Two days later, the Navy announced that it had five admirals when the heat had just passed.

The news about the Whitebeard Pirates quickly swept across the sea like a raging storm.

This time it was not only the major powers, but even the news reached the first half of the great channel.

“Have you heard?” Recently, the Whitebeard Pirates have been doing things again. ”

“Whitebeard Pirates? Just the pirate group that is now being hunted down by one of the four emperors around the world? ”

“That’s right, this time they attacked six naval branches a few days ago.

After announcing the fourth and fifth generals, the Navy sent twenty warships to pursue the Whitebeard Pirates, which resulted in the near total annihilation of the army on Kers Island, leaving only six ships to flee back to the Navy headquarters. ”

“How is that possible? Doesn’t that mean that the Whitebeard Pirates are now the defeated generals? Even Whitebeard was now in a state of being seriously injured and dying, and his current state was still able to defeat the strength of twenty warships in the Navy. ”

“Absolutely true, I can guarantee, and it is said that this time not only the warships lost a lot, but even the admiral killed three of them.”


In the Navy Headquarters, the Admiral urgently convened a high-level meeting of the Navy.

“How is that possible? Although Hawkeye Mihawk visions go his own way, he should not turn to the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Vice Admiral Tsuru has always been a wise man in the Navy, and he was a little surprised to hear the news that Hawkeye Mihawk had taken action for the Whitebeard Pirate this time.

The faces of the others were not very good-looking, and this time not only did the Navy lose face again, but even lost a lot of strength.

This time the result was undoubtedly a blow to the recruits of the Navy.

“Pirates are pirates, they can never be recruited, even if they become the Seven Martial Seas, they are also pirates.”

Red Dog said with a serious look on his face that he did not have the slightest good feeling for those pirates, even the Seven Martial Seas that had been registered by the World Government, in his opinion, killing all the pirates was the best choice.

Hearing Red Dog’s words, the green pheasant on the other side frowned slightly, but did not say anything more, everyone present understood Red Dog’s temper, this guy is not tolerated pirates at all.

“This time not only us, but also a CP0 member of the world government is also dead and injured, and I have already submitted the reward order of Hawkeye Mihawk to the world government, and this time see what they say.”

The Sengoku did not oppose the opinion of the Red Dog this time, glanced at the crowd and nodded his head, and said seriously.

No one present made any more noise, and as the Seven Martial Seas, even the world government could not help him with what he was doing this time.

The entire conference room sank. Everyone has their own thoughts

“What are we going to do this time? Do you still have the Bearded Pirates? If the captains of the Hawkeye Mihawk and Whitebeard Pirates were there, it would be very difficult for our men to stop them unless they sent a general. ”

Finally, the weasel could not help but make a sound, the best of the admirals, he was speaking for the lieutenant generals, if he continued to let the lieutenant general lead the fleet to pursue the Whitebeard Pirates, even if he could catch up with them, it was estimated that it would be the same result this time.

For the weasel’s words, everyone agreed.

“Lieutenant General Squirrel is right, the lieutenant general is pursuing the pirate ship of the Four Emperors, even if Whitebeard is the end of the strong bow, but he still has so many captains, but the other side has no less than the strength of the lieutenant general, I think it is time to send a general.”

Vice Admiral Tsuru next to him also nodded, the whole world knows that the Navy now has five generals, and it is time to show the strength of the Admiral.

Hearing Lieutenant General Tsuru’s proposal, Sengoku, who was still a little hesitant, also made a decision.

“Red Dog, you and Kapu together, and the two of you will bring the backup general Peach Rabbit and the Tea Dolphin to hunt down and hunt down the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Sengoku looked at the red dog and said to the red dog with a serious face.

Then Sengoku looked at Kapu again.

“You’re all right, right?” Sengoku asked again toward Kapu.

“Is it useful for me to say there’s a problem?” Kapu took a deep look at the Warring States, looked at his serious appearance and couldn’t help but roll his eyes, and at the same time said a word in his mouth.

Sengoku seemed to have expected Kapu to say this, just like Kapu’s words, it was impossible to calculate that Kapu did not want to go.

Now I don’t know what the reason is, not long after Whitebeard was seriously injured, the other three four emperors seem to have been quiet a lot recently, most of Whitebeard’s original territory has been absorbed by them, now there can be no more chaos, the Green Pheasant, the Yellow Ape and the newly recruited two generals need to temporarily sit in the New World.

“That’s fine, it’s settled.”

“The meeting is over, and the meeting is adjourned.”

Finally, Sengoku nodded, then stood up and directly announced the end of the meeting, and then directly got up and left the conference room first.

Everyone got up and left, but Red Dog and Karp stayed behind.

“According to the information I got, Roger One Piece’s son is inside the Whitebeard Pirates.”

Looking at the white beard, the red dog said something inexplicably.

“That’s just right, to be able to encircle and suppress the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, and to be able to do one more great deed.”

When Kapu heard the words of the red dog, he seemed to be very happy, and grinned at the red dog, “The red dog will come on, the old man is old, but he may not be able to take the lead when the time comes.” ”

As he spoke, Karp picked up the tea and snacks on the table and left the conference room.

At this time, the white-bearded pirate group that caused the sea to shake here had sunk into the deep sea below ten thousand meters at this time.

“It’s beautiful.”

Violet stood half a step back on Roa’s side, looking at the bubbling underwater kingdom in the distance, and said happily.

“Yes, not only is the mermaid island beautiful, but the mermaids in it are also naturally beautiful, Captain Roa, you can just ,,,。”

Marco answered, but before he could finish speaking, he noticed Violet’s cannibalistic eyes and immediately frightened him back. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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