident!】

【Donquixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu, we can rule out Sugar. She won’t leave Dressrosa and go to Sabaody Archipelago.】

【Akainu Sakaski: In order to prevent the fruit power from being ineffective, he imprisoned me? He is indeed the notorious Tenyaksha!】

【Aokiji Kuzan: Ah la la la, imprisonment, it sounds like a terrible word】

【Red-Haired Shanks: Since two options have been ruled out, the only ones left are Reiju and Miku.】

【Ben Beckman: No, Shanks, we cannot rule out the possibility of interference from a parallel world. No one knows whether the people in the parallel world have the same personality as the people in this world.】

【Vegapunk: Very smart, worthy of being Shanks’ right arm】

【Vegapunk: Indeed, according to my research, people in parallel worlds may have some changes in their personalities due to different things.】

【Vegapunk: Although everyone I have seen so far is consistent with your impression, there are bound to be mutants and the like.】

【Vegapunk: For example, the little girl named Sucrose killed Doflamingo and traveled alone, which is not impossible.】

【Sugar: You are so mean, old man! Why do you slander my loyalty to the young master?】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: It’s okay, Sugar. I believe that as my family, you will not betray me.】

【Sugar: Young Master~】

【Taotu Garden: So, relying solely on our subjective impressions is not reliable at all!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Mmmmm, just like lunch, I have no idea what lunch will be today.】

【Vegapunk: By the way, the person named Yui Miku is very likely also an elf.】

【Vice Admiral Tsuru: Is it because there is a number in the name?】

【Vegapunk: As expected of a senior adviser to the Navy, he is smart.】

【Monkey·D·Garp: Hahaha, just pick one at random. Anyway, we have so many people in the navy, so we can always pick the right one.】

Sengoku slapped his head, and his words woke him up.

There are so many people in the navy, and they can guess the answer without thinking. As long as they react fast enough, they can definitely win all the rewards this time.

Not bad, Garp finally did something great.

Sengoku nodded with satisfaction and sent a message in the chat room.

【Buddha’s Warring States: All navy listen up, no matter what the answer you think of, you must answer it as quickly as possible! 】

Before the navy could refresh the screen, the sky curtain system popped up first

【Ding, a rule loophole was detected】

【Turn on the kick-out mode. Those who are not strong enough, have insufficient reputation, or have insufficient fate will all be kicked out.】

【Ding, congratulations to Smokey Smoker for getting the qualification to stay in the chat room】

【Ding, congratulations to Arlong from the Dragon Pirates for being kicked out of the chat room】

【Ding, congratulations to Colonel Mouse for being kicked out of the chat room】

【Ding, congratulations to Qiang Gao for winning the qualification to stay in the chat room】

【Ding, congratulations to Marshal Zhan Guo for discovering a loophole in the rules and getting the mute package (30-minute deluxe version)】

【Ding, congratulations to Redfield, stay in the chat room…】……..

In an instant, the number of people left in the chat room was less than one percent of the previous number.

Only a dozen or so famous strongmen were left in the Big Mom Pirates.

A bunch of small fry were kicked out of the Beasts Pirates.

On the Navy side, all the soldiers below the rank of colonel were kicked out, except for a few who stayed because they had more roles.

【Charlotte Lingling: Warring States, c, n, m!】

【Kaido: Dogcoin Warring States, go Sima! You are a scourge to people!】

【Red-haired Shanks: Wow, that’s awesome, Admiral Sengoku was able to kick out so many people by himself.】

【Whitebeard: Gulala, you are really great for making my lovely sons lose the opportunity to speak in the chat room!】

Zhan Guo’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

Even as a navy admiral, facing the anger of the four sea emperors, he still felt a little sad.

He was afraid that if he went out without the three admirals as bodyguards, the four emperors would join forces to beat him with bamboo sticks, tie him up in a sack and take him away, and then whip him in public.

【Buddha’s Warring States Period: cough cough cough, it’s all a misunderstanding】

【Buddha’s Warring States: The time for answering questions is almost up, so let’s answer them first. 】

Seeing that Warring States obviously changed the subject, the four emperors did not immediately pursue it.

The most important thing now is to answer the questions.

Kaido sat in the palace on the ghost island, drinking wine without any image, looking at the sky with hazy eyes

“Damn, he’s really smart, the Admiral of the Navy is really a little cutie!”

Kaido didn’t hesitate at all and scolded Sengoku for a full half minute.

“Hiccup~ I don’t know if the reward from the sky curtain can make me stronger!”

“Hahaha, I’m really looking forward to it!”

【Ding, the question-answering time is about to begin, please be ready】



【Start answering questions】

【Rocks·D·Jibek: Choose D! The title of the weird monk is not normal!】

【Pirate King Roger: Hahaha, choose B. Lingling’s daughter is an old acquaintance after all.】

【Pluto Rayleigh: Hey, hey, hey, Roger! You’re just relying on your instincts!】

【Pirate King Roger: What does it matter? It’s all just guesswork.

Rayleigh was speechless, but then he thought, this is also Roger’s style

【Charlotte Katakuri: Choose C】

【Kizaru Borsalino: I also choose C~ As for the elves, I feel that this will be the answer for the version.】

【Redfield: No matter how you look at it, the elves are the most suspicious, right? Controlling the Celestial Dragons and so on, this Yui Miku is indeed the most suspicious existence, choose C】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufu, C, Yuiya Miku】

【Red-haired Shanks: If she can get along with my daughter, she should also be a singer, so I will choose C. 】

A lot of people chose the girl named Yui Miku, and only a few people chose the strange monk Urouge.

On the contrary, Charlotte Garrett, many strong men of the old times believed that it was entirely possible for Big Mom’s daughter to be able to control the terrible situation of the Celestial Dragons.

After all, Big Mom used to be quite crazy.

She smashed the giant elder with one punch and smashed the nun’s skull with one kick.

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