"Fluctuating elbow strike!"

After all, he is the second-in-command under Blackbeard, and his reaction speed is not inferior at all, although he is just blocking the car with his mantis arm.

The huge metal instrument from Bashas's arm emits bursts of gas, and suddenly bombards Li Luos who is chasing behind him. The latter just blocked it slightly, and then the huge green fist was shot directly into the ground.

"What kind of strange power does this guy have? hateful."Bashas marveled at the opponent's strength, but just when he was preparing how to escape, Ross Lee arrived again.

The aura of the Hulk was so heavy that Bashas did not dare to move at all. Seeing this, Ross Lee was also rude and huge. He lifted Bashas up with his palm, and then the frightening smile made Bashas understand that the newspaper president in front of him was not at the same level as him, and he also knew in hindsight. It was too late.

Basas was thrown uncontrollably, and then Li Luosi took the opponent's feet and threw them back and forth wildly. After falling to the ground, he fell on Basas again. After a few jumps and an almost crushing beating, Li Luosi fell to Basas, who was lying on the ground like a dead dog, for about ten minutes. Ross smiled knowingly, immediately released his transformation mode, and took out the must-have camera.

"Come, look here."Los Li grabbed Bashas's head with a smile on his face and gave a victory sign to the camera.


"Well, let’s wait for tomorrow’s news headlines."Li Luosi said to Bashas with a smile on his face.

"My spine was probably broken by this guy. It was so... so shameful."Bashas shed tears of regret.

"Is it just hemiplegia? Why are you still crying? Come on, look at the camera."Los Li took pictures of Basas again, not missing the slightest detail.

Then, Basas was dragged away like a dead dog by Ross Li and imprisoned in a temporarily prepared prison.

The troublemaker was After the guy was done with it, Ross Lee started to choose titles and photos.

"Well, this one is indeed better."Li Luosi took the photos in his hand and compared them one by one.

The next day, Li Luosi's promise came as promised.

《Bashas who was beaten into a dog? Blackbeard, this big black dog, was so angry that he became constipated!"

The report spread like a whirlwind around the world.

At the same time, news also came out that Bashas was arrested by the navy.

And the instigator of all this is the mysterious newspaper president.

Suddenly, all forces exploded.

The navy, government, and pirates are all full of doubts about this"newcomer" who is rising like a new star.

Originally, in the eyes of the big shots, the other party was just a small character with some intelligence skills.

But I didn't expect the strength to be so strong.

Everyone started to pay more attention to this mysterious president.


"Who is this guy? Where did you come up with this damn title?"The one who spoke was Blackbeard who smashed the table angrily.


The crew members under the banner were all confused. No one could speak, and they didn't know how to deal with the current situation.

After all, their captain was ridiculed as a big black dog, and they didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Blackbeard snorted:"Forget it, let Bashas stay in prison for a while. What's more important now is Whitebeard's matter. Let the arrogant president stay for two more days. It won't be too late to deal with him after my plan is completed."

After saying that, the Blackbeard Pirates disappeared into the darkness again.

However, no matter what he did, he could not stop the fact that the sales of Lee Ross's newspapers surged.

The recent world is destined to be extraordinary. First there was the battle between Ace and Blackbeard, and now the champion Bashas has been arrested and imprisoned. The sea has never been peaceful for a moment.

But peace is not a scene that Li Luosi wants to see.

As a newspaper staffer, if no incident occurs, it means that he has no chance to gain reputation points.

This was especially true when he discovered that the Blackbeard Pirates had been silent for many days and seemed to have no plans to continue taking action against him.

"It seems that that guy is hiding somewhere and plotting something. I'm afraid there won't be much opportunity to get hot points from him recently."Li Luosi smiled slightly and thought to himself.

So, he decided to find another way and began to constantly recall what was going to happen in the near future.

"Robin? Straw Hat Pirates Luffy?"

Suddenly, he remembered that tomorrow seems to be the time for Luffy and the others to go to Justice Island to rescue Robin.

"OK, it’s decided! Just take this incident and make the headlines! Ross Lee said excitedly.

The next day, as expected, Ross Lee's memory was not wrong.

The Luffy Pirates appeared on Judiciary Island, and when other colleagues were not aware of the incident, he had already taken action.

In advance Ross Lee, who had foreseen this incident, had already rushed to Judiciary Island, preparing to take some photos for publication. After a whole day, Luffy and others finally completed their respective tasks, although the cost was not small. Fortunately, Robin was rescued in the end.

The entire process was captured by Ross Li. After all, photos were more convincing than words when the incident happened. They started printing and taking photos and publishing newspapers, which was a step ahead of other newspapers.

Moreover, there was still a slight gap in the newspaper published by Ross, which actually contained the mystery of Robin's life experience that triggered all the events.!

Ross Lee thought that since Robin was the main character in this incident, everyone must be curious about Robin, so Ross Lee decided to use Robin's life experience as the front page of the newspaper. Son, the only survivor of O'Hara" was used as the title.

People were surprised by the truth of the matter.

Unexpectedly, Robin was a scholar born in the archaeological holy land of O'Hara, and she was the only survivor of O'Hara.

, everyone else on the island was persecuted by the Demon-Slaying Order back then, and no one was spared, and all of this was related to Spandam, the government official who abused his position and issued the Demon-Slaying Order by mistake.

Luffy's feat of burning the flag of the World Government and openly making an enemy of the world was reported by Ross Lee without any modification.

At the same time, Luffy defeated Lucci, the most powerful CP9 captain in the Enies Hall on Judiciary Island. The news was spread, as well as the photo of the two fighting fiercely, and it was the scene where Luffy punched Luci out of breath. The scene was very hot

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