A few minutes later, Luo Cheng left the infinite hell.

As soon as we left, we saw Magellan coming towards us.

Magellan frowned slightly when he saw Luo Cheng.

He really didn’t like this admiral, especially since Luo Cheng had just arrived and killed several pirates.

The pirates here have the final say in life and death. When will it be Luo Cheng’s turn?

Even if Luo Cheng is a naval admiral

“Luo Cheng, I heard that you just killed a few pirates. I have the final say over the pirates in Impel Down City. I hope you won’t do it casually next time.”

Luo Cheng looked at the high-spirited Magellan and couldn’t help but rolled his eyes.

“Magellan, although you are not under the control of the Navy Headquarters, you may not know that even a few veterans of the Five Old Stars have no control over my affairs.”

To be honest, Luo Cheng didn’t originally intend to deny Magellan the face of”Seven Zero Zero”.

But he had to establish his position, otherwise it would be difficult to get around in Impel Down City in the future.

Who would listen to him?

Magellan was surprised. His mouth opened wide, and Hannibal behind him also looked confused.

He was so arrogant, and he spoke ill of the Five Old Stars so unscrupulously.

He didn’t give the Five Old Stars any face.

Magellan didn’t even know what to say, Luo If Chengdu doesn’t give Wulaoxing face, he will definitely not give him face. No matter how much he talks, Luo Cheng will not be obedient.

If a fight really breaks out, it would be inappropriate.

It is better to report Wulaoxing and let Wulao Star handles this matter himself

“I will inform the World Government about this matter.”

Magellan said harsh words, turned around and left.

In the next period of time, Luo Cheng will be in Impel Down City every day, and then go to see those pirates.

He will basically find those pirates who are relatively powerful. Then they would be severely punished and tortured to force them to reveal the location of the treasure.

Once the treasure was found, Luo Cheng would leave Impel Down City alone and find the treasures.

As long as the treasures could be found, he would give them to those seafarers. The thieves added chicken legs and some wine, just to make the pirates take the initiative.

The plan was very successful. Many pirates revealed where they buried their treasures in order to live a better life.

Magellan couldn’t control this.

Time After a long time, Magellan also knew about Luo Cheng’s perversion, so he stopped interfering in the matter and pretended that he knew nothing.

Apart from these pirates, Luo Cheng’s main target was the big pirates in Infinite Hell.

These pirates are the rich ones.

In addition to Barrett, Luo Cheng also took down World Destroyer Bondivold, Red Earl Redfield.

There are also some other pirates he knows.

Those he doesn’t know Thieves, Luo Cheng didn’t take it to heart, and he didn’t even take the initiative to talk to these people.

There was no need to waste energy on a bunch of poor people.

After a while, Luo Cheng had almost dealt with it, and he was ready to have a big riot. Release all these pirates. Only after releasing these pirates can he collect a sum of money.

After Luo Cheng made the decision, he began to prepare. It was not easy to release these pirates. He couldn’t go there by himself. Open the door.

You can only do it secretly.

On this day, Luo Cheng patrolled the Infinite Hell as usual. When he passed by the pirates, he gave them some looks.

Barrett and others, including Barrett, noticed Luo Cheng’s eyes, and instantly Understood, Luo Cheng was ready to help them escape.

Although they had some doubts about Luo Cheng’s purpose, they didn’t think too much. Being able to leave here alive was the most important thing.

That night, a group of soldiers dedicated themselves to the sea of infinite hell. The thief brought food.

After Barrett and his party took the food, they were not in a hurry to eat it. They waited until the soldiers left before picking up the food.

Then they rummaged through it and quickly found a key.

The key happened to be held by Barrett. Found it.

Barrett coughed lightly. Several pirates nearby heard Barrett’s cough and stopped looking. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is also The agreement between them and Luo Cheng was that the person who got the key was responsible for placing it with others.

Neither Barrett nor Redfield refused Luo Cheng.

They knew very well that just a few of them, There is no way to fight out. We must unite together to be qualified to leave here.

At night, many people have fallen asleep[]

Especially the soldiers inside Impel Down City slept soundly because they never thought that someone would escape from prison………..

And it was their people who helped with the jailbreak.

In the middle of the night, Barrett suddenly opened his eyes, opened the handcuffs, and moved around.

After a while, Barrett pushed open the cell door and threw the key to the people in other cells.

These are the people Luo Cheng said would escape from prison with him

“Barrett, why did you come out?”

A pirate discovered Barrett and couldn’t help shouting.

Other pirates also discovered Barrett one after another.

These pirates were quite shocked. Soon, they discovered that the pirates in several other cells The thieves all came out of their cells.

These pirates actually escaped from prison together.

“Come on, let us go”

“Yes, take us with you, I can be your subordinate.”

Many pirates were shouting loudly.

But Barrett ignored these people and made preparations on his own, ready to go at any time.

Soon, all the top pirates who had made an agreement with Luo Cheng were released.

Barrett, Redfield, and Bondiwold are all the top pirates in the world. There are also some who, although not top, are also extremely vicious pirates.

Once these pirates reach the sea, they will definitely cause trouble. There was an uproar.

But to Luo Cheng, it was nothing at all.

As long as he could live a better life, other people had nothing to do with him.

There are so many 2.2 pirates in this sea, and the most terrifying one is the World Government. Too entangled If there are too many, it is better to live a better life.

On the other side, the soldiers who were guarding also passed the surveillance and found the pirates who were about to escape from prison, and their expressions changed instantly.

“No, there are pirates preparing to escape from prison, everyone, be careful.”

A shrill siren instantly spread throughout Impel Down City. Countless people heard the sound, and their faces instantly turned pale.

A large number of soldiers immediately picked up their weapons and returned to their posts, preparing to suppress the pirate riot.

It’s just that these soldiers have rarely experienced such a scene, so they were a little panicked and couldn’t react for a while.

Magellan hurriedly put on his clothes and prepared to go out to suppress the riot.

As for Luo Cheng, he was still resting in the room.

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