A pirate ship without a pirate flag in the West Sea is sailing towards Upside Down Mountain.

And this was originally the pirate ship

of the Alexander Pirates, as the notorious wanted criminal in the West Sea-Alexander Petrive

, I burned, killed and looted, did all kinds of evil, fake!

I am as cunning as a fox, I have never been caught by the navy, and every time the navy cleans up,

I can get out of my shell

After a long time, I became a pirate worth 20 million


not only with 800 pirate subordinates, but also ten pirate ships, which can be regarded as monstrous in the West Sea,


The subordinates did not know whether they were alive or dead, but he was left with three or five of his subordinates and the pirate ship at his feet

, and then he Alexander Petriv was actually held hostage by a

cat! Is there anything more funny in the world

? What kind of cat are you talking about? It's the kind of cat demon that is hard to describe, upright,

and even spitting! "What do you think!

How long?"

Meowth looked at the distracted helmsman and asked unhappily.

She was studying the treasure map she had obtained from the Alexander Pirates at

this time, and suddenly noticed that the rough-faced man in front of her dared to be lazy under her nose?

"My lord, it's almost here, and we will enter the great voyage in three days!"

At this time,

they were getting closer and closer to the Upside Down Mountain The entrance to the Great Voyage is at

the top of the Upside-Down Mountain, and the guiding light points to the Upside Down Mountain on the Red Earth

, because of the ocean currents, if all the sea water from

the four seas flows to this mountain, then the currents of the four seas will converge along the canal to the top of the mountain, and then flow to the Great Route,

but if the ship does not enter the correct current

Then the pirate ship will definitely crash into the mountain and shatter the bones, and

now the Alexander pirate ship is already on the current

, as for the danger, Alexander Petriv has already reported it,

but the other party told him not to worry.

Alexander Petriv wiped the sweat from his forehead, and

every god could be discovered, when will this cat demon be taken away by its owner?

Meow Meow looked at the rough-faced man in front of him suspiciously, would the pirates be so honest?

Three days ago, Shixiang, who was flying on the sea, found himself lost in the sea

, only a map, no pointer and no way to control the direction

, at this time,

he happened to meet a group of pirates robbing the market town

Before they could start their actions, Shika slashed without saying a word

, and Shika was afraid for a while, but fortunately he deviated a little, and almost smashed the innocent town!

Later, after Shika said his problem

, the rough-faced man hurriedly said that he was a navigator and a helmsman,


could help Shika enter the great voyage.

So Toka and Meowth boarded Alexander's pirate ship.

As for Toka, she also slept in the back of the ship, and there were five of Alexander's deputies on board.

Their faces were now gloomy, without their usual arrogance and violence

, and although they had been held hostage to enter the Great Voyage, they were at least alive,

at least much better than their companions!

Through the binoculars, it was discovered that the man was actually standing on the water, oh no, on the ice.

He is tall and wears a white blazer and dark blue shirt.

Dressed in a navy coat - "It's a Navy !!"

Kim Sane hurriedly ran to the cockpit.


Captain Navy!" Alexander

Petriv was at the helm at this time, and was startled by Kim Sane's recklessness

, he looked at the cat demon on the side and hurriedly corrected: "This cat god is the captain!"

Kim Sane hurriedly turned his head and reported to Meow Meow: "Cat God,

the navy! There is a navy ahead!".

Meow Meow was more lacking in common sense than Shika, and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong with

the navy?"

Kim Saneaya and Alexandra Petrive's jaws fell to the ground in surprise,

"We are pirates! Of course we have to run away when we meet the navy

!" "My sister and I are not pirates!"

Meow Meow said as a matter of course.

"However, ordinary people have to apply to the world government to go out to sea, and we have not applied for it. Kim Sane said.

"And the other day your master spread to the outskirts of Cannes, although there were no civilian casualties

, and although the Alexander Pirate Flag was torn down, this is still a pirate ship......"

Alexander Petriv didn't continue,

but Meowth understood.

And Shika was also invited to the cockpit by another pirate to see this scene

, she frowned slightly, looked at Alexander Petriv and said, "We are defined as pirates?"

Alexander Petriv saw that Shika didn't like to offend and hurriedly started brainstorming,

but only came up with a remedy.

"If we don't enter the Great Voyage, then your lordship will have room to maneuver. "

That can't be!" Meowth retorted directly, no one could stop her from finding the treasure.

"This can't work," Toka didn't want to be persuaded to retreat by a navy on her trip.

Of course, the most urgent thing is the system, but it is relieved to see Toka's decision.

"Wait, Sane, you say it's just a navy?" asked Alexander Petriv, who suddenly remembered something.

"yes, what's the problem, boss?" Alexandre

Petriv punched Kim Sane into a blue eye.

Kim Sane looked at the boss innocently, he didn't know what he had done wrong.

"Wouldn't it be better for a navy to ignore him, or blow him up! I thought a warship was coming!" roared

Alexander Petriv in a frustrated rage.

"But, that navy seems to be a Devil Fruit powerhouse! He can actually stand on water

, oh no, it's on ice!" Alexander

Petriv was stunned for a moment, and the anger just now was relieved

, "Tell me,

what does he look like?"

"Don't talk nonsense! don't you come out and see?" On

the deck, Alexander Petriv saw the Navy in the distance through a telescope.

"Big big - "

"Big big

"It's the Admiral!" said

Alexander Petriv, as if he had lost all his heart

, and fell to the deck with a soft step, and

Kim Sane on the side hurriedly supported his boss.

But he himself softened, and even reacted half a beat slower.


Toka and Meow Meow were indifferent, what's wrong?Is this man brutal

?How did you scare these pirates?

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